Friday 3rd of May 2024

idiocracy .....

idiocracy .....

‘If the global policing, base-building, corporate capitalists cry that if we leave now, even more innocent people will die, just remember that "more" is an awful big number. Americans have already killed a million Iraqis and Afghanis, and displaced nearly three million. And this doesn’t count the 500,000 dead Iraqi children our government justified as "worth" a decade of economic sanctions.

Don’t worry that a soldier will ask the impossible question of "If we leave now, why was I maimed, lied to, wasted, and made a murderer?" He’ll ask anyway, and there is only one answer, an old and oft repeated answer, and it hurts. You chose to serve the state, and it sacrificed you for nothing.

The government war on terror, everywhere and all the time – captioned and captive by "Al Qaeda" – is what Bush craves. Like some futuristic Brondo, it’s killing our country, destroying our economy, and creating morally decrepit automatons where millions of free Americans might stand.

Over 70% of Americans oppose Bush, and his bloody cravings. Just in case we really are approaching idiocracy, that’s plus or minus 200 million. 200 million people who do not support the policy of a dwindling few in Washington, in a republic, ought to mean something. Shouldn’t it?’

It’s What Bush Craves!

meanwhile, back at the home of the brave …..

‘A progress report on Iraq will conclude that the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad has not met any of its targets for political, economic and other reform, speeding up the Bush administration's reckoning on what to do next, a U.S. official said Monday.

One likely result of the report will be a vastly accelerated debate among President Bush's top aides on withdrawing troops and scaling back the U.S. presence in Iraq.

The "pivot point" for addressing the matter will no longer be Sept. 15, as initially envisioned, when a full report on Bush's so-called "surge" plan is due, but instead will come this week when the interim mid-July assessment is released, the official said.

"The facts are not in question," the official told The Associated Press, speaking on condition of anonymity because the draft is still under discussion. "The real question is how the White House proceeds with a post-surge strategy in light of the report."’

Official: Iraq Gov't Missed All Targets

Yankee exceptionalism reaches new heights … republican & democrat hypocrites alike …

Having conspired to launch an illegal war of aggression .. the greatest of war crimes – a crime against peace … against Iraq; having murdered more than a million of her people; having laid waste to one of the oldest civilizations on the planet; having elevated state-sponsored terrorism to new heights, the Yankees then self-righteously blame the victims of the crime for failing to deliver their own salvation …

Of course, no mention of the fact that the evil Iraqi al-Qaeda sympathisers, posing as the “government” of Iraq, have almost managed to satisfy the most important ransom demand made of them by the Potomac gang …. handing the thieving yankee oil barons the great prize of her oil reserves.

The sooner the better...

At the moment, the major problem in Iraq is that the US administration and its buddies —the petroleum multinationals — are too greedy. Scrooges! Vampires!!!... Behind the veil of "morality" and "bringing democracy" they plan to suck as much as possible of the wounded beast before its blood runs out.

Thus the simpler solution to this carnage would be to give a bigger share of its own blood to Iraq. Blood here being the oil. If for example the oil revenue for Iraq was raised by 50 per cent into its own coffers — or about owning 60 per cent net of its own loot, there would be a shift of purpose and of accord between all the factions because it's easier to survive with a bit more in one's pocket... This could be the US better offer: to help the Iraqi government rewrite its oil legislation to satisfy all the factions with quite A LOT more for each — autonomy or whatever included without break up of the country. Then once this agreement is signed (within days from now under these new terms), the US can retreat to protect the oil fields and the factions can fight each other if they wish. My belief, erroneous or not, is that they would soon calm down and/or unite to fight Al Qaeda and its fundamentalism out of their system.

Sure there would be a few issues of law to sort out but most have already been resolved... So why is there no progress... Revenge? Sure. But a bit more dough and the prospect of greater prosperity under Iraqi's own terms, not the US dictatorial, could soon contain that to a minimum. At the same time the lesser presence of US troops would ease the feeling of being "occupied", not a pleasant feeling, not unlike having a catheter up a renal canal.

Of course, such generosity from the US would let the world know that this Iraq War was about OIL. So what? We know that already... What is killing everybody is the hypocrisy attached to the deed... Once the US own up on their real intent from the start, Bushit should resign and call elections forthwith.

Sure there would be a bit of egg yoke on many faces... Sure the Democrats would be likely to romp in... Sure the fanfare of primaries would be cut short... Sure a few noses would be put out of joint... But that would soon put a stop to that festering sore — and getting more deadly for all — that Iraq is. Bush goofed big time and his continuing goofiness is not going to help a bit.

So, with Bushit gone, the US can then go on fighting "Terror" wherever they wish, including their own underpants for all I care. But by giving more, LOTS MORE, oil revenue to the Iraqi, and by sucking creepy firms like Halliburton being erased out the international loop, then there is a better chance to solve that problem quickly. The sooner the better for all.

The entire world would be thankful and terrorism would shrink quite fast rather than ferment and grow as it is most likely to do at the moment.

So Mr President Bush I beg you: resign now and call presidential elections NOW. It would be at least the best step in a decade towards a better world. And you could be proud of it. The ultimate self-sacrifice... I am not holding my breath though.