Sunday 9th of March 2025



Download this sticker and print it on adhesive paper... I recommend A4 sheets of white PPS paper.

Enlarge to about 28 centimetres wide and print 3 up. Cut up. Place it on as many (legal) places as you can...

You'll be doing the planet (and yourself) a service.



ARSONISTS in Victoria and NSW have sparked fear and anxiety among suburban residents, and anger amongst fire authorities.

A deliberately-lit blaze has threatened several homes including an aged care facility in Melbourne's northwest, leaving local residents panicked and distressed.

Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board spokesman Trevor Woodward said residents were calling in tears at 1.30am (AEDT) this morning as the scrub fire in Brimbank Park at Keilor East threatened their back fences.

Gus: As the front page of the Terrorgraph exposes a couple of pyromaniac arsonist kids, we need to reflect solidly...Yes these kids were lighting some fires in a total fire ban situation and this was not clever... 
But what is less clever still is that some of us, including spruikers in the media, are not prepared to acknowledge an indisputable fact: The planet is warming up and the human production of carbon dioxide (and methane) is 99 per cent responsible for it. 
No matter how blue or red in the face, people like Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt tell you that it's not happening or that the warming is "natural" they are far more dangerous that a couple of pyromaniac kids...
In fact as we all burn the extra carbon from fossil fuels, WE ALL are pyromaniacs on the global scale...
The best prognostic at the moment is that by by 2100, the planet will be 4 degrees Celsius warmer than now... The worse prognostic is around 9 degrees Celsius. By now, with no country on earth having committed to firm reductions of CO2, with carbon dioxide emission still climbing as ever before, we have no chance in hell to limit the damage at 2 degrees Celsius by 2100. 
What Australia is experiencing now is only a small sample of the future... The USA is not immune either :

2012 hottest year on record in contiguous U.S., NOAA says
By Wednesday, January 9, 5:00 AM

Last year was the hottest on record for the contiguous United States, shattering the previous mark set in 1998 by a wide margin, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Tuesday.

The average temperature was 55.3 degrees [F[, 1 degree above the previous record and 3.2 degrees [F[ more than the 20th-century average. Temperatures were above normal in every month between June 2011 and September 2012, a 16-month stretch that hasn’t occurred since the government began keeping such records in 1895.

Federal scientists said that the data are compelling evidence that climate change is affecting weather in the United States and suggest that the nation’s weather is likely to be hotter, drier and potentially more extreme than it would have been without the warmer temperatures.





Temperatures Continue Up the Escalator

Posted on 8 January 2013 by dana1981

The Escalator has been one of Skeptical Science's most popular features since its inception just over one year ago.  Over the past year, it has been used in many climate myth debunkings, mainstream media stories, and most recently was even used by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse on the floor of the US Senate (the full transcript of the Senator's excellent speech can be viewed here).



THE heatwave that has scorched the nation since Christmas is a taste of things to come, with this week's records set to tumble again and again in the coming years, climate scientists said.
The hottest average maximum temperature ever recorded across Australia - 40.33 degrees, set on Monday - might stand for only 24 hours and be eclipsed when all of Tuesday's readings come in. The previous record had stood since December 21, 1972.
''The current heatwave - in terms of its duration, its intensity and its extent - is unprecedented in our records,'' said the Bureau of Meteorology's manager of climate monitoring and prediction, David Jones.

Read more:






changing the tune...

Hot enough for you?By Friday, January 11, 11:46 AM

All right, now can we talk about climate change? After a year when the lower 48 states suffered the warmest temperatures, and the second-craziest weather, since record-keeping began?

Apparently not. The climate-change denialists — especially those who manipulate the data in transparently bogus ways to claim that warming has halted or even reversed course — have been silent, as one might expect. Sensible people accept the fact of warming, but many doubt that our dysfunctional political system can respond in any meaningful way.

read more:


The denialists are silent? No... Since they cannot dispute the fact that the planet is warming up, they now try to dispute the anthropogenic origin or this warming... But this effort is half hearted... They don't really believe their own crap but they still try it on half-baked... This also becomes a flimsy agument,  so they take the last line of defence, like Andrew Bolt. They say that we cannot do anything to stop the temperature rising and that we'll do more harm to our "economy" should we try to do anything... For these idiots, the carbon tax (carbon pricing) is not going to solve anything...  And they could be convinving but they are wrong. It has shown to be effective...  Something had to be done to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions ... And no matter what, the carbon pricing is far better than Tony Detritus' disbelief and obstructions...

Tony Abbott is an iddiott...