Wednesday 15th of January 2025

the stuff of nightmares ....

the stuff of nightmares ....

It was a tale of two interviews this week. Leigh Sales from the 7.30 Report destroyed Tony Abbott and exposed the Leader of the Opposition for the fool he is.

Then the next day Prime Minister Julia Gillard destroyed the tsunami of lies about her activities 17 years ago as a solicitor that the misogynists and nut jobs (yes, that’s The Australian newspaper to a tee) have been campaigning on against her.

The same day she was doing that The Australian issued yet another apology for the lies it has spread against her.

However as she said this just means the misogynists and nut jobs will continue to spread the lies and make up new ones.

One can only hope that the mainstream media begins displaying as much rigour in pursuing Tony Abbott’s past. They won’t because he is their puppet, and a pretty vicious and attack dog one he will be in his war against workers.

If I were the ruling class I’d be starting to have real doubts about Abbott and the other buffoons in the Coalition shadow front bench and begin to think that maybe, just maybe, the Labor Party is the best vehicle for delivering class peace and increasing the share of wealth the rich get. However their short term ‘all is profit’ thinking seems to preclude such depth of thought.

A demonstration in Civic in Canberra for refugees and against Labor’s Pacific ‘Solution’ today on fairly short notice attracted 80 people. My invitations to former Chief Minister Jon Stanhope, current ACT Labor Party Minister Andrew Barr and Labor4Refugees organiser Solly Fahiz all went unanswered.

A very sane Anders Breivik was found guilty of murdering 77 Norwegians in an act of right wing political terrorism.

His conviction exposes the link between ‘respectable’ right wing opinion and the extreme right with their common themes of protecting European identity and the lies about the ‘threat’ of Islam, coupled with an undying commitment of our bourgeois rulers to violence, violence and more violence at home and abroad and attacks on their working classes to make them bear the burden of economic crisis.

Champion of the rich, Julia Gillard, announced more and more of our money would go towards the education of the super rich, and Oppositon leader Tony Abbott outbid her by saying current education funding arrangements were unfair, for the rich.

Meanwhile a man on over $25,000 a day, ANZ Bank head Mike Smith, called for the dole of $34 per day to be cut. No doubt he, his kids and grandkids would be very happy with Gillard’s rich school funding arrangements.

This refugee bashing, dole bashing and spending more on the rich seems normal to many people in the new Australian dystopia.

It is an old trick. Blame some convenient scapegoat – Aborigines, blacks, the Irish, Muslims, asylum seekers, dole bludgers – as you put the boot into a distracted working class and spread even more of the wealth we create to the rich. The ruling class are suckering us with their pea and thimble game.

The revolution in Syria continues. Victory to the Syrian revolutionaries.

In Tunisia strikes have broken out demand food and freedom, justice and jobs, the very things that the first stage of the revolution could not and cannot deliver.

In Russia Pussy Riot got 2 years for a political protest against Putin and the system he runs, capitalism. Julian Assange rots in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London with the Swedes and US not prepared to say they would not extradite to and charge him with crimes punishable by the death penalty. Until such time as the US Government, Assange is right not to submit himself for questioning in Sweden.

Free speech is all well and good evidently, but when it exposes our leaders for the mass murders and lairs they are, then the bourgeoisie ditch their commitment. It is time they believe to remove the messenger.

John Passant

An enjoyable wrap on the week that was from John, although there were a couple of really newsworthy items I would like him to have included, like …

Gina Rinehart’s dummy-spit with Fairfax, trying to trash their share price by dumping a big load of her portfolio on a disinterested market, & …

Elisabeth Murdoch’s gob-smacking defensive pap-wrap for her poor old dad, delivered as a suitably faux-indignant cry on behalf of ‘freedom of the press’, not to forget …

the 2nd biggest scandal of the century from the most sacred treads of corporate Australia, with Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens revealed as being just as frail in the corporate governance stakes as any of the AWB boys & girls were, with the biggest scandal not being Julia’s embarrassing affair with a union cad but the negligence of her & her government in not initiating an enquiry into the sordid Reserve Bank affair.

Who needs TV when this rich fabric of entertainment abounds all around us?