Sunday 19th of January 2025


hockey's magic...



Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey says the Coalition will repeal any tax cuts brought in as compensation for the carbon tax if it is elected to government.

Last week, the Government's chief climate change advisor, Ross Garnaut, suggested wide-ranging tax reform as a way to ensure households are not left out of pocket when a price is put on carbon.

Pensioners and others who pay no tax would be given increased benefits.

Speaking on commercial radio today, Prime Minister Julia Gillard agreed some prices would rise under a carbon tax, but said compensation "could be provided through tax cuts".

a late surge .....

a late surge .....

Another scandal has engulfed the state government with a senior public servant referred to the corruption watchdog over a $12 million land deal involving a developer with links to senior ministers, including the Transport Minister, John Robertson.

An immediate investigation into the chief executive of the Land and Property Management Authority, Warwick Watkins, has been ordered by the Premier's Department over his role in the last-minute purchase by the government of the historic Currawong site at Pittwater from the developer Eco-Villages Pty Ltd.

painful pyne




And this fellow is shadow minister for educashum... The audience, I believe, boooooooed him when he said this crap about the bible. It would be funny if he was a joke but he's for real...A REAL JOKE...


All education should be public and godless... Science should be the major push... not the arty-farty "sciences" of "XXXpolitics" and ZZZ"economy"... nor YYYreligion...


keeping us safe .....

keeping us safe .....

Police rushed a pair of officers in a marked car to a park after two young sisters were spotted picking daffodils.

Sienna Marengo, four, was seen picking flowers with six-year-old stepsister Olivia in Poole, Dorset.

A member of the public reported them to police and two constables attended and advised the girls' mother, Jane Errington, that she and her partner, Marc Marengo, could be arrested for criminal damage.

The couple expressed anger at the "heavy-handed" response and accused police of wasting time.

the gall of it all...


We pander to the snobbish middle-class at the expense of other school-leavers.

We like to fancy ourselves as being a great nation of egalitarians. Yet when you look closely, we do not always pass the test. Nobody sensible believes that equality of opportunity should mean equality of outcome. But we do like to think that we treat people equally. That we are ''fair''.

going nuts with laughing gas...

going nuts

Washington vs. the Merciless

It is hard to read the news from Japan to the Persian Gulf and then reflect on American politics and not conclude, as scientists would say, that we’re running an uncontrolled experiment on the only country and planet we have. And what is that experiment? We’re basically taunting — there is no other word for it — the two most merciless forces on earth: the market and Mother Nature.

margaret added...

margaret added

WOOLWORTHS is being taken to court for the use of the phrase Honest to Goodness in its latest advertising campaign starring cooking doyenne Margaret Fulton.

An independent organic food supplier is alleging the supermarket chain's latest marketing push launched a fortnight ago infringes its intellectual property.

A hearing between Sydney organic and natural food trader Organic Marketing Australia, which trades as Honest to Goodness, and Woolworths is set down for a hearing in the Sydney Federal Court tomorrow.

US prisons of shame...


The spectre of Bradley Manning lying naked and alone in a tiny cell at the Quantico Marine Base, less than 50 miles from Washington, DC, conjures up images of an American Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib, where isolation and deprivation have been raised to the level of torture.

In fact, the accused Wikileaker, now in his tenth month of solitary confinement, is far from alone in his plight. Every day in the US, tens of thousands of prisoners languish in "the hole".

memory of life...


picture of the moon on 19/03/11... by Gus

the nuclear dilemma...

nuclear dilema

The economics of new nuclear power plants is a controversial subject, since there are diverging views on this topic, and multi-billion dollar investments ride on the choice of an energy source. Nuclear power plants typically have high capital costs for building the plant, but low fuel costs.

it's wednesday... it must be belgium...

palin does india

What is Sarah Palin doing in India?

The former vice-presidential nominee and Alaska governor is famously travel-shy and a largely unknown entity in the subcontinent.

Though her reality Alaska TV show premiered this month (aired on Monday nights) it doesn't appear to have been a hit with audiences addled on political scandals, cricket and soap. People are not even sure what Ms Palin knows about and thinks of India. "I am very excited to visit India," she has been quoted as saying in what appears to be her only observations on the country so far. "Americans have a great respect for the world's largest democracy."

spy vs spooks in books...

spy vs spooks...

(an earlier cartoon repeated)...

Fed up with those popular images of the female secret agent, Ms. Wilson decided to draft her own. Eight years after her cover was blown by the political columnist Robert Novak, she has signed a book deal with Penguin Group USA to write a series of international suspense novels, with a fictional operative, Vanessa Pearson, at the center. Ms. Wilson will write them with Sarah Lovett, a best-selling author of mysteries, who also lives in Santa Fe.

The idea for the books, Ms. Wilson said, “was born out of my frustration and continuing disappointment in how female C.I.A. officers are portrayed in popular culture.”

labor hero .....

labor hero .....

When the Labor Party's national secretary announced his resignation on Wednesday, Julia Gillard put out a glowing tribute to the man. It unwittingly encapsulated the central problem facing Labor.

The Prime Minister thanked Karl Bitar for his efforts that "helped us be re-elected in 2010 allowing us to deliver our plans to make Australia a stronger and fairer society". In just 20 words, Gillard said so much, and so much wrong.

The party's looming death as a stand-alone political entity is the biggest story in contemporary Australian politics.

Labor's end - that's all, folks

the art of social "science" in refereeing...


A South Sydney game sky...

from David Brooks

Researchers have been looking into these subtle paraconversations, and in this column I’m going to pile up a sampling of their recent findings. For example, Tobias J. Moskowitz and L. Jon Wertheim wrote a fantastic book excerpt in Sports Illustrated explaining home-field advantage. Home teams win more than visiting teams in just about every sport, and the advantage is astoundingly stable over time. So what explains the phenomenon?

on 'no-fly zones' .....

on 'no-fly zones' .....

The other night I watched as a Libyan 'rebel', brandishing a heavy machine gun, screamed for foreign intervention to stop Gaddafi from attacking civilians like himself. Very credible indeed.

Whilst it may seem like a highly unlikely scenario, if a few thousand Australians, fed-up with the tyranny of our corrupt parliamentary system & its leaders, somehow broke into a military arms depot & took to the streets in armed revolt, wouldn't we expect our government to move swiftly to crush such a rebellion? How is Libya any different?

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