Saturday 11th of January 2025

rattus caricatures .....


a familiar caricature .....

According to Amnesty International's 2007 Report the world is being polarised by the "politics of fear" & this has resulted in a serious erosion of human rights.

Unsurprisingly, the report delivers a stinging rebuke to the human rights policies & abuses meted-out by the empire of evil on the people of this planet, without sparing its own.

"Fear thrives in myopic & cowardly leadership. There are indeed many real causes of fear but the approach being taken by many world leaders is short-sighted, promulgating policies & strategies that erode the rule of law & human rights, increase inequalities, feed racism & xenophobia, divide & damage communities & sow the seeds for violence & more conflict," the report says.

The global human rights organisation pointed specifically at our prime rattus & president bushit (amongst a good many others) as playing on fear among their peoples, to help them push their own political agendas & in many cases, expand & strengthen their political power.

"Through short-sighted, fear-mongering & divisive policies, governments are undermining the rule of law & human rights, feeding racisms & xenophobia, dividing communities, intensifying inequalities & sowing the seeds for more violence & conflict," said Irene Khan, secretary general of Amnesty International.

Predictably, our little rattus indignantly rejected the findings of the world’s pre-eminent human rights organisation.

Whilst guilty of perpetrating numerous human rights abuses over the past decade, the rattus government has also provided a classic example of Amnesty’s thesis, moving to wind-back basic freedoms, whilst constantly engaging in fear-mongering at every opportunity.

Relying on the short-term memory of the awstraylen electorate, has rejected the characterisation of Australia & her human rights record, as spelt-out in the annual report.

The prime rattus said that: ‘the report's treatment of Australia amounts to little more than a shoddy caricature”.

“Australia has a proud record as a tolerant, fair & open society, second to none in its generosity & its contribution to upholding human rights around the world. I believe many Australians will be as offended by this report as I am,” said rattus.

Thos refugees imprisoned on Christmas Island; those awstraylen citizens rendered to the tender mercies of the evil empire, whilst not having broken any awstralyen law; those citizens illegally imprisoned & deported; David Hicks & Mamdouh Habib – illegally rendered, tortured, imprisoned without trial & legal representation, subjected to show trials & then locked-up again; the aboriginal people of this country; the tiny Muslim minority, vilified at every opportunity by rattus & his “shock-jock” mates: all would doubtless shake their heads in disbelief at the words of Amnesty’s report, knowing, as they do, that their human & legal rights have been fully protected & secured by awstrayla’s number one Amnesty member & its principle law officer, darth ruddock.

Awstraylens know who the real “caricatures” are, as Gus has demonstrated numerous times on the pages of this site.

awstralyan justice .....

‘Mamdouh Habib is fighting the Australian government in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for the right to get back his passport.

After his return from Guantanamo Bay, Habib applied for his passport and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade denied it on security reasons. The basis of this decision was, as a department official said, advice received from the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation and the Federal Police.

Habib asked many times for their reasons but the department blocked all answers. Then he went to the tribunal, representing himself, where he faced a plethora of lawyers paid by the government, who did everything possible to block his application.

The commitment and conviction of Mamdouh Habib made all their tricks fail and the case went ahead.

Then, when the real reasons for denying Habib his passport were about to be exposed, the government used another manoeuvre. Some of the witnesses appeared on closed-circuit television with faces obscured and without any possibility of cross examination.

Worse still, one of the witnesses, a supposed female ASIO agent, said that she was present at some interrogations at Guantanamo Bay, but Habib is certain he was never interrogated by a woman.

All this was in the morning of the hearing: by the afternoon the government lawyers, citing the antiterrorist laws, demanded that the rest of the testimony from Federal police and ASIO agents be delivered in closed session. The presiding magistrate allowed the government’s demands and everyone had to leave, including Habib.’

Mamdouh Habib Denied Basic Rights Again