Friday 3rd of January 2025

rattus emissions .....

rattus emissions .....

Labor's green 'fanatics' in denial, says Turnbull

The Federal Government is stepping up its attack on the Opposition's climate change policies.

The Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull is defending the Government's decision to wait until next year before setting pollution reduction targets.


Climate change an economic challenge, says PM

The Prime Minister has painted climate change as an enormous economic challenge as well as an environmental one, in an address to the Liberal Party's Federal Council in Sydney.

John Howard told the gathering Australians must decide who they trust to steer the country through the task of reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Labor has set a target of 60 per cent cut in emissions by 2050, but the Government is refusing to set a target until next year.

Mr Howard says no target should be set until rigorous economic modelling has been performed.

But he has confirmed a national cap and trade system will be in place no later than 2012.

The Federal Government is under fire for refusing to set a target before the election.

The Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane, once a climate change sceptic, has told Channel Ten he is now well aware of the dangers of global warming.

"I'm a true believer, for want of a better word, in the need to lower greenhouse gas emissions," he said.


Gus: can you believe these Howardian con artists? NO... they're only changing their GW spots to grab votes, not for ANY other reasons... No heart nor understanding in their newly discovered "beliefs". Only an election ploy to protect their burning butts. Hopefully voters will see through this duplicitous tactic... It's amazing what the prospect of loosing one's parliamentary comfy seat can do... Would the polls be different, they would do BUGGER ALL to stop globall warming... And at the moment they're just TALKING about doing something, waving the economic banana to delay making the important decisions till "NEXT YEAR"... Trust them if you believe in fairies...


Australia PM pledges climate plan
Australian Prime Minister John Howard has announced a shift in policy on climate change, promising to set up a carbon trading scheme to cut pollution.

Mr Howard said he would set a target next year for limiting greenhouse gas emissions and also pledged to put in place a carbon trading scheme by 2012.

Australia is one of the worst polluters per head of population in the world.


Gus: Yes, folks, if you add 2007 plus three, this means our Rattus snailpaceii would not even do carbon trading in the fifth term he won't get... No sirree, he plans to do it in the sixth terms he won't even see... What a con! First class trick! A pledge not worth the spittle!... a promise of non-core proportion never ever seen yet!... And our Malcolm, his Minister for Drips and Deforestation in Tassie and elsewhere in this country, will pay guilt money to Indonesia and other East Asian nation to "protect the forests" from illegal logging as if "legal" logging, here and elsewhere did not do any damage to the environment ...

Oh boy, these economic gangsters are lucky to have reaped some goodies from a Chinese hunger for resources, itself fuelled by a huge American deficit, itself underpinned by an illegal war — itself the cause of nearly 700,000 deaths, the cause of despair for more than 2.5 million refugess and the cause of distress for nearly 20 million Iraqis...

After having sold the farm, destroyed the fairness of institutions such as education and Medicare, having flogged the workers, filled the rich's pockets with our cash, plus having ignored global warming for years, the Rattus government deserve what's coming — a bit of burning at the stake...

Rattus has been (and unfortunately still is) the biggest manipulative liars of them all. Now, his beetroot face and his erratic finger-pointing show he is desperate — desperate to still serve his moronic master, Bushit, and to take us for fools for another three and a half years... Hopefully, come election time, the majority of Australians would have seen through his UnAustralian antics and not be lured by his poisoned apples... Then, we will be able to celebrate Rattus departus into the dusty hallways of bad Australian history to be best forgotten. It will be time to move on, with our heads high and our lightened hearts.

Please oh please...

Labor's position on climate change not extreme: Rudd

Federal Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd has rejected Government claims that Labor has an extreme position on climate change.

Both sides agree on the need for a carbon trading system, but the Federal Government has not revealed what its greenhouse reduction target is and will not until after the election.

Mr Rudd says the delay exposes the Government as not being serious on the topic.

"We have someone who is still a climate change sceptic pretending to be part of the climate change solution, and evidence of that pretence is the absence of a clear-cut carbon target," he said.


Gus: all the rest of this ABC article on what the government has said is simply just lies... LIES! For example: "Prime Minister John Howard says Labor environment spokesman Peter Garrett supports a 20 per cent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020." but Peter Garrett never did say that.... So John Howard is again at his lying best — telling fibs, porkies, tall tales at every street corners and getting his team to do the same and tarnish Rudd with things that are untrue. The same about the economy. Rudd's team can do and will do a finer job than the Liberal potato scrooges. At least getting rid of Johnnee will be a step in the right direction.

And I must say I have been deeply disappointed, actually deeply disgusted by Malcolm, the spinning wind-vane Minister for Dripping Taps, Deforestation and Whaling. I expected a bit better from him but he caught the Johnnee bug of talking crap.

"On Macquarie Radio, federal Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull attacked Labor for promising to cut its emissions by 60 per cent by 2050.

"It is fanatically motivated," he said.

"They are obsessed. It has become a new religion for them."

Mr Rudd says his plan to cut emissions is scientifically-based and similar goals are set elsewhere in the world."

Gus: If this pretty-boy Minister for the ENVIRONMENT CAN'T SEE that global warming is a SERIOUS issue, then he should go. Global warming is even more of a big problem than our most extreme scientists can even think of. In fact if the temperature this year goes above 0.1 of average since 1860, we are in deep deep trouble. So far, the temperature average is most likely to be 0.5 above average and already the month of may has been 2.5 degrees above average. Winter in Europe has been 2.5 degrees above average... This is a GLOBAL PHENOMENOM. Some climatologist will fudge an El Nino-La Nina trend away from global warming to justify their existence and some people may not see this as a trend but it is global warming, despite El Nino-La Nina... and a swiftly deadly trend at that. In ten years' time the temperature could be as high as 5 degrees above average under such trend... (Am I nuts?... No!) Imagine a summer with a few more days at 45 degrees in Sydney and may be a few edging 50 in the shade. Unthinkable? Think again... All the talks amongst governments around the globe at the moment are geared to stop global warming at 3 degrees above average by 2100. The leaders think that this can be achieved by reducing CO2 emissions by at least 60 per cent of 1990s levels by 2050. Rudd IS ON THE MONEY...

Between you, me and a lamp-post, this will never be achieved and the target is TOO CONSERVATIVE. But the Liberals still want to frolic in the sun until its too hot to play cricket...

Imagine for a second that the global temperatures are only rising 0.1 degree per year... By 2100, temperatures would be in the vicinity of 10 degrees higher than they are now. This is no fantasy, this is the horrible reality we are facing. The global temperatures are presently conservatively rising three times as fast as the best computer model could predict at the beginning of the decade.

So let me beg... Please oh please!, (I am on my knees) let's get rid of Johnnee!!! Then we can move in earnest to save the planet and ourselves as much as possible, in the shortest of time... Not by nuclear energy — a source that will create much bigger problems down the track — but by renewable, geothermic and reduction in consumption of energy.. FULL STOP. Am I angry enough? Sure...

Until Howard and his bedfellow Bushit are removed from the levers of humanity — hogging the doona of "who can you trust to blah blah... economy blah blah" — spruiking porkies like con artists, we are in trouble. They lied to go to war, they lied about refugees, they lied about Medicare, they lied about most things and they are lying about their global warming understanding. THEY HAVE NO BLOODY CLUE.

They have to be thrown out. OUT! O-U-T! schnell!!!..

channeling the weather...

Far from being intimidated by the political backlash, Dr. Cullen and executives at the [weather] channel say they have embraced the issue of global warming. Dr. Cullen is host of the weekly show “Forecast Earth,” formerly named “The Climate Code” where she has entertained such guests as former Vice President Al Gore. She also appears on the channel’s other programming with segments on hybrid taxicabs in New York City and the development of more fuel-efficient aircraft.


Gus: even if they are doing it for ratings and cash, they are doing it... 

trust me .....

Yes Gus, rattus says we should trust him when it comes to global warming.

To really drive his message home, rattus is about to hit us with his new $23 million climate change ad blitz, that will feature a personal appeal to the nation.

Take a look …..

Believe Me