Wednesday 15th of January 2025

stand with the oppressed ....

stand with the oppressed ....

Socialist Alternative’s article Police brutalise peaceful Muslim protest in Sydney has provoked an outpouring of responses on social media, write the editors of Socialist Alternative. Many were predictable right wing rants that find echo in today’s op ed pages – scrap multiculturalism, stop Muslim immigration etc. But many other critical comments came from people whose usual instinct, so they claim, is not to side with cops. The sentiment of many who might otherwise take decent positions – such as support for trade unions and opposition to imperialist war – was captured by one of our readers’ comments: “No support for Islamists or the police!”

Equating the armed might of the state with Muslim protesters bearing placards is ridiculous. Yet furore has engulfed the country over the fact that some of the placards at Saturday’s protest contained clearly reactionary slogans. Some are asking why Socialist Alternative has not at least criticised the demonstration on this basis.

Saturday’s rally was called in response to anti-Muslim bigotry. That there were people present who had objectionable placards and slogans doesn’t change this fact. If the left refused to support protests by oppressed people unless we agreed with every political view expressed, we would have had to denounce almost every protest movement in history – including the South African struggle against apartheid and the civil rights movement in the US.

Our starting point is to offer solidarity when the oppressed fight back. Muslims are one of the most demonised, repressed and over-policed communities in Australia. Socialist Alternative members in Sydney joined the protest on Saturday as a sign of that elementary solidarity. To say “We oppose attacks on Muslims, but we won’t support their struggle against racism unless they behave themselves and/or conform to our beliefs”, is in our opinion profoundly mistaken and a capitulation to the oppressors. Today, in Australia, we think it vitally important that anti-racists ask themselves one question: “Is my opposition to racism and oppression conditional?” The answer should be uncompromising: “Never.”

On Saturday, 500 Muslims demonstrators including children were attacked by hundreds of heavily armed police. The Sydney Morning Herald has reported that “riot police, mounted officers and the dog squad were sent to Hyde Park, and later a staging post in Stanley Street in east Sydney, before protesters arrived.” So the police came looking for a fight. Protesters were tasered, capsicum-sprayed, batoned and set upon by dogs and horses. This incident is part of the broader tide of racism against Muslims. As protester Sarah Jacob said, “They call us the terrorists. But everyone is terrorising our people.”

We ask people who consider themselves anti-racist, but who have equivocated on the question of Saturday’s rally to reconsider their position. In particular consider the context:

The people demonstrating have seen hundreds of thousands of their brothers and sisters across the Middle East slaughtered by US imperialism and its allies – Israel routinely and loudly celebrates every time it assassinates Palestinian activists. Muslims have endured the war on terror – an ideological offensive that has sought to denigrate their beliefs, belittle their culture, and demonise them as a people. Many have been subject to day-to-day harassment, intimidation and extra surveillance at the hands of the state – including having their homes raided as occurred in Melbourne last week, and being locked up for thought crimes. Others have been locked up for years in desert camps simply for seeking asylum in this country.

Yet when some of them find the courage to protest against racism in the face of all the intimidation they daily endure, there are front page denunciations across the country.

The people and the institutions that have waged war on Muslims over the last decade claim to stand for freedom and democratic values. They have denounced Saturday’s rally as intolerant, and “not the Australian way”. But just last month CFMEU members at Grocon’s building sites in Melbourne protested for such basic rights as being able to have union-appointed workplace health and safety reps. The establishment that is today denouncing Muslims was then denouncing the unionists. “Reign of Fear and Intimidation Grows… Bikies, Thugs Hijack Work Sites” screamed the Herald Sun front page. Politicians of every colour lined up to back multi-millionaire Daniel Grollo in his quest to crush the union. That’s the “Australian way” they want to defend – one where everyone is expected to lie down and cop a kicking at the hands of the rich and powerful.

The reality is that the more the media gets away with demonising Muslim protests the more they get away with demonising picket lines and unions. We have to stand with whoever is under attack, even if we don’t agree with every last one of their tactics or slogans. This is how solidarity is built between all those standing up to the same enemy.

In Socialist Alternative’s opinion, it is either delusional or disingenuous to think that reactionary slogans at an anti-racist demonstration are in any way comparable to the brutality of the Australian ruling class and its state apparatus.

It was the cops, not Muslim protesters, who came in their hundreds – with batons, dogs and pepper spray – to smash the CFMEU picket in Melbourne last month. It is the cops, not Muslim protesters, who are responsible for so many Aboriginal deaths in custody. It is the secular ALP, not Muslim groups, that continues to implement genocidal assimilationist policies against Aboriginal people and which continues vulgar state-based discrimination towards gays and lesbians.

Both major parties, but not Muslims protesters, have locked up thousands of asylum seekers in what are effectively prisons. The political mainstream, not a tiny Islamist fringe, have collaborated to deport several thousand more to Nauru and Manus Island, where they will languish in tents in detention camps. It is conservative newspaper columnists like Andrew Bolt, not radical Islamists, whose reactionary ideas are distributed via newsagents and supermarkets across the country every day. And while the Australian political and military establishment doesn’t call for beheadings, it participates in the actual slaughter of civilians in the region and around the world.

That all this has been missed in the cacophony of denunciations of Saturday’s rally is an indication of how deep anti-Muslim prejudice actually runs in Australia.

Some have been moved by the fact that mainstream Muslim organisations have distanced themselves from the protest. An array of what are regarded as “acceptable” Muslims have been interviewed for a bout of necessary hand-wringing over the protest. Mariam Veiszadeh’s response was typical of many over the last two days, and reinforced the idea that racism against Muslims is somehow the result of the behaviour of Muslims: “Each time individuals in the community engage in violent behaviour or criminal behaviour, the rest of the community is dragged through the mud and essentially put on trial”.

Such sentiments are always voiced from the more conservative elements of oppressed groups. The Zionists in the 20th century blamed European anti-Semitism on outspoken activist Jews, and today some Australian Aboriginal leaders blame the lack of a work ethic for Aboriginal disadvantage. Their ideas are totally misplaced. The reality is that no matter what Muslims do, the establishment promotes racism against them. The only way to beat it is to fight it, not apologise for it.

Greens leader Christine Milne has issued a press release condemning “violent protest” and praising the “clear statements from leaders and members of the Islamic community…condemning the violence and noting that this protest is not representative of them”. This is hand-wringing of a much worse kind than that by the various Muslim spokespeople. Not only does it regurgitate all the media hysteria about violence, it gives voice to a supposedly left wing moral outrage at protests that aren’t passive. Socialist Alternative’s position here is again clear: You don’t really support the oppressed if your support evaporates as soon as they can no longer be seen as just helpless victims.

In short, leftists who support strikes only if there are no picket lines to fight off the cops and keep out the scabs, who support Indigenous people only if they don’t offend, who support Muslims only if they have acceptable signs and let the police attack them, are not worthy of the name. To those who ask why we haven’t criticised the demonstration, we in turn ask: “Why have you lined up with the cops and the ruling class against an oppressed minority?”

Why We Stand With Muslim Protesters


the awstraylan way ....

I condemn the violence at Saturday’s rally. I condemn the violence of the police and their premeditated attacks on peaceful Muslim demonstrators.

Premeditated? Let me quote from an article by Ben Cuby and Amy McNeilage in the Sydney Morning Herald.

While some reports said police were taken unawares by the protests, the Herald understands officers had received some of the text messages circulating on Friday night calling for people to ”unite” and ”defend the honour of our prophet”.

As a result, riot police, mounted officers and the dog squad were sent to Hyde Park, and later a staging post in Stanley Street in east Sydney, before protesters arrived.

‘Before protesters arrived’. Maybe it was the heavily armed cops who turned up to provoke trouble. It all looks part of a strategy – a strategy to attack protestors.

Much has been made of a poster saying ‘behead those who insult the Prophet.’ Evidently this justifies riot cops attacking peaceful protesters. Perhaps the placard should have read ‘Drone bomb those who insult the Prophet’. That presumably would have been in line with good Australian values.

What about the utterances of Alan Jones, Grahame Morris and Robbie Farah with their seeming death threats against the PM?

Farah twittered that the PM should get a noose for her 50th anniversary. Grahame Morris said the PM should be kicked to death. Alan Jones suggested that the PM should be put in a chaff bag and dropped out at sea.

I am looking forward to riot police raiding Alan Jones’ office, beating the shit out of him and charging him with incitement to violence. Oh, he’s white isn’t he and not a Muslim. And he’s powerful. All the things the Muslim demonstrators aren’t. Maybe, just maybe, that explains the difference in treatment?

The latest insult to intelligence is the police saying they are investigating a message which calls for Muslims to defend the honour of the Prophet. Really? That is it? Is it a crime to say that? Is it illegal to organise a demonstration to do that?

Apparently so, in the context of the racist hysteria the racist cops have sparked across much of society.

What is going on? Remember the building union blockade at the Grocon site? The cops brutally attacked the safety picket.

The media and politicians lied about the workers as ‘thugs’ and their supposed ‘violence’ and unlawfulness too.  The Financial Review and the Australian ran ‘exposés’ of union leaders’ supposed links to criminals or their criminal history. All nonsense of course but it was about the demonisation of one of the few unions in Australia that actually stands up for its workers.

Same horse, different jockey.

It is the role of the police to attack workers and others who might challenge in any way the rule of capital and in doing that providing ammunition for the ideological strait jackets of the main stream media.

In the Ben Cuby and Amy McNeilage article above Julia Gillard said that ‘this was not the Australian way.’ So what is the Australian way, Julia Gillard?

The other day NATO drone bombs killed 8 women and children gathering wood. Are these the Australian values you mean, Gillard? Here is one edited report:

The Australian way?

Is this the Australian way Julia Gillard? Of course it is. Killing innocent people overseas is a long and honourable Australian ‘tradition’.

Indeed, it appears that Australia’s Special Armed Services is executing Afghanis (much like Operation Phoenix in Vietnam). Recently an Afghan soldier killed 3 Australian soldiers. An Australian team killed a 70 year old Mama and his son as part of the search for the Afghan soldier. Respected journalist Nic Stuart on his blog and also in The Canberra Times wrote on the situation. He said in part:

The informed guess in Kabul is that Matiullah Khan, the Australian-backed and notoriously corrupt provincial police chief, apparently provided the tip-off [abut the Imam and his son]. You may not have heard of Matiullah, but your taxes have made him an Aussie dollar multi-millionaire. How? Well, his ‘Road Police Brigade’ collects regular bribes for keeping the route to Kandahar open. That’s the main supply route for our forces. The illiterate former taxi-driver’s managed to do pretty well out of the war. He also enjoys a special relationship with the US and Australian military. He identifies the bad guy’s and we eliminate them. Unfortunately it sometimes turns out that the dead ‘insurgents’ weren’t actually Talib after all. Sometimes they seem to have just been his personal rivals.

So, the Australian-backed and notoriously corrupt provincial police chief ‘…identifies the bad guys and we eliminate them.’ Images of Operation Phoenix in Vietnam when Australia SAS troops assassinated village leaders considered ‘suspect’ come to mind.  

John Howard took Australia into war in Iraq on a lie about weapons of mass destruction. Labor supported him and indeed kept the troops there after 2007 when it won election. Reliable estimates are that more than one million Iraqis have died as a consequence of the invasion. Is that the Australian way Julia Gillard?

In Australia the racist Northern Territory invasion continues and our indigenous brothers and sisters die up to 2 decades earlier than non-indigenous Australians. Is that the Australian way Julia Gillard?

Inequality has further increased even more under Labor. Is that the Australian way Julia Gillard?

Today the Northern Territory coroner found that an Aboriginal man died in police custody as a result of a lack of care. Is that the Australian way Julia Gillard? One of the police slammed the head of the Aboriginal man into the charge desk. Is that the Australian way Julia Gillard? Here is a photo from the same report of Julia Gillard’s Australian way:

The Australian way?

Black deaths in custody are as high now as when the original report was handed down. Is that the Australian way Julia Gillard?

No doubt the disgraceful Greens are too busy sucking on the Murdoch news ‘violence by protesters’ teat to bother with condemning this death.  Shame Greens shame for siding with the police, the same police who attack your environmental actions.  

Apparently the Greens will defend sheep and fish but not Muslims or Aborigines from attacks by the State.

Last week 30 asylum seekers were flown to the Nauru Island concentration camp. Is that the Australian way Julia Gillard.

About 50 building workers dies on building sites each year across Australia. Is that the Australian way Julia Gillard?

At the Grocon picket line in support of safety and defence of lives, hundreds of police, horses, the riot squad and the dogs to enforce Grocon’s right to keep unions from enforcing safety standards. Is that the Australian way Julia Gillard?

Is having 100,000 homeless each night and government’s who do nothing about it the Australian way Julia Gillard?

Is having a gender pay gap of about 17% and Governments including your own not fundamentally addressing the issue the Australian way Julia Gillard?

Is overseeing Gina Rinehart’s increase in wealth from$5 billion to $29 billion and not getting her to pay more tax the Australian way Julia Gillard?

Is your Government not doing anything to defend Julian Assange from the claws of US ‘justice’ the Australian way Julia Gillard?

Is the Government endorsed treatment of Mamdouh Habib, David Hicks and Mohamed Haneef examples to the Australian way, Julia Gillard?

And on and on it goes.

Let’s stop pretending that Australian capitalism is caring and sharing. It is a system built on the exploitation of the working class. An important part of that system is the racism the bosses use to cement Australian workers to the system.

That is what attacking Muslims on Saturday was about.

The attacks on and McCarthyite response to the peaceful protest in Sydney on Saturday are part of that racist and pro-profit response.

That is the Australian bosses’ way. That is Julia Gillard’s way.

So What Is The Australian Way Julia Gillard?

the awstraylan way ....

the awstraylan way ....