Thursday 23rd of January 2025

the bullshit-o-meter ...

the bullshit-o-meter ...

trickle means trickle...


The trickle-down effect in action

Don Nealon (Letters, June 21) disparages the "trickle down" economic theory, claiming that it does not work. Has he not noticed that many relatively well-off retired people have their houses cleaned, their gardening done and go to coffee shops and restaurants. They also employ accountants, solicitors, medical staff and live out their days in retirement homes.

These are known as service industries; they exist because people have got good incomes and they get things done for them that provide employment for others. This, in its simplest form, is the trickle-down effect. It works.

Michael Lane St Ives



I am impressed... Yes the torrent of cash given to "businesses" as reduction of taxes by the Turdball/Abbott/Scotmo government will drip down. That's only because the tap is leaky... All this disparity is designed to make the rich far richer and the poor stay above the beggars line. Yes the well-off rich retirees need medical staff to make sure they live a bit longer, and much of those nice nurses are vocational enough to accept penalty rates, which of course the Turdball/Abbott/Scotmo government wants to abolish in order to foster more poverty amongst workers.

Unlike the tradie in the infamous advert, not everyone can afford to invest in a negatively geared second or fifth home.

Scottmo this morning on Fran Kelly was like a rabid evangelical preacher: Vote for Labor and you'll go to hell! Labor's intent of reducing the unfairness of "negative gearing" will "reduce the value of YOUR home by 3.5 pewcent!" Falsely claimed by a fast talking Scotmo sure of his god's existence. Rubbish. 

As well, Medicare is under threat, don't you worry about that. The "efficiency" improvements promised by Turdball is equivalent to slashing the budget of something that is already working on the smell of an oily rag despite its mega budget. 


Ah and I've "just" noticed. The writer above is from St Yves... Say no more for our fair Sydneysiders. For our overseas readers, St Yves is one of the richest suburbs in Sydney, where acreage and old mansions abound, even either side of the main drag. This is where the game of Polo is played rather than rugby league. And this is the burb where "poor" struggling little Malco (Malcolm Turnbull — our millionaire PM) went to private boarding school...