Sunday 23rd of February 2025

Framing Howard's Industrial Relations Changes: Australians want certainty in the work place.

Framing Howard's Industrial Relations Changes:
Australians want certainty in the work place.


 It is interesting to see how the Howard government is well aware of framing and how far behind our side in federal politics really is.

An example of this can be seen in Howard's gutting of our Industrial relations tribunal and replacing it with what they have called (not be accident) the "Australian Fair Pay Commission". The language is not neutral, it is framed, and loaded. It also doesnt help when the media and the opposition start using that language.

Peter Beattie on the other hand is a smart man who knows how to frame. In an appearance on lateline a few weeks back, he talked about Howard's changes using the following frame:

"these changes will bring uncertainty to the workplace. Australians want certainty in their work place".

"Abolishing protection from unfair dismissal, will create uncertainty in the workplace"

The term 'change' and 'uncertainty' are not put in the same sentence by accident.  People naturally fear change, and so combining it with the term 'uncertainty' reinforces that. He repeated these terms several times.  Unfortunately the federal party has been all over the place - not using a frame, and simply relying on one off attacks. The attacks should remain, but they should be talked about in terms of a larger frame - change and uncertainty.

Another frame the federal opposition would benefit from would involve reminding people what the Howard government has become - arrogant and out of touch.

Now that the federal government has the Senate, they have signalled their intentions to force through their extremist positions, regardless of what people want. Whether the issue be abolishing protection from unfair dismissal or Telstra privatision (which polls shows most people do not want), and many, many others, the federal opposition has the opportunity to frame these extreme changes as "arrogant and out of touch". The fact that they will eb acting in an arrogant way will reinforce the message in peoples minds.

Arrogance is something that Australians hate seeing. You can see it in Jeff Kennett being kicked out, you can see it Howard and Beattie being ultra-careful not to appear triumphant or overly triumphant. Premier Beattie almost looked dissapointed when he won his third landslide victory!

For more info on how our side can frame and get back in the game, visit

from picket fences to picket lines .....

‘Employment relationships are complex, but the outcome of bargaining depends on two factors. The first is the state of the labour market. The second is the balance of bargaining power. Usually, the state of the labour market is more important, but it’s largely determined by exogenous macroeconomic shocks originating not in the labour market but in the financial sector or the world economy.


The reforms proposed by the Howard Government will tilt the balance strongly in favour of employers. The likely outcome is a substantial increase in inequality of incomes, and in day-to-day relationships within the workplace.’


Assessing The Federal IR Reforms