Monday 10th of February 2025

Corporate Based Killers-Why The Adelaide Professor Died In Iraq

Foreign Affairs, after gagging his family via "security issues", said that incident highlighted the extreme dangers Australians faced in Baghdad.

The fact that an Australian-based mercenary company gunned down an 72 year old Iraqi academic as he drove home from a shopping outing, for fear he might be a suicide bomber, doesn't seem to be a factor in the minds of DFAT's spin-doctors.

For three months of the year Professor Kays Juma lived in the Adelaide suburb of Flagstaff HIll, a couple of miles from a university that had never heard of him, and not much further from Alexander Downer's house.  The bulk of his life was spent teaching animal husbandry at the University of Baghdad.

Maybe if the mercenaries who ended his life didn't belong to a company that had lost lives in a car bomb explosion two years back,  when they were protecting water and electricity engineers, this tragedy  might not have occurred..  All these armed men saw, as they guarded a convoy of contractors, was an old Iraqi getting too close for comfort.

Acting on the policy of "better safe than sorry" they shot him.

The mercenary managers, Unity Resource Management, have as a director the Sydney Olympic's chief of athlete security.  He was also head of the SAS' Counter-Terrorism Unit until 1997.  Unity Resource (whose motto is "In Strength Lies Unity"  appear on the U.S Embassy in Bagdad's website under "Citizen Services"  They joined the Iraqi-American Chamber of Commerce last year, and this year are a major sponsor (second on the list only to AEGIS)) at the Iraq Security, Technology and Communications Summit being held in the UAE.  No doubt part of their sponsorship will be guarding the Ministers, Deputies and Secretary Generals  of the Departments of Interior, Communications, Science and Defence.

This company seems to have strong views on the ethics of the participation of Australian Government representatives.  Consider this article review by one of their senior employees:

 The argument and thoughts put forward in the abstract are not only
interesting however prudent to the evolving question as to whether the
Australian Government agencies and defence force need to utilise the
established model that exists in the US and UK with companies such as
Dynocorp, Blackwater and the UK firm Control Risks Group.

There are however a number of essential core issues that need to be
estabished and the major concern is the national interest. i.e. the
companies involved in Aus gov work would need to be transparent with
the other contracted work so that security and conflicts of interest on
a global scale are not raised. I look forward to further reading the
remainder of the article.

Regards Shane Irving Unity Resources Group Aus, Asia, Middle East, Latin America


How a company with such ideals and aspirations managed to gun down Kays Juma is an important consideration.  That a "legitimate" soldier in a declared war might perpetrate such an action in defence of his life might, however abhorrent the notion, be halfway understandable.  That a gun-toting warrior bearing the insignia not of a nation but of a corporation can kill an old man because it's his job to do so is can only be labelled as  the epitome of everything that is wrong with Western society.

How many innocent Iraqis, unreported through lack of connection to other countries, have died at the hands of corporate employees from "democratic" nations?  Do the compilers of the Rand Corporation's Terrorism Database,  who provided the Incident Report for the Unity deaths, keep statistics on civilians blown away by mercenaries?

Is this the active Democracy that Western society is so proud of?  We should hang our heads in shame

Where the bloody hell are you?... I'm in Bleeding Baghdad...

"Foreign Affairs, after gagging his family via "security issues", said that incident highlighted the extreme dangers Australians faced in Baghdad."

Sure that place would not be so dangerous should our government not decided to go to war with druken-with-power lying mates... One has to ask how long is the Green Zone going to stay implanted in Baghdad? 10 years, 25 years?...
What about the depleted uranium spread over the country side? What about the US constant collateral damage?... Bombings that the US can do nothing about? Sure... Saddam was doing a far better job at controlling insurgency... Dangerous place indeed...

Delegating warfare

"We understand he was shot by a security officer and we're obviously doing our best to investigate that. We're not absolutely sure at this stage about who shot him, but we're talking with the authorities about investigating who is responsible.

"But it was somebody working for a private security firm, we believe

Gus mulls:
It's obvious that having delegated residual warfare to private enterprise, the responsibilities of deaths now rest with no minister of the crown... Especially those who organised the war in the first place like our Prime minister... When will these people (especially Tony Blair, John Howard and George Bush) accept the full responsibility for the enormous amount of death brought to Iraq, by lying about Saddam's WMDs and them cleansing their tarnished souls with "freedom" to Iraq soapsuds... When will they resign from office, resign in shame for the biggest mess of this infantile 21st century... But the tragic next question to ask are:
Where are the decent people? Why aren't they outraged?

More death resulting from our triumvirate of liars

From Al Jazeera

Several die in Baghdad store attack

Wednesday 29 March 2006, 13:43 Makka Time, 10:43 GMT
Attackers wearing Iraqi police commando uniforms have killed at least eight people and wounded three in a raid on an electronics store in western Baghdad, police sources say.

A hospital source put the toll at nine - three women and six men - from Wednesday's raid on al-Ibtikar Trade Contracting Company in the relatively affluent Mansour neighbourhood.

The attackers arrived at the store in five black BMWs in the morning, police Lieutenant Maitham Abdul-Razzaq said.

The motive of the attack was not known. The assailants burned part of the building and appeared to have taken no money, Abdul-Razzaq said.

The past week has seen a spate of attacks and robberies by uniformed raiders on electronics stores and other businesses in the city.

On Monday and Tuesday, 35 people were abducted in four attacks, two of them on electronics dealers. The fate of those kidnapped is unknown.