Sunday 16th of March 2025

fear .....

‘As the war in Iraq drags on into almost its fourth year with no end in sight, still American soldiers continue to fight and bleed, not for the American people, but for the president, the U.S. government, and the military-industrial complex. No one is fighting and bleeding and dying to "defend our freedoms" or anyone else’s freedoms. 


What makes this even more disturbing is that the majority of American soldiers would claim to be Christians or at least identify with Christianity.  


American Christian soldiers should know better. Unless they have had their head in the sand for the past three years, and have watched nothing but Fox News, listened to no one besides Sean Hannity, and read nothing but the Weekly Standard, they can’t help but see anywhere they look that this war is not just unconstitutional, unnecessary, immoral, unjust, and senseless, but is also unscriptural.’ 


What’s A Christian Soldier To Do?

duhhhhh ........

‘A senior US officer admitted yesterday that the presence of more than 300,000 foreign troops in the Middle East, most of them American, was a "contributory factor" to instability in the region.  


The admission was made by Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt - a key strategist in the US central command covering the Middle East - as he spelled out the American military's plan to "reposture" its forces over an area stretching from Egypt in the west to Pakistan in the east, and from Kazakhstan in the north to Uganda in the south.’ 


US General Maps Out Strategic Refit For Iraq, Middle East & Asia

staying the course .....

‘British troops will not wait for the end of the insurgency before leaving Iraq and there will be "significantly fewer" in the country by next year, John Reid, the defence secretary, said last night.  


He made it clear that it was ultimately up to the Iraqis to look after themselves.  


"Our purpose has never been to create a mirror image of our own nation," he said in a speech to the Foreign Press Association in London. It was not for Britain to decide how Iraq should look. "Our purpose has been to give Iraqis the tools to build the kind of nation they want."  


He added that there was confusion about how people imagined Iraq would look when Britain cut its 8,500-strong force. "Our key task is not ... to defeat the insurgency ranged against Iraq. It is to ensure that Iraqis have the ability to do that."’ 


UK Troops Will Leave Iraq Before Insurgency Ends

eeerrr, sort of … maybe …. perhaps staying the course …..

‘The Ukrainians are long gone. So are the Norwegians. The
Italians and South Koreans are getting ready to leave, and the Britons and
Japanese could begin packing their bags later this year.  

Slowly but steadily, America's
allies in Iraq are drawing down or
pulling out as Iraqi forces take more responsibility for securing the country.
By year's end, officials say, the coalition - now 25 nations supporting a
dwindling U.S. contingent of 138,000 - may shrink noticeably.

The withdrawals and reductions
will test the Iraqis' ability to tamp down attacks and rebuild, said Anthony
Cordesman of the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International
Studies, warning in a new report: "It is too soon to predict the extent to
which Iraqi forces can eventually replace coalition forces."’

Iraq Coalition