Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

breakfast with the new nazi lady in charge of hating russians....

‘She eats Russians for breakfast’: Who is Kaja Kallas, the EU’s next foreign policy chief?
The hawkish Estonian prime minister is leaving a political crisis at home to take the top diplomatic post in Brussels

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has been nominated by the leaders of EU member states to become the next high representative for security and foreign policy.

The politician – selected to speak for Brussels internationally and balance conflicting interests in the EU – has a reputation as an uncompromising hawk on Russia.

Before beginning a five-year term, Kallas will need approval from the European Parliament, whose members are expected to vote on her appointment in July, a step widely seen as a formality. 

‘Eats Russians for breakfast’

The 47-year-old’s attitude towards Moscow was summed up by an unnamed EU official, explaining why Western European nations were resisting her candidacy for another top job – the secretary general of NATO.

“Are we really putting someone who likes to eat Russians for breakfast in this position?” the source told Politico in March.

Kallas reacted by posting a picture of her breakfast, consisting of blueberries, muesli, a dairy product, and a drink.

Send troops to Ukraine

Kallas has embraced the idea that at some point NATO countries may have to deploy troops in Ukraine to prevent Moscow from defeating Kiev, first put forward by French President Emmanuel Macron in February.

“We shouldn’t be afraid of our own power. Russia is saying this or that step is escalation, but defense is not escalation,” the Estonian politician said of the proposal.

Macron’s stated goal in voicing the idea publicly was to leave Russian President Vladimir Putin guessing as to how far the US-led military bloc might go in supporting Ukraine. After multiple member states, including the US, ruled out sending their soldiers to fight for Kiev, the suggestion was downgraded to a military training mission in Western Ukraine.

Kallas has backed the new plan, saying it does not amount to an escalation – because a potential attack on the instructors would not trigger a mandatory joint NATO response.

“If you send your people to help Ukrainians … you know the country is at war and you go to a risk zone. So you take the risk,” she explained in May.

What victory means

According to Kallas, there should be no “Plan B” for Ukraine, because contemplating it would amount to undermining the primary goal of helping Ukraine prevail in the conflict.

 ”Victory in Ukraine is not just about territory,” she told the BBC in early June. “If Ukraine joins NATO, even without some territory, then that’s a victory because it will be placed under the NATO umbrella.”

The Estonian politician believes the optimal scenario of a defeat for Russia would result in the country's dissolution. Russia is composed of “many different nations” that could become independent, and “it is not a bad thing if the big power is actually [made] much smaller,” she argued last year.


war madness......

EU bureaucrats ‘want war with Russia’ – Orban

The Hungarian prime minister has accused Brussels of making “bad political decisions” on the Ukraine conflict


EU officials are pushing the bloc towards war with Russia, while neglecting the interests of their own people, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has claimed.

In an op-ed published in the Magyar Nemzet newspaper on Saturday, Orban warned that the EU is facing a series of crises, including economic challenges and the heightened threat of terrorism.

“To make matters worse, the Brussels bureaucracy that lives in a bubble has made a number of bad political decisions in recent years,” the prime minister argued. “Europe is increasingly being dragged into a war, in which it has nothing to gain and everything to lose.”  

The Hungarian prime minister made his comments shortly after EU leaders nominated Ursula von der Leyen to serve for a third term as the president of the European Commission. At the same time, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas was nominated to replace Josep Borrell as the bloc’s top diplomat. Known for her hawkish foreign policy, Kallas has been one of the key champions of tougher sanctions on Russia and more weapons shipments to Ukraine. She is also an advocate of using frozen Russian assets for aid to Kiev.

The Brussels bureaucrats want this war, they see it as their own, and they want to defeat Russia. They keep sending the money of the European people to Ukraine, they have shot European companies in the foot with sanctions, they have driven up inflation and they have made making a living difficult for millions of European citizens.

Orban also accused the EU leadership of “imposing their own ideologies” on the populations of member states, instead of “looking after the interests of the people.”

Orban is an outspoken critic of the EU’s approach to the Ukraine conflict, favoring a diplomatic settlement through negotiations. Unlike many other NATO members, Hungary has refused to send weapons to Kiev and lobbied against unconditional financial assistance.

He previously claimed the US and the EU were “the sources” of the “war madness” sweeping the continent, and accused Brussels of dangerous brinkmanship with Russia.



SEE ALSO: https://www.rt.com/russia/600232-zelensky-model-talks-russia/
















Kaja's lies...


Pepe Escobar: How Russia Will Defend Itself



the EU/US dictators....


Viktor Orban: A Lone Dove of Peace Dodging European and American War Hawks

   BY Seth Ferris


The furor in Washington, Brussels, and the capitals of NATO and EU member states over the recent trip to Moscow by the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, is very telling.

Despite Hungary currently holding the rotating EU presidency, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell was quick to state

“The Hungarian Prime Minister in no way represents the EU.”

The EU Council President Charles Michel also chimed in—short and simple: “Russia is the aggressor; Ukraine is the victim. No conversation about Ukraine can take place without Ukraine.”

Other European “leaders” (who more appear to be US puppets than anything else) threw in their two cents, such as Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, who is picked to be the next EU High representative for Foreign Affairs, who said

“In Moscow, Viktor Orban in no way represents the EU or the EU’s positions, He is exploiting the EU presidency position to sow confusion. The EU is united, clearly behind Ukraine and against Russian aggression”

An even more ridiculous statement came from Gitanas Nauseda, the Lithuanian President, who snapped

“If you truly seek peace, you don’t shake hands with a bloody dictator, you put all your efforts to support Ukraine”

Fight to the last Ukrainian!

A statement which simply beggars belief, as almost all wars are solved by sitting down with the enemy and having negotiations, unless the EU and US truly intend to “fight to the last Ukrainian! Needless to say, the White House was just as vehement, with press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre saying the visit

“will not advance the cause of peace and is counterproductive to promoting Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence.”

The Hungarian PM’s visit to Moscow came after he visited Kiev to hold discussions with Zelensky, the overstaying President of Ukraine, without much standing or respect these days, to gauge the Kiev junta’s position on the possibility of actually having peace talks, rather than the type of Potemkin village conference as recently held in Switzerland, which has been widely panned as a complete failure due to the refusal of major countries from the global south to attend, or sign off on the joint statement, especially China, nor was one of the parties to the conflict, the Russian Federation, even considered a stakeholder.

Unfortunately, as was to be expected, Viktor Orban could only report that the expectations of the two sides remain very far apart. During the meeting, which was televised, Putin reiterated Russian demands, including guarantees that Ukraine will never join NATO, and the recognition of facts on the ground, including recognition of Russian control over four regions, as Putin said:

“We are talking about the full withdrawal of all troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics [officially Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions], and from the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions”

Which is currently a non-starter for Ukraine and its western masters, while Viktor Orban promised to continue his shuttle diplomacy with a visit to Beijing, to gauge the Chinese position better, where he was cordially greeted by his Chinese hosts, in stark comparison to the recent receptions given to Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State, and Ursula von der Leyen, EU Commission president.

After the meeting, Orban said in a social media post:

“[Besides Russia and Ukraine, the end of the war] depends on the decision of three world powers, the United States, the European Union and China.”

Which simply seems to be seeing the world as it is, something US and EU leaders and diplomats seem increasingly unable to do, as if they live in some alternate reality where the other 80% of the world must obey their imperial dictates sent down from on-high.

By contrast, Orban’s diplomacy appears to be greatly appreciated by both the Russian and Chinese leaders, with the Russian government thanking him for his efforts, with Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov saying:

“Mr. Orban is taking a serious initiative to compare the positions of the different sides based on original sources, and we appreciate these efforts of Mr. Orban, there is a whole set of disagreements among the parties concerned, but at least Mr. Orban is making a very serious attempt to understand the essence of these disagreements, which is very much appreciated”

What is very much apparent, is that Orban, and his counterpart in Slovakia, Fico, are the only adults in the room amongst western leaders, recognizing that the West’s disastrous policies so far, such as NATO enlargement, the manufacturing of “color revolutions” such as the US managed and financed Maidan coup in 2014.

Negotiating in Bad Faith

 And we only have to consider the US and EU’s disastrous policies of either negotiating in bad faith, such as the Minsk agreements, or deliberately derailing peace deals as demonstrated in 2022 in terms of the tentative deal reached between Russia and Ukraine. This will be regretted, as the Russians were far more generous to Ukraine than anything they would be prepared to agree to at this time.

The US and European self-destructive sanctions and the supply of all types of weapons, mostly obsolete, which the Ukrainian junta happily uses against civilian targets under the direction of NATO “instructors”, will only lead to economic ruin of the EU, the potential failure of NATO, and the likelihood of igniting a full-scale war between nuclear powers.

Western Strategy in the Ukraine Conflict

The question arises, albeit somewhat mockingly: what is it about a genuine peace process that terrifies Europeans and Americans? It is evident that the ongoing war has wreaked havoc on Europe. Europe faces the self-imposed hardship of losing cheap energy supplies from Russia and being cut off from a profitable Russian consumer market. Additionally, sanctions appear to have actually bolstered the Russian economy, prompting neutral countries to reconsider their exposure to the West’s perceived imperialist economic policies, such as China, India and other members of BRICS—and also potential members of the economic block.

In fact, there are no positive results of European actions that I can see; the only Western nation that has reaped any benefits is the United States, which has managed to weaken an economic competitor: the European Union, rather than Russia.

It seems plausible to suggest that Western leaders are so intimidated by Washington that they are willing to risk economic, and possibly military, ruin by persisting in their support for a Ukrainian military victory. This stance appears delusional if they believe a Ukrainian triumph is even remotely achievable.

In summary, the Western approach to the conflict has been disastrously counterproductive for Europe. The strategy appears to primarily benefit the United States, driven by an underlying fear of Washington and unrealistic expectations regarding the conflict’s resolution.

Psychopathic Racists and Small Barking Dogs

Perhaps psychopathic racists like Donald Tusk, (and wife), Scholz, Baerbok, and the Baltic Chihuahuas fear their own crimes in supporting Zelensky and the Ukrainian neo-Nazis will come to light? So much money has been poured into Ukraine, so many weapons, all without proper oversight, that one is highly suspicious that much of it has been making its way back, under the table, to the senders.

Then there is the not insignificant matter of responsibilities for war crimes committed in the conflict zone, with the recent ATACMS strike on a Crimean beach full of civilians causing the Russian government to directly blame the US for the first time.

What will be interesting will be the next NATO summit to be held in Washington. There are many swords of Damocles hanging over it right now. Particularly after the appalling spectacle of a senile Biden stumbling his way through a debate with Donald Trump, and the strong likelihood that Trump will win the next election and return to the White House, with his views on NATO well known.

Orban is a dove amongst hawks, and we can only hope that he not only continues trying to find a diplomatic solution, and that he avoids the fate of his friend Robert Fico, badly wounded by the “lone gunman” opposed to his refusal to help fuel the war in Ukraine.

Orban has demonstrated some guts and grasp of the reality of the conflict in Ukraine! He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, and for sure, especially when compared to Obama, who got his for having given a good speech, albeit the lame reality, in Egypt!


Seth Ferris, investigative journalist and political scientist, expert on Middle Eastern affairs, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.




except kenya....

The EU’s chief diplomat has expressed surprise at the high level of backing for Russian President Vladimir Putin among people in Africa.

“In Africa, people support Putin. They say Putin saved Donbass,” Josep Borrell said on Thursday, speaking at the NATO Public Forum. 

Borrell emphasized the need for a new approach to defense, focusing on information warfare rather than traditional military tactics.

“We need a different army. We need people watching the network and people explaining what is going on, reprogramming the listeners, giving them correct information, in order to prevent an intervention in electoral processes,” the EU foreign policy chief stated.

Borrell highlighted the importance of focusing on the information battle, conducted not on a physical battlefield but within the people’s minds. “We don’t need to drop bombs or deploy tanks; we need to disseminate news and occupy cyberspace. The EU is very active in this area,” he claimed.

READ MORE: Defense support, strengthening ties, countering Western propaganda: The key points from Lavrov’s African tour

In May, in an exclusive interview with RT, Chadian envoy Mahamoud Adam Bechir stated that Putin’s reelection was beneficial not only for the Russian people, but for the entire world, including Africa. 

Bechir said Putin had strengthened relations with Africa, adding that Russia is led by a “great president.”

Meanwhile, during a meeting with the Russian President on February 20, Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev reported that Moscow had successfully delivered 200,000 tons of wheat to six low-income African nations, free of charge, making it the biggest humanitarian initiative ever conducted by Russia.





The people of Kenya are facing an economic crisis. In the last year, the prices of staple goods such as sugar, carrots and onions have risen by 50 percent. The price of maize flour doubled in the last two years. Wages, on the other hand, haven’t kept up with prices; ninety percent of Kenyans earn the same or less than they did in 2020.


Rather than act decisively in the interests of the struggling people of Kenya, the government of President William Ruto surrendered Kenya’s sovereignty to the International Monetary Fund, the United States and NATO. It earned Ruto the first African leader’s state visit to the United States in 16 years and the opprobrium of his people.


The Ruto administration introduced a number of new taxes and doubled the value-added tax on fuel, leading to record-high prices for essentials. Furthermore, the Finance Bill of 2024 increased additional taxation on everyday goods, including bread, cooking oil and sanitary towels.


In June, the people of Kenya poured into the streets of Nairobi and other cities to protest these hikes. In response, police and military forces barricaded major roads and assaulted, gassed, and executed protesters in broad daylight.


At the end of the month, Ruto was forced to withdraw some of the IMF-dictated policies. But the story isn’t over. The people of Kenya are now locked in a struggle for their sovereignty.


IMF interference in domestic economic affairs is nothing new for Kenyans. IMF policies were forced on Kenyans in the 1990s and again in 2011 and 2013, and they are well aware of the consequences. That’s why despite risking arrest and death, so many have taken to the streets to demand that Ruto Must Fall and be replaced by a new government willing to reclaim Kenyan sovereignty and popular dignity.


Kenya’s self-determination has implications far beyond East Africa. As a "major non-NATO ally" of the United States, Kenya is increasingly becoming the tip of the spear of imperialist aggression both regionally and globally. Last year, Kenya joined European states in pushing for military intervention in Niger. Recently, the first contingent of 400 Kenyan police officers arrived in Haiti — proxies in the US’s neo-colonial designs for the long-suffering island.


The Progressive International stands firmly with the people of Kenya. A victory for the Kenyan people would mark a defeat for imperialism everywhere and a milestone in the struggle for popular sovereignty.
