Saturday 11th of January 2025

pilgrim's progress .....

pilgrim's progress .....

‘A deadly bomb attack in a once safe Kurdish city and a rocket blast in Baghdad's Green Zone have served as a violent backdrop to a surprise Iraq visit by US vice-president Dick Cheney.

Mr Cheney arrived in the war-torn capital to meet senior Iraqi leaders, as a new poll revealed 59 per cent of American voters want the White House to set a timetable for withdrawing US troops from Iraq.

The vice-president told Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that Washington's patience with the slow pace of Iraq's political peace process is running out, even as new attacks further undermined its progress.’

Cheney Warns Iraqis To Speed Up Progress

of course, jabba was so busy issuing empty threats from pox amerik-anus, that he didn’t notice that their puppet had already had his strings cut by the newly emerging majority of terrifying Iraqi nationalists, intent on winning real “freedom” from the thieving clutches of the pilgrims in the outhouse ….

‘On Tuesday, without note in the U.S. media, more than half of the members of Iraq's parliament rejected the continuing occupation of their country. 144 lawmakers signed onto a legislative petition calling on the United States to set a timetable for withdrawal, according to Nassar Al-Rubaie, a spokesman for the Al Sadr movement, the nationalist Shia group that sponsored the petition.

It's a hugely significant development. Lawmakers demanding an end to the occupation now have the upper hand in the Iraqi legislature for the first time; previous attempts at a similar resolution fell just short of the 138 votes needed to pass (there are 275 members of the Iraqi parliament, but many have fled the country's civil conflict, and at times it's been difficult to arrive at a quorum).’

Majority Of Iraqi Lawmakers Now Reject Occupation

Dicko's Mission Failure statement...

From the NYT

On Carrier in Gulf, Cheney Warns Iran
Published: May 11, 2007

BRUSSELS, May 11 — Vice President Dick Cheney used the deck of an American aircraft carrier just 150 miles off Iran’s coast as the backdrop today to warn the country that the United States was prepared to use its naval power to keep Tehran from disrupting off oil routes or “gaining nuclear weapons and dominating this region.”

Little of what Mr. Cheney said in the cavernous hangar bay of the aircraft carrier U.S.S. John C. Stennis, one of two carriers whose strike groups are now in the Persian Gulf, was new. Each individual line had, in some form, been said before, at various points in the four-year-long nuclear standoff with Iran, and during the increasingly tense arguments over whether Iran is aiding the insurgents in Iraq.