Friday 7th of March 2025

masters of incompetence

In the aftermath of September 11, George Bush declared his ‘war on terror’.


The self-anointed nemesis of the world’s ‘evil-doers’ then led the crusade to bomb Afghanistan back to the stone-age & record opium production, before criminally conspiring to unleash the dogs of war on the people of Iraq.


As ‘junior’ listened to his ‘voices’, the old dreamers from the Reagan era went into rapture at the prospect of realizing their global fascist vision of the ‘new American century’, whilst the military-industrial complex salivated over yet another US$300 billion in taxpayer funds waiting to be looted from the US treasury.


And, as Americans obediently succumbed to the prospect of revenge & salvation, secured by their master’s fear ‘meme’, their democracy was quietly done to death by the Patriot Act: its passage facilitated by a crippled legislature, that long ago had abrogated its sworn duty to the people & their constitution, by becoming the paid servants of corporate America, along with a corrupt 4th estate that went to lunch & didn’t come back.


Yesterday, ‘junior’ - liar & sociopath – brazenly stood in front of American servicemen & women at Fort Bragg & harangued the American people about the need to ‘stay the course’ in Iraq & to defeat the evil terrorists - in the name of ‘freedom’.


This deserter, who morphed into a ‘war president’ - who conspired to wage an illegal war of aggression; who is guilty of the highest war crime – a crime against peace; who is directly responsible for the deaths of more than 1,700 young Americans & an estimated 100,000 innocent Iraqis; who has trashed International Law, including the Geneva & Torture Conventions – said:


‘Here are the words of Osama bin Laden: This third world war is raging in Iraq. The whole world is watching this war. He says it will end in victory & glory or misery & humiliation.


The terrorists know that the outcome will leave them emboldened or defeated. So they are waging a campaign of murder & destruction. And there is no limit to the innocent lives they are willing to take.’


Sickening, as we approach the 4th anniversary of 911 & remember that Usama bin Laden, the world’s most wanted terrorist - a creature of the CIA - alleged architect of the horror that ‘changed the world forever’, still roams free.


And even more sickening when we learn that it could all have been avoided: that both the Clinton & Bush administrations failed to act on offers by the Taliban regime to hand-over bin Laden & end his reign of terror, thereby averting the catastrophe of 911 & the cataclysm that followed. 


Masters Of Incompetence

Iceberg ahead...

"stay the course!" said the dubious Dubya captain of this Titanic...

Getting off

What's going on in the American soul?

One message that came from Fort Bragg is that the battle, and its consequences for American homes, has no end in sight. Therefore, the American citizens will see the results of voting for Bush, as they cope with the increasing burdens of the permanently disabled. Will they, on the whole, feel better about themselves, with no tangible achievements to be thankful for? No advances across hostile territory, no bridges taken, no surrendered soldiers, no cheering crowds of the liberated. Just their own neighbours robbed of sons and daughters, a booming trade in artifical limbs, and war stories of soul-sapping boredom in the Green Zone interspersed with hair-raising gauntlets down streets of bombs and snipers, where buddies get shot in the head. Surely the fathers of this generation of cannon fodder, although soured by Vietnam, will have enough memory of what the grandfathers brought home from WW2, to know the difference.

One thing the Bushbandits cannot hide is the publication of the ceremonies in the American heartlands, where the Purple Hearts are awarded (eg, here and here) . Nina Berman followed this trail, and wrote a book about her findings. (I apologise if this thread has been mentioned here, already, I've only just woken up.)

The Google count of '"purple hearts" +iraq -berman' is over 75,000.

It will be up to Americans to put the stories of this continuing tragedy before their people, eg In Iraq, we are the new Hessians,
Purple Hearts: Back from Iraq , Purple Hearts .

Maybe, as the rollcalls, scarred homecomings and casualties embed in the voters souls, they will turn it around at the next Congressional elections. Maybe a head of steam, against the lies for profit, will build up enough to get Bush in the dock.

We are making a scandal of ourselves, if we are prepared to let Howard hide under the bloodied aprons of America's mothers, while we piss in our pockets about our fabulous contribution to the spread of freedom.

ps to Getting off

first things first .....

Mark Fiore’s View


'First Things First'

fort bragg .....

on playing with fire .....

In The War on Truth - the long-awaited sequel to The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001 - Nafeez Ahmed provides the most comprehensive and controversial critique of the government's official version of what happened on 9/11. In this extensive new analysis drawing on over 1,000 references, Ahmed doubles the data and investigates the worldwide web of terrorist networks across space and time.


Deconstructing the findings of the 9/11 Commission Report and the Joint Congressional Inquiry, he exposes disturbing liaisons between American, British and European intelligence services and al-Qaeda operatives in the Balkans, Caucasus, North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and Asia-Pacific - liaisons linked not only to 9/11, but also to prior terrorist attacks including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the 1998 US embassy bombings.


About The War On Truth 

getting safer .....

A US military intelligence team repeatedly contacted the FBI in 2000 to warn about the existence of an American-based terrorist cell that included the ringleader of the Sept. 11 attacks, according to a veteran Army intelligence officer who said he had now decided to risk his career by discussing the information publicly.


Officer Says Military Blocked Sharing of Files on Terrorists - New York Times