Friday 10th of January 2025

on flying Bagaric .....

Recently, the Victorian academic, Professor Mirko Bagaric, argued the moral case in support of torture, through his paper “Not enough (official) torture in the world?: The circumstances in which torture is morally justifiable

truth, torture & the amerikan way .....

Jennifer K. Harbury Knows American Torture Starts At The Top & It Has For Decades


“What’s happened is what has happened in the past. Very low level people, such as, in this case, the MPs who were ordered to carry out those tortures, are held up to the public as scapegoats, put on trial & sent to jail.


Whereas Rumsfeld, Gonzales & Tenet, who are in clear violation of two felony statutes within the United States which prohibit torture abroad by any US official, or conspiracy to do so, or ordering or condoning such actions – these people remained completely free.


Why are they free with no charges brought against them? Because the person who would decide to indict them would be the Attorney-General – formerly Mr Ashcroft, now Mr Gonzales.


We have a clear breakdown of the checks & balances system here. They should be under indictment but they’re not, so their crimes are continuing. And that, in fact, is going to greatly increase the risks of more attacks against our country.