Tuesday 7th of January 2025

that elusive white powder .....

‘This paper argues that the United States breached the Biological & Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) by supplying warfare-related biological materials to Iraq during the 1980s, at a time when that nation was at war with its neighbour, Iran.

It is further argued that the United Kingdom has an obligation, not least due to its published policy on the issue, to formally report this breach to the United Nations Security Council.

The case is made that if the UK, as a State Party to the BTWC, will not report this matter, then the Convention is not the legally binding international instrument it is claimed to be, thus compromising the credibility of international law.

It may come as some surprise to the reader to learn – and as far as the author is aware this information has not previously been made public – that the anthrax threat from Iraq, a repeatedly cited reason for the 2003 invasion of that country, actually originated from a dead cow in South Oxfordshire.’ 


In this ICH article, Geoffrey Holland, of the University of Sussex, points us to the original ‘smoking gun’ of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, destroyed after the 1st Gulf War but used by George Bush & his criminal ‘coalition of the willing’ as the pretext for mounting his illegal war of aggression in 2003.


Compromising The Credibility Of International Law

Chaos theory...

A dead cow in England in the mid 1980's responsible for the war in Iraq of March 2003...? Sure... It's well known that the butterfly fluttering its wings in what's left of the Amazon jungle creates Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico... Giga-porkies thus become a tiny side issue in this Chaotic system of liars, cheats and corrupted leaders The cow of course!... I should buy a lotto ticket...