Saturday 18th of January 2025


no trills and thrils for krill...

no thrill for krill


A 20-year study shows worrying results about the decline of krill, a form of plankton, in the Southern Ocean.

Plankton is the basic food source for almost all ocean dwelling creatures and krill is one of its most important forms.

The scientist leading the krill project, Dr Graham Hosie, says he cannot explain the drop in numbers.

But Dr Hosie says he is hoping to get some answers from the latest scientific expedition to Antarctica, which departs from Hobart today.

About 90 scientists and support staff have boarded the research ship Aurora Australis.

the buzzers of death...



Possibly James Packer's raid on the Ten Network has nothing to do with controlling lucrative sports broadcasting rights - possibly he is just a fan of The Simpsons.

Whatever the motivation of the media mogul who renounced mogul-hood only to assume it again in the past couple of days, the body language in Canberra yesterday was fascinating.

Sure-sign No. 1 of inter-planetary Packer activity: Malcolm Turnbull looking nostalgic, almost like he could launch into risque anecdotes at a family wedding.

yikes hikes...


Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey has foreshadowed the Coalition might find the numbers in Parliament to act against banks that raise interest rates above the level recommended by the Reserve Bank.

He has criticised Treasurer Wayne Swan for not being effective in preventing the banks from lifting rates by more than the increase in the cash rate.

Mr Hockey says there are other levers Mr Swan should be using, including punitive ones, and he says the Parliament might act if the Government does not.

an act of treason .....


act of treason .....

The Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, & the Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, both stood up in our nation's Parliament today & boldly, deliberately & directly lied to the Australian people about the need for Australia to maintain its military presence in Afghanistan.

In perpetrating this foul & obscene act of theatre in the guise of a 'debate', I believe both are guilty of treason, the ultimate act of betrayal.

keeping up with the joneses...

catching up with the joneses
Income Inequality: Too Big to IgnoreBy ROBERT H. FRANK

PEOPLE often remember the past with exaggerated fondness. Sometimes, however, important aspects of life really were better in the old days.

During the three decades after World War II, for example, incomes in the United States rose rapidly and at about the same rate — almost 3 percent a year — for people at all income levels. America had an economically vibrant middle class. Roads and bridges were well maintained, and impressive new infrastructure was being built. People were optimistic.

foreclosuregate .....

foreclosuregate .....

The foreclosure fraud crisis seems to escalate with each passing now. It is being reported that all 50 U.S. states have launched a joint investigation into alleged fraud in the mortgage industry. This is a huge story that is not going to go away any time soon.

different dog: same old fleas .....

 same old fleas .....

Barry O'Farrell has promised to allow new types of gambling technology and games into NSW clubs if he is elected premier, while ruling out proposed reforms to poker machine laws.

The NSW Opposition Leader has also promised to ease a cap on the number of electronic roulette and blackjack games in clubs.

The concessions are part of a memorandum of understanding struck between Clubs NSW and the Coalition that includes $300 million in tax breaks on their poker machine profits.

''This deal shows a terrifying contempt for the interests of the people of NSW,'' the anti-gambling activist Paul Bendat said yesterday.

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