Saturday 4th of January 2025

the glaring truth .....

‘All of them – Bush, Rice, Hoekstra, Santorum, the warmongering nabobs at Fox News – know they are peddling lies. The truth is too glaringly obvious to ignore, even for a pathologically incurious, spoon-fed twit like Bush. But they don't care. Hanley's story is one of the very few in the mainstream press to have ever laid out the facts alongside their lies in a calm, straightforward fashion. It's clear, concise, quietly but utterly devastating – and it won't make a damn bit of difference.

The Bushists know that a wire story buried on page 16 of the Topeka Times – or even splashed on the front of the Washington Post – poses no threat to their propaganda machine. They know that the majority of Americans get their "news" from TV – or rather, from glimpses at the scrolling headlines rolling by under the bland, blathering, blow-dried heads of the anchors and the fulminating mugs of the countless hard-right apparatchiks who dominate the screen. The lies will go on – and the corpses will keep piling up, despite the occasional flash of lightning piercing through the dark.’

Catastrophe By The Numbers

what we've said all along...

From the New York Tines

Anti-U.S. Feeling Leaves Arab [|Reformers Isolated]

Published: August 9, 2006
DAMASCUS, Syria, Aug. 8 — Moderate reformers across the Arab world say American support for Israel’s battle with Hezbollah has put them on the defensive, tarring them by association and boosting Islamist parties.
The very people whom the United States wanted to encourage to promote democracy from Bahrain to Casablanca instead feel trapped by a policy that they now ridicule more or less as “destroying the region in order to save it.”
Indeed, many of those reformers who have been working for change in their own societies — often isolated, harassed by state security, or marginalized to begin with — say American policy either strangles nascent reform movements or props up repressive governments that remain Washington’s best allies in the region...

read more at the New York Times

fox hunting .....

‘The always controversial George Galloway was on Sky News and unloaded on the "Rupert Murdoch owned station" for its bias towards Israel. He started out by attacking their short-term memory regarding the conflict and tried to give the crisis more historical context:


"Hezbollah are a part of the Lebanese national resistance who are trying to drive, having successfully driven most Israelis from their land in 2000, Israel from the rest of their land and to get back those thousands of Lebanese prisoners who were kidnapped by Israel under the terms of their illegal occupation of Lebanon. It's Israel that’s invading Lebanon, its Israel that’s attacking Lebanon, not Lebanon that’s attacking Israel. You‘ve just been carrying a report of 10 Israeli soldiers on the border, getting ready to invade Lebanon, and you ask us to mourn that operation as if it were some kind of war crime. Israel is invading Lebanon and has killed 30 times more Lebanese civilians than have died in Israel. So it's you who should be justifying the evident bias which is written on every line on your face, and is in every nuance of your voice, and is loaded in every question that you ask."


"I spoke just a moment ago to the Israeli foreign ministry spokesman who said that the three Lebanese who were…have been captured, perhaps you’d like to use that word, have been before a judge and been through a court of law."


"Oh please, have a slightly longer memory than four weeks. I’m talking about the thousands of prisoners taken during the 18 years of Israeli occupation, illegal occupation of South Lebanon. These are the prisoners that have to be released, in exchange for the Israeli soldiers captured at the beginning of this wave of the crisis."

When the Sky News anchor questioned Iran's shipments of weapons to Hezbollah, Galloway points out the hypocrisy:


"This is preposterous. America has given Israel missiles that can target not just every city in Lebanon, but every city in the Arab and Muslim world including Iran. Why should America be allowed to give long range missiles to Israel, including hundreds of nuclear missiles, but Iran is not allowed to give them (interruption)…but they’re not a terrorist organization. Only in the mind of Rupert Murdoch’s SKY, and the Times, and the SUN, and the news of the world. They’re not a terrorist organization. It’s Israel that is a terrorist state."  

Galloway then exposes the western media's bias toward holding the loss of Israeli life in higher regard than the loss of Arab lives:


"You don’t give a damn. You don’t even know about the Palestinian families. You don’t even know that they exist. Tell me the name of one member of the seven members of the same family slaughtered on the beach in Gaza by an Israeli warship. You don’t even know their names, but you know the name of every Israeli soldier who has been taken prisoner in this conflict. Because you believe, whether you know it or not, that Israeli blood is more valuable than the blood of Lebanese of Palestinians. That’s the truth, and the discerning of your viewers already know it."

Whether you agree with him or not, Galloway makes these and many more significant points in this video clip.

Galloway Rips Pro-Israel Media Bias



Galloway is one sane voice in the madness. His points are extremely valid. The western media, Murdock's in particular, is so extremely biased that they DO push the view that one drop of Israeli blood shed is worth the rivers of Arab blood they are shedding! The media is as guilty of war crimes as the politicians who have taken us into Iraq and who have condoned and sanctioned the killing and torture of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Iraqis and Afghanis and once again the Lebanese.

 Israel is a TERRORIST NATION and the sooner the world wakes up to this fact the better chance we have of staving off massive more death and more destruction. On a daily basis we are bombarded with "interviews" and debates, in the print media, on the internet, on radio and television, with streams of lies, half truths, disinformation and propaganda parading around as the truth. Distortions are spewed out with such venom and bias that it is impossible to respond to most of them. People like Galloway are treated as we have seen here, made to look as radical as possible, shouted down, hit with carefully worded questions that they are then not allowed to reply in full to.

We are bombarded with the idea that to speak out against the crimes of Israel is somehow "Anti-Semitic". Israel is hiding behind the guilt and playing on the fear of the various anti vilification laws that have been instituted in the west. And it is working. Just this week I personaly was called a "Holocaust denier" because I made a statement that not all Jews support the state of Israel, when in fact the only serious deniers are those Jews who refuse to acknowledge the 6 million non-Jews, the Poles and Gypsy's and Gays, who also died in the death camps.

If any of you, dear readers, have any doubts that the majority of the worlds Jews do NOT support Israeli agression and policies in the middle east, just Google the term "Zionist" or "Zionism" and see the number of Jewish anti Israel websites belonging to these dissenting Jews. Are they also "anti-Semitic"?

Galloway fights the good fight. The rest of us pale beside him.


You just need to be a flea against injustice. Enough committed fleas biting strategically can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable and transform even the biggest nation. ~~ Marian Wright Edelman