Friday 14th of March 2025

muck media .....

from yesterday’s Crikey ….. 

No basis for Murdoch's Muslim

Charles Richardson writes: 

Rupert Murdoch picked a bad time
to express the view, as he did yesterday, that Muslims'
religion "supercedes any sense of nationalism wherever they go".
Perhaps he was following Mark Steyn, who maintained back in February that Islam
"is not something you leave behind in the old country. Indeed, for its
adherents in the West, it becomes their principal expression – a Pan-Islamic
identity that transcends borders."

Just last week, the Pew Global Attitudes Project released a report that
provides strong evidence against the Murdoch-Steyn position. Pew surveyed
people in Muslim countries, western Europe and the US, and also specifically
Muslims in western Europe. While the responses were not monolithic, they show
that as a general rule European Muslims were more liberal and less anti-western
than their counterparts in the Middle East.

For example, asked how many of
their country's Muslims "support Islamic extremists like al-Qaeda",
only 12% of Muslims in Britain, Spain and Germany (9% in France) said
"many" or "most". In Pakistan it was 35%, Egypt 22%, Jordan
18%. Muslims in Europe were much more likely to associate positive
characteristics such as "generous", "tolerant" and
"respectful of women" with westerners. And large majorities of
Muslims in the four European countries said they had a favourable opinion of
Christians – more than in Muslim countries, and also more than the numbers of
Europeans who were favourable towards Muslims. 

The report suggests that the
failure of sympathy comes from the western side at least as much as the Muslim.
Asked whether there was a conflict between being a devout Muslim and living in
a modern society, Muslims in all countries except Pakistan were more likely to
say "no" than "yes". But the general populations in
Germany, Spain, Britain and Russia all said "yes" by substantial

There were also substantial
differences in how the results were reported. The New York Times, whose report
was reprinted in The Age, headlined with
"Poll Finds Discord Between the Muslim and Western Worlds". But in
Europe, where Muslim immigrants are supposed to be a threat, it was easier to
see the positive side: Le Monde led with "A
majority of westerners have a favourable opinion of Muslims".

Second shoe poised to drop

Murdoch's view was an opener to the alternative take on the Pew report, as excreted today by Rupert's own organ, in Daniel Pipes: Divided by conspiracy and hate:

... Overall, the Pew survey sends an undeniable message of crisis from one end of the Muslim world to the other. ... 

Now, there's the necessary 'balance', to offset a disturbing trend toward accomodation and reciprocity. Stepping up the rhythm on the drum.

Keep an eye on Murdoch's nether regions, and that puckered sphincter. There's a big, brown one cooking up, to follow up the last fizzer on the DPRK-will-nuke-Sydney hype. Coming to us soon - jihadists have NUKES! Just another of Cheney's One Percenters.

And just as well Brendan Nelson secured a ton of those JSFs at bargain basement prices. Snap! You can wake up now, Stud.

I couldn't believe those

I couldn't believe those Yanks were dumb enough to repeat the same mistakes as in Vietnam. Their ignorance of anything,except resources, outside of their borders is mind numbing. They still don't know who is friend or foe in Iraq or how to treat non-WASPS. They are still so paranoid they have imported Asian workers, at less than bargain basement rates, to built their fortresses in Iraq.In four years, all they've managed to do is piss off seventy million Arabs.

rupert's bum fluff .....

‘It's difficult to overstate how fatuous, how wrong, how disingenuous, dangerous and moronic this "report" is. Yet also how transparent, comedic and embarrassing at the same time.

A Fox reporter, in a segment entitled Is Hezbollah At All Linked to Al-Qaeda? says (VIDEO):

"... Two distinct groups, one common goal: the complete destruction ah... um... de... pruh... uh... democracy and all that is Western; Hezbollah and Al Qaeda, two fierce terror networks, both led by radical Islamic extremists..."

Let me answer the question of links: No. Of course not. The reporter even has trouble reading the asinine script -- perhaps she's saying in her head: Is this for real?

But this is a calculated and repugnant move to promote our entry into the war -- or at least for Americans to rally behind the administration's idle and childish stance while people die on both sides of the conflict.

How do I know? Why am I such a big shot? Reading.’

Is Fox Dumb or Dangerous?

Uncle Rupert's ugly spruik

As mentioned in my earlier blogs, Rupert's media organisation is pushing Das Fascist Kapital to the hilt with only a few token lefties (one good one) to claim "balance" in the spruik... Ugly!