Monday 10th of March 2025

fighting against all odds...

the blitz...


The Australian Labor Party is against the wall... It's time for Labor to fight back.

But like the battle of  Britain was the start of a fightback, the ALP needs a turning point to defeat the dark forces of conservatism presently led by a sneaky lying little despot... Sure Abbott is no Hitler, but give him the hair-do, a small moustache under the nose and a SS cap and the resemblance could be uncanny...

No the dark forces against the people are not so obvious as this — Abbott is more like a ruthless pharaoh with an entourage of self-inflated midget yes-men, all hoping that the "democratic process" can deliver them the right... to crush you — again... Ahhh... You don't remember last time?...

This is the moment that I borrowed from "Doctor Who"... Going back to 1987. Back then in 1983, Tony Abbott started to study for the priesthood which he eventually gave up... Then in 1987, the Socialist Workers plastered London with posters "no third term for Thatcher"... It did not really work out... but we can dream because despite what we say, history never repeats itself... Deja vu is only a fleeting aberration of our memory — in which the similar is not necessarily the next...

Now, one has to acknowledge that Labor is in the ropes and needs the Greens to survive... And there should not be any shame in this, despite a wider gamut of policy differences than say the Liberals (conservatives) and the Nationals (ultra-conservatives) who are more like a Laurel and Hardy routine... Very entertaining, but who would want them as leaders of the country?... 

So over the next few posts, I will state here some obvious points of attack on the conservatives and progressive policies for Labor — policies that won't cost the earth... This will be hopefully like a manifesto for a better future in a more socially balanced environment with protection for the planet... A hard sell but necessary to awaken the dead space between the ears of those who have lived all their lives with a mobile phone and/or a tablet... 

Labor, and the Greens, you will have to fight a reluctant media, a media ready to give you the last rights but you know you have so much more to do... You are the future. The Liberals (conservatives) and the Nationals (ultra-conservatives) are the past — a past in which these humans thought the earth had no limits and god gave it to them to plunder forever carelessly... 

Labor, and the Greens, please put your skates on... Blitz. 


fighting back...

Bill Shorten has warned that the labour movement is facing a "gathering storm" from an enthused and engaged Opposition, but urged it not to succumb to pessimism and fear.

Speaking on the final day of the ACTU Congress in Sydney, the Federal Workplace Relations Minister said the broader union movement was facing challenging times, but urged delegates to regroup and fight on.

"We have, as they say, a gathering storm," he told delegates.

"We have a very enthused and energised Opposition who believe that somehow they are just a whisker away from running Australia.

"[But] as difficult as the political climate is at the moment, we shouldn't hang our heads and be pessimistic and accept the counsels of negativity and fear.

"Instead, I'd like to put to you today that when the labour movement, be it political or trade union, when we choose to lead not follow, then we have our finest accomplishments ahead of us.

"The labour movement needs to reclaim the middle ground of economic debate on industrial relations.

fighting against the shock-jock reflux


Mr Leeser is leaving in July to take up a position at the Australian Catholic University and is not ruling out a political career. He narrowly missed preselection for the north shore seat of Bradfield after Brendan Nelson retired and has long been suggested as the successor to Philip Ruddock in Berowra.In an interview with the Herald, Mr Leeser said one of Labor's gravest mistakes in government had been the failure to establish a case for and then fight for its policies.
In part, this was due to continuing distractions caused by the hung parliament and leadership tensions.''Take the Gonski review [into school funding] for instance. That came out and then you had the Rudd challenge,'' he said.He said the deeper problem began when Mr Rudd was leader.
''When John Howard would do a policy announcement, he'd spend the next few weeks driving around the country selling it and talking about it,'' he said.''This doesn't happen now. They go from one policy announcement to another.''It makes it difficult for a government to create a proper narrative.''
Mr Leeser said the most egregious example was the mining tax, a key recommendation from the Henry review into taxation commissioned by Mr Rudd.''They sat on Henry for six months and then suddenly announced the mining tax. People just can't digest that sort stuff,'' he said.''The process of reform is almost as important as the reform itself.

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Mr Lesser is quite glib on this issue...
Most of the problems for Labor stem from the shock jocks' acidity against it... For example it's easy to mention John Howard selling something to the electorate, but the fact is that the commentariat around town — that would have actually happily sold anything that Howard was peddling (mostly hurt and hard times for the ordinary folks, to favour a "prosperous rich class") — would not have one ounce of time for Julia Gillard and her policies, even if they were paved with gold... It's in their shock jock blood. They hate Labor and are paid lots of money to be so. As well, John Howard used to PAY  for government policy advertising, which the Labor Government has not done to even 10 per cent of what Rattus used to do — because the Libs would go up in arms about the "politicisation" of "non-partisan" government activity...

As well, Abbott and his minions have been successfully peddling so many lies about Labor's polices that the media has been swamped with crap. The media supports a lot of crap because crap is more fascinating than the truth...