Wednesday 5th of February 2025

the brutal sweet reality behind the war in Ukraine…..

Here comes China

Kiina Tulee. Oletko Valmis?

Niin kuin mailmassa on Jin ja Jang, (陰 ja 陽, 阴 ja 阳, ☯) niin on ihmisen selviytymisessäkin olemassa kaksi toisilleen vastakkaista tapaa: ekonomistinen (raha) ja moraalinen (etiikka). Näitä ei pidä sekoittaa keskenään.

– Erityisen merkityksellistä on ymmärtää Jin’in ja Jang’in olemassaolo juuri nyt, kun sivilisaationa olemme siirtymässä Kiinan maailmanvaltiuden piiriin.

– Tähän siirtymään ei sotaa tarvita. Meidät on kasvatettu alistumaan ja geeniperimämme tukee samaa.

Politiikka on perinteisesti koettu moraaliseksi toiminnaksi. (Poliitikkoa ei rahalla osteta…) Ja sitä se nimenomaan on, ja sitä sen nimenomaan PITÄÄ olla. Meidän on ymmärrettävä, että politiikka on nimenomaan moraalista toimintaa. Teemme suuren virheen, jos annamme rahat poliitikkojen käsiin; sekoitamme Jin’in ja Jang’in keskenään. Lopputulos voi olla vain valtion ja kulttuurin täydellinen tuho.

– Poliitikko voi kyllä säätää lain: Älä tapa. Siihen ei rahaa tarvita. Ja näin on hyvä.

– Jos jonkin asiaan toteuttamiseen tarvitaan rahaa, asiasta päättäminen kuuluu kansalle. Ei poliitikoille.

Siirtyminen osaksi Kiinan imperiumia, ei vaadi sodan käymistä ja kaikkein vähiten sotaa haluaa nimen omaa Kiina: mitä se tekee tuhotuilla valtioilla.

– Vain me itse voimme tuhota oman taloutemme.

– Helpoiten se tapahtuu valitsemalla poltettujen siltojen taktiikka: tuhotaan kaikki yritystoiminta ja kansan elinmahdollisuudet.

– Jos me emme hallitse kansaa, niin ei sitten kukaan. Siispä kansa on tuhottava.

Kiinan imperiumiin siirtyminen tapahtuu rahan voimalla. Tulee hetki, piste aikajanalla, jolloin EU menettää moraalisen oikeuden painaa rahaa. Se on euron loppu. Ihmiset alkavatkin haluta leipää pöytään rahan sijasta ja vain Kiinan rahalla sitä leipää saa.

Käytännössä siirtyminen Kiinan imperiumin alaisuuteen tapahtuu ottamalla kansalliset valuutat käyttöön.

– Mitä kansallinen valuutta on ilman ulkomaan kauppaa?

– Ulkomaankauppa taas ei ole mahdollista ilman ostajan ja myyjän vapaaehtoista sopimusta vaihdannasta, siis käytettävästä valuutasta.

– Millä rahalla käymme ulkomaankauppaa?

– Eurollako?

– Poliittisesti Kiinan rahaan siirtyminen voidaan perustella esimerkiksi viennin edistämisellä, mutta se on vain peitetarina Kiinan maailmanvaltaan alistumiselle.

Kuinka sitten tavallinen kansalainen voi varautua itsensä ja perheensä osalta tulevaan Kiinan maailmanvaltaan?

– Anna lapselle kiinalainen nimi.

– Laita lapsesi opiskelemaan kiinaa.

– Jos voi valita työpaikan, kannattaa ottaa se, jolla on parhaat yhteydet kiinaan, kiinan kauppaan, kiinalaiseen teknologiaan, … Yritykseen, jolla on kiinalainen johtaja ja johtamismalli. Tällainen yritys sopeutuu nopeiten uuteen tilanteeseen.

Jos et itse varaudu Kiinan maailmanvaltaan, niin kuka sitten varautuu puolestasi?

– Haluatko olla vain mittatappio sodassa, jota käydään poltettujen siltojen taktiikkaa noudattaen?





China Comes. Are you ready?

Just as there are Jin and Jang in the world, (陰 and 陽, 阴 and 阳, ☯) there are two opposing ways in human survival: economist (money) and moral (ethics). These should not be confused.

- It is especially important to understand the existence of Jin and Jang right now, as a civilization, we are moving into the realm of the Chinese world.

- No war is needed for this transition. We have been raised to submit and our genetic heritage supports the same.

Politics has traditionally been seen as a moral act. (A politician is not bought with money…) And that is exactly what it is, and that is exactly what it MUST be. We need to understand that politics is precisely a moral activity. We are making a big mistake if we put money in the hands of politicians; we mix Jin and Jang together. The end result can only be the complete destruction of the state and culture.

- Yes, a politician can legislate: Don't kill. It doesn't take money. And that's good.

- If money is needed to do something, it is up to the people to decide. Not for politicians.

The transition into the Chinese Empire, does not require war to take place and the least war wants to name its own China: what it does to the destroyed states.

- Only we ourselves can destroy our own economy.

- The easiest way to do this is to use the tactics of burnt bridges: to destroy all business and the livelihood of the people.

- If we do not control the people, then no one. Therefore, the people must be destroyed.

The transition to the Chinese Empire is done with the power of money. There will come a moment, a point on the timeline, when the EU will lose its moral right to print money. That is the end of the euro. Indeed, people are starting to want bread on the table instead of money, and only Chinese money makes that bread.

In practice, the transition to the Chinese Empire takes place through the introduction of national currencies.

- What is the national currency without foreign trade?

- Foreign trade, on the other hand, is not possible without a voluntary agreement between the buyer and the seller on the exchange, ie the currency used.

- How much money do we trade abroad?

- The euro?

- Politically, the changeover to Chinese money can be justified, for example, by the promotion of exports, but it is only a cover story for China's submission to the world power.

How, then, can an ordinary citizen prepare for himself and his family for the future world power of China?

- Give the child a Chinese name.

- Put your child to study Chinese.

- If you can choose a job, you should take the one with the best connections to China, Chinese trade, Chinese technology,… A company with a Chinese leader and management model. Such a company adapts the fastest to the new situation.

If you are not preparing for China's world power, then who is preparing for you?

- Do you just want to be a scale loss in a war that follows the tactics of burnt bridges?


(Gusnote: Gus does not see curtsying to China as an outcome, nor becoming the vassals of China, but as a necessary friendhip)...


see also:

yin and yang through thick and thin…..


the money pits…..


ukraine and the jews…..


history remembered by the morons...


of godot filosofers…..


remembering belgrade…..


about trade and economy — the china shock.....


fuck-the-world is our full-spectrum mission.....


AN IMPORTANT RECAP: the new world order…..


and now for the high jump…..


the flip flops in jerusalem…..


history does not repeat but goes in circles…..


and many more...




And THIS IS why Assange is in prison...


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


on the one road...



Qian Luo

5 years ago




China not only initiates the Chinese dream, but also the dreams of other countries. As said many times, belt road initiative is an initiative of understanding, an initiative of pursing peace and harmony, an initiative of developing inclusively. Hope all countries can embrace together to overcome all the challenges and make the dreams come true in the near future. Best wishes for all countries involved! Best wishes for peace lovers!...




This road should be travelled both ways and let me say from my park bench, that it would rejuvenate Europe — now tired and confused by the influx of migrants that have changed and complexed its philosophy. In the US, this change which is brought by dreams of money, the ancient Anglo-Saxon/Germanic culture is being diluted by the influx of Mexicans and other South Americans. Whether all these migratory influx should happen or not is for the politicians to understand the benefits or not...  


Meanwhile, many commentaries have been made about the WOKE bubble. They first see the "genderisation" of LGBTi as a deliberate weakening of the "whitey" society and its former superiority. Some even go as far as suggesting the woke and its "anti-racism" has been engendered by a Jewish Cabal, that is piggybacking upon — and controlling — the Whiteys, in order to rule the world from the back.


The complexities of the local dynamics and the greater geopolitics are as usual like the ever-changing colours on a soap bubble. In the long run, we all seek peace... Let me rephrase this. NEARLY ALL OF US. Many of the guys in charge don't care much if you survive or not as long as they have enough consumers and soldiers to fight THEIR battles... Presently the ultimate battle is to steal the heart of Russia and of China. Russia preempted first...






Rabid atheist...