Monday 10th of March 2025

Bush, Blair & Howard: liars, fools & war criminals

How much more evidence is needed?


Before the invasion, Blair was warned by the Joint Intelligence Committee that "by far the greatest terrorist threat" to this country would be "heightened by military action against Iraq".


He was warned by 79 per cent of Londoners who, according to a YouGov survey in February 2003, believed that a British attack on Iraq "would make a terrorist attack on London more likely".


A month ago, a leaked, classified CIA report revealed that the invasion had turned Iraq into a focal point of terrorism.


Before the invasion, said the CIA, Iraq "exported no terrorist threat to its neighbours" because Saddam Hussein was "implacably hostile to al-Qaeda".


Blair's Bombs

on crazy friends .....

‘And, wasn't it convenient that Blair just happened to have a whole raft of police-state legislation ready to go just when the bombs went off? Maybe Tony is hiding a crystal ball somewhere that he hasn't told us about. Or, maybe he's taken to reading the entrails of dead animals to foresee the future? Or, maybe Blair knew that London might be attacked and was warned 2 days before the bombings, as was reported by the Stratfor Intelligence Agency? Would anyone doubt that the dissembling PM who dragged his country to war on false pretences might look at terrorism as a way to boost his flagging popularity in the polls?

Of course, not. 

But, then, why should British citizens sacrifice their "inalienable" rights because the petulant Blair stormed off to war on a "pack of lies"? According to a recent poll, 85% of the Brits believe that the bombings were directly connected to Blair's illegal involvement in Iraq. This has since been confirmed by terrorist experts and Blair's own M15 who just days ago admitted that, "Iraq is a dominant issue for a range of extremist groups and individuals in the UK and Europe."


In other words, there is a straight line between the blood-letting in Baghdad and the bombs in London.’


Burying Blair 

counterfeit values .....

‘Congressman David Obey (D-Wis.) agreed. Back in 2003, he had also called for a widespread investigation of Feith and the OSP to find out whether there was any truth to the claims that the OSP willfully manipulated intelligence on the Iraqi threat. During a July 8, 2003, Congressional briefing, Obey described what he knew about Special Plans and why an investigation into the group was crucial. 


"A group of civilian employees in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, all of whom are political employees, have long been dissatisfied with the information produced by the established intelligence agencies both inside and outside the Department. That was particularly true, apparently, with respect to the situation in Iraq," Obey said.  


"As a result, it is reported that they established a special operation within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, which was named the Office of Special Plans. That office was charged with collecting, vetting, and disseminating intelligence completely outside the normal intelligence apparatus. In fact, it appears that the information collected by this office was in some instances not even shared with the established intelligence agencies and in numerous instances was passed on to the National Security Council and the President without having been vetted with anyone other than (the Secretary of Defense)." 


"It is further alleged that the purpose of this operation was not only to produce intelligence more in keeping with the pre-held views of those individuals, but to intimidate analysts in the established intelligence organizations to produce information that was more supportive of policy decisions which they had already decided to propose."’ 


How Pre-War Iraq Intel Was Cooked