Saturday 11th of January 2025

rats overboard ....

rats overboard .....

Yes Gus, the rats are all scurrying away …..

Rattus & Ruddock repeatedly claimed that they had no responsibility for Haneef’s treatment & that the case was simply in the hands of the police & the courts.

Time & again, however, Rattus, Darth Ruddock, & other rodents from the government made prejudicial comments against Haneef & declared that his arrest was a “wake-up call” to the Australian public that the “war on terror” must be continued indefinitely.

The evidence of the government’s political tampering is evident for all to see. Last week in the SMH, Craig Skehan & Jacob Saulwick reported that the editor-in-chief of the Australian, Chris Mitchell, received an anguished phone call about 6.30 AM on July 19 from the feral flatfoot Keelty about the newspaper’s publication of the police interview transcript.

Mitchell told the Herald: “Keelty said ‘There is all hell breaking loose with the government about this & I need to be able to say it did not come from us [the police]’. And I said: “OK.” So much for the supposed “independent” police chief, with Keelty apparently receiving direct calls from government officials demanding that he immediately investigate the leaking of the document.

The Law Council of Australia, the peak body representing the country’s 50,000 legal practitioners, has issued three media statements since Haneef was first arrested on July 2. The first attacked the terrorism laws that allowed Haneef to be held without charge, saying they permitted “indefinite detention by stealth”. The second accused the government of “undermining Australia’s judicial system” & of “political opportunism” in revoking Haneef’s visa, violating “the principle that every citizen is innocent until proven guilty”.

Today we have the hopelessly compromised Keelty attempting to avoid responsibility for the giant fiasco that his bumble-headed feral flatfoots have created by blaming the DPP. The fact that the DPP acts on briefs of evidence supplied by the plod is evidently meant to escape everyone’s attention.

Rattus, sickening Ruddock & the boofhead Andrews can’t be found.

Dr Haneef has been terrorised by the awful Australyen government but, of course, there will be no “sorry” for him or his family. Nor for the rest of us who are expected to tolerate a government whose incompetence & corruption is breathtaking.

And no solace from Rudd or Labor’s other federal leaders, who have remained “at one” with Rattus & his criminal gang throughout. Rudd even rebuked Peter Beattie, the only politician with a shred of integrity in the whole rotten saga, calling his criticism of the feral police “disgraceful” & “outrageous”.

Rudd reckons that terrorism is a serious matter for any prime minister or would-be prime minister, claiming that: “When it comes to the protective measures adopted by our security forces, we have to be hardline and robust.”

Rudd is as unprincipled & unfit as Rattus & his criminal mob. His pathetic posture is not just driven by supposed electoral considerations, but by Labor’s determination to fully exercise the police state powers contained in Howard’s anti-terrorism laws, if it wins office later this year. Both sides of politics in this country are equally appalling when it comes to their determination to govern by fear.

Every leading federal Labour figure lined up behind Rudd’s stance on Haneef. Last weekend alone, shadow ministers Wayne Swan, Julia Gillard, Lindsay Tanner & Tania Plibersek all made statements of support for the police & government operation against Haneef. What a crew.

Keelty would resign if he had any integrity. But he hasn't & he should be dismissed for incompetence.

Rattus & his rodent mates should be tossed into the street & consigned to the trashcan of history.

Rudd & his shallow followers should spare us all another decade of dishonest, opportunistic government & simply piss-off.

None of these disgusting, unprincipled bastards deserve our votes.

I guess that just leaves us … there is no-one-else …..

meanwhile …..

Greg Barnes writes in Crikey …..

The Haneef fiasco: It's the law stupid

Over the course of this past week two commentators on the Haneef case – The Australian’s Janet Albrechtsen and lawyer Peter Faris – have got it badly wrong.

They both think that the laws under which Dr Haneef has been detained and charged are ok, but it’s just that the investigation has been sloppy. Mr Faris has even taken to calling for Commonwealth DPP Damien Bugg and AFP Commissioner Mick Keelty to resign over their roles in this farcical case.

But get this Peter and Janet – it's the law, stupid! The anti-terror laws have been shown by the Haneef case to be dangerously flawed and open to manipulation by the authorities. These are the laws which allow the detention of an individual for days on end in solitary confinement.

These are the laws which allow for the prosecuting authorities to provide secret affidavits to magistrates, and which the defence is not allowed to view, even though the affidavits impact on their client. And these are the laws that allow for up to 12 hours of questioning of suspect in a manner that can be grossly unfair to the accused – you can string the 12 hours of questioning out over days and weeks.

Remember also that these laws are poorly drafted. No one has yet been able to provide an adequate explanation of what it means to ‘recklessly’ support a terrorist organization.

The Howard government/ALP anti-terror laws have enabled the Haneef farce to occur because these laws lack transparency safeguards and checks on power.

So yes, there are grounds for calling on Mick Keelty to resign given what looks to be an appallingly poor investigation by his team, and Damien Bugg’s people in Brisbane may have let him down, but how about Mr Faris and Ms Albrechtsen take off their Conservative cheerleader outfits and recognize the reality of the Haneef case?

And why don’t Faris and Albrechtsen attack the Howard government for its disgraceful politicization of the Haneef case? How about they stand up for traditional values and demand that the Nation’s first law officer, the Attorney-General, not provide a running commentary on terrorism cases and seek to twist public sympathy against the suspect?

And what about the capricious actions of Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews in this matter? Surely Mr Andrews’ conduct has been nothing more than a political stunt in which he is beastly careless about the rights of Dr Haneef and due process.

It is time to amend the anti-terror laws so we can prevent another Haneef.

Pass the dummy

From the ABC

Haneef decoy used to trick reporters

Lawyers for doctor Mohamed Haneef have confirmed that a decoy was used to trick reporters when their client was released from jail last night.

A decoy car containing an Indian man dressed to look like Dr Haneef left the Wolston Correctional Centre and led reporters on a wild goose chase towards the Gold Coast.

Meanwhile the real Dr Haneef was taken out of the jail and taken to a secret Brisbane address where he is under residential detention pending a decision on his visa status.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) have returned property and documents to Dr Haneef after the terrorism-related charge against him was dropped.

The documents and property was taken from Dr Haneef's Gold Coast unit by the AFP, and were returned to him by the Department of Immigration.

Dr Haneef's lawyer Peter Russo says it will take a long time to go through every scrap of paper to make sure nothing is missing.

Dr Haneef is believed to be keen to remain in Australia and continue working as a doctor if his visa is reinstated.

Mr Russo says he has not heard from the Immigration Department.