Sunday 9th of March 2025

Clipsal, Halliburton, Old Uncle John Olsen and all

Costello:"If you have any inquiries into the proceedings of the tax office I
suggest you refer them to the tax office or to the taxation

Searle: " He wouldn't be able to tell you much at all because he would be subject to the secrecy provisions of the taxation act."

A retired senior tax officer says that the matter should have been
referred to the DPP but that he can say no more as, although retired,
he's still subject to the secrecy provisions of the income tax act. This
is much of a tune as Chris Searle can whistleblow, and it's a strong
and stirring lament.

There was no lamenting on the night of John Howard's re-election at
Gerard's private function room in Bowden, as his guests, members of the
SA Liberal Party, cheered the results, and their signifigance. As a
party insider said at the time, "Every party has eliminated it's Left."

Two weeks ago, former Premier Dean Brown announced he would not
contest the seat of Finnis at the next election. The "capital" of
Finnis is the tourist town of Victor Harbour, and the region has been
booming with development ahead of a speculated new four-lane
highway to the area. Immediately after the announcement, Brown retired.
The rumour for twelve months back was that responsibility for the
road's construction is in the hands of Halliburton.

Former Premier John Olsen had a couple of quiet paragraphs in the Advertiser
today, announcing his continual journey promoting South Australia in
the US. He's just been appointed Consul-General to New York. Olsen,
Premier when Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney visited Australia in '97, was
responsible for selling SA's water to supply to SA powerbroker Malcolm
Kinnaird, creator of the company that became Halliburton/KBR Australia,
and acting as its consultant when his bid, placed several hours after
closing time, was accepted amid accusations of government and
industrial expionage. The 'Tiser today notes Olsen's significant
contribution to promoting South Australia to the US. If you're looking
for Judas, he's out in the olive garden, puckering up.

Have you read Alan Ramsay's SMH piece yet? There's a paragraph here that's ringing my  bells:

"A leaked [internal party] memo from Senator Minchin [to
South Australian party officials] states: 'In my eight years as state
director [until elected a senator in 1993] I never knew the existence
of, let alone met, Mr Bill Henderson, whom we now know apparently
obtained the Moriki and Catch Tim donations for the party. Mr Henderson
was named as the conduit for both donations." Yes, but the conduit from

The question Ramsay raises here is a biggie. Gerard, concentrating
on financing the expansion of his empire, was probably beginning to
show the finiancial stretch-marks that lead to his "globalisation". Was
it Gerard's money that flowed through Catch Tim and other fronts, or
was he only pretending?

At any rate, with Kinnaird working the corporate end, and Robert
Gerard manipulating the Liberal Party, South Australia never stood a
chance. Cheney and Rumsfeld's wishes were fulfilled.

The ironic thing about the raising of the supicious nature of
relationships between Gerard and Costello is that what the exercise has
ultimately achieved is for John Howard to get into temporal firing-range of the next election. Why has this maintaining the PM's international position, over the past recent months, "suddenly" become a necessity?

The phrase, "Think Global, Act Local," has taken on a whole new meaning in the New American Century

 First Published on the last night of  Margo Kingston's Webdiary.  For those who don't know, Margo is also convenor of Your Democracy

Of interest?

Richard, not sure if this is of interest or has been discussed before. From Rebuilding America's Defences, the PNAC plan which seems to have been the blueprint for the bush regime;
The Air Force needs roughly to double its forces stationed in East Asia, preferably dispersing its bases in the south as it has in the north, perhaps by stationing a wing in the Philippines and Australia. As in Europe, Air Force operations in East Asia would be greatly enhanced by the ability to sustain long-range bomber operations out of Australia, perhaps also by including the special maintenance facilities needed to operate the B-2 and other stealth aircraft. Further, the Air Force would be wise to invest in upgrades to regional airfields to permit surge deployments and, incidentally, help build ties with regional air forces.

PNAC, PNAC, ..who's there.

Andrew in Scotland.. yep, it looks like PNAC's plans are rolling out quite nicely.  You've looked at the signatories on their Statement Of Principles.?

As time goes on, I'm getting to the opinion that so many global branches of local politics are merely co-ordination of the PNAC plan.  Where that places the local "players" is difficult to say, but how many "coincidences" can you be whacked around the head with before you realise you're in a boxing ring?

In the past six months the number of people who have apologised for dismissing me as a conspiracy theorist has been suprising.  As more details seep into the press, the plans become more obvious.

 I only hope enough folks find enough information to enable a solution to be developed... it's far from fait accompli yet!

Mastering the globe

Whether ADF settle on C-17s or A400Ms is somewhat moot, although the need to move massive Abrams tanks about makes the C-17 the more likely bet.

 The overall question, of ADF's close working relationship with the Pentagon, is simply a matter of reality. Since the fall of Singapore, through the emerging line-up of RoK, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia and finally Australia, as buffer between the US and China, the outcome for Australia's role in global militarisation has been inevitable.

All that remains, is that our politicians, public servants and military people do their jobs honestly, and to their best. Who knows whether the cost of going for the Abrams was a good dinner, private school fees or a plum posting? Whatever, the people who decided should be responsible for showing taxpayers how a monster like that can be useful, apart from the political games of joining the Yanks on their nation-busting escapades. If they are committed to the Abrams, for some reason, and therefore the C-17, the bludgers should be able to show how the theoretical capacity to put down tanks in failing states can be proven possible.

The C-17's take-off and landing capability is surely critical to the whole equation. How many airstrips in PNG or Indonesia can a fully laden C-17 get onto? More to the point, how many could it take off from? Without the benefit of any knowledge of the subject, I think the notion of Australia having any need for Abrams tanks is tenuous, at best.