Thursday 9th of January 2025

precursors of future conflicts......

Dieser geostrategische Schlüsseltext ist ein absolutes Muss für jeden, der die aktuellen politischen und militärischen Geschehnisse rund um die Welt verstehen will.
Wer das Herzland beherrscht, beherrscht die Welt. So lautet die Kernaussage der Heartland-Theorie, die Sir Halford Mackinder vor über 100 Jahren der britischen Königlichen Geografischen Gesellschaft vortrug und veröffentlichte. Man muss sich wundern, dass heutzutage kaum jemand von dieser Theorie weiß, ist sie doch auf das Hervorragendste geeignet, die aktuellen weltpolitischen Ereignisse zu erklären.

Willy Wimmer, über lange Jahre Staatssekretär im Bundesverteidigungsministerium, stellt dem historischen Text von Sir Mackinder einen kongenialen und äußerst detail- und kenntnisreichen Lagebericht voran, der die aktuelle Bedeutung dieser Theorie mehr als veranschaulicht. Dem Leser werden schlagartig Zusammenhänge klar, die er vormals nicht für möglich gehalten hätte.




This geostrategic key text is an absolute must for anyone who wants to understand current political and military events around the world. Whoever controls the heartland controls the world.

This is the core message of the Heartland Theory, which Sir Halford Mackinder presented and published to the British Royal Geographical Society over 100 years ago. It is surprising that hardly anyone knows about this theory today, as it is extremely well suited to explaining current global political events.
Willy Wimmer, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Defense for many years, prefaces Sir Mackinder's historical text with a congenial and extremely detailed and knowledgeable situation report that more than illustrates the current significance of this theory. The reader suddenly becomes aware of connections that he would not have previously thought possible.








BY Bertrand Hedouin


Below I offer a translation of a lecture given in Germany and in German by Wolfgang Effenberger in August 2024. Wolfgang is a German author, retired Bundeswehr officer. The conspiracy theory researcher recounts the premises of the Ukrainian conflict. The West had absolutely no intention of responding to the injunctions of the Minsk agreements and began arming Ukraine and bringing it into line with NATO standards immediately after the Maidan coup of 2013-2014.

In this way, NATO is not responding to Russia's aggression in Ukraine. It is Russia that, through the special military operation, is protecting itself from the now direct aggression of Russia by NATO, which has been prepared for a long time.

The talk lasts 55 minutes, but I only transcribe about 30 minutes of it. I was not able to make a video with the translation in subtitles because the video is very well protected.1 (full viewing of the video translated into Russian is possible by subscription).

I often illustrate the text of the French translation of the conference with illustrations. The fact remains that the text remains voluminous. But please believe me, it seems very important and certainly urgent to read Wolfgang's translated remarks in their entirety because it is we, the Western populations, who can and must put an end to an escalation leading to the destruction of a large part of the planet managed by supermen whom material wealth transforms into true ancient gods, bringing together here Talmudists, there Calvinist Kabbalists all in love with their passion of having been one day "divinely" elected.

In this respect, it is clear that we are witnessing the end of the myth of the election of certain peoples and, even more, of the myth of the universal centrality of a civilization called "Judeo-Christian." Not living at the center could, in fact, allow us to live life more fully and richly.

Wolfgang's view of Germany's place in the ongoing escalation is a very healthy reaction and, a priori, saving attitude that we must all adopt in the face of what are often called satanic forces today.

Germany is completely under the rule of the United States. To quote Robert Aron and Arnaud Dandieu2, in 2024, the United States with the Atlantic and historically Christian Protestant European nations at its heels seem to be accelerating their desire to put the entire Earth under slavery (money-money) before a natural multipolar world finally prevails, maintained by dialogue and respect for each other. This latest emerging world already seems to be prevailing in 2024 (see the BRICS+ movement).

A largely minority Western world, now totally privatized and controlled by carnivorous vegetative financial packs, now responds to a majority human world with a great perspective.

We will recall that France began to depend on private financial institutions from 1812, namely from the defeat of Napoleon in Russia and the arrival in France of James Mayer de Rothschild as savior of the empire and creator of air money.

The road has been long but perfectly straight to get to where we are today in 2024 with the usurper Macron, pawn of the supervisor of globalization in France Jacques Attali (the grotesque Maimonides of the Algiers souk), in place of the President of the French Republic. The post-war takeover of power by General de Gaulle will ultimately have been only a short-lived episode in the existence of a France that wanted to be sovereign and independent among all the nations of the world.

Please allow yourself five minutes, maybe seven, to read Wolfgang Effenberger's words. After that, it will be very difficult for you not to join the ranks of people who are rising up against the coming world war, which is once again nothing but the will of sick people and occultists who want to control all our lives.

Now is when everything is at stake. The minority of sick people to be judged or exterminated depending on the case has set 2030 for the advent of their world state. Many things have already been built and developed to be done, the most important point being the manipulation of consciences and the level of education today so that sick supermen can finally and perfectly impose themselves.

Sunny Saturday afternoons and smiles no longer meet the need to act for the lives of the majority of people in the world!


It is now.

Bertrand Hedouin

*Precursors of future conflicts




BY Wolfgang Effenberger

«So, this is the Maidan coup and you have probably heard of the "Pravy Sektor"3 (Right Sector) which played an important role in the coup d'état (in Ukraine in February 2014 – Ed.). It is a subdivision of the power imposed by kyiv oriented very far to the right».


Here, we must be careful. You see in the photo soldiers of the Azov unit with their official flags and of course the German flag, the red-white-red flag with a certain sign circled in the middle (in the photo shown at the conference in Germany, this sign was hidden).

Indeed, since October 20, 2022, there is a new law in Germany. If I had shown this sign in the current context, and if I had used it to designate the battalion of the Azov Regiment, it would have been considered a crime, which is why I reformatted the image a little.

Now, just to understand what is happening in our country.

The United States has been more critical than we have been4The US Congress, or rather the representatives of the Congress, demanded that the Azov Regiment be classified as a terrorist organization. Obviously, for the Bundestag, this was absolutely unthinkable.

This is one of the main reasons why Yanukovych (the President of Ukraine before the Maidan coup) refused to sign the Memorandum of Understanding in 2013 to associate Ukraine with the European Union (which still supports, among other things, the Azov Regiment troops – Ed.). I have all the written documents of the Bundestag and Article 404 of the Association Agreement with the European Union.

It is written in particular:

It is essential to further simplify the point on current practices of certification of genetically modified seeds and to promote their cultivation in the agricultural industry.

As you may know, Ukraine is one of the most promising markets in terms of growth for the production of these seeds for the benefit of Monsanto and DuPont. Ukraine is an agricultural giant. Ukraine has indicated that it is not responsible for receiving seeds only from these two producers.

This is the reason.

I will now recall the USAID war operation. It is the United States government that is behind it using the channels of charitable organizations and various NGOs.

Next to "USAID" you see two hands holding each other with the flag of the United States. It is represented on all the flour packages distributed around the world to fight hunger, on all the packages. The "USAID" logo is found all over the world.

I always thought the sign actually meant "Aid from the United States." But no. It is indeed aid for people in need around the world, but the real meaning of the acronym is "United States Agency for International Development."US Agency for International Development). The war that is being waged is obvious.

In Ukraine we often come across the advertising slogan: “We invest in Ukraine – Dupont Pioneer (US)”.

Our 19th century explosives producer is now taking over a monstrous amount of land in the world, it's simply enormous!

On May 2, 2014, Ukraine decided to attack its brothers and sisters in Donbass by military means. The two administrative regions of Donbass, Lugansk and Donetsk, did not agree with what came out of the Maidan coup. They simply said: "We do not want this."

Immediately after the coup, the new regime very quickly removed Russian from the country's constitution, which was an official state language on a par with Ukrainian.

Then the situation continued to get worse. On May 3, 2014, the newspaper The World even wrote: "War against Eastern Ukraine"On May 3, there was talk of war, then nothing more, nothing more was heard until February 24, 2022 (the beginning of Russia's special military operation to protect the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine and eliminate elements of the Nazi regime in Kiev – Ed.). In this war, 15 people died, primarily Russian-speaking Ukrainian civilians.

On May 2, 2014, the building of trade unions in Odessa went up in flames.

The trade union youth were protesting against their opponents on the Maidan. They were attacked by people from the "Pravy Sector» (Right Sector) (an organization like the Nazi-type Azov Regiment that already filled the streets of central and western Ukraine. It forms a privileged target in the Russian special military operation to respond to one of the priorities which is to denazify Ukraine – Ed.) and the young people went to take refuge in the building of the professional unions that Pravy Sector ended up burning down.

In total, 42 people died, 32 were burned alive. Since then, no investigation has been conducted, no legal proceedings have been initiated. Nothing. Clearly, we see Western values ​​here.


So, from the beginning of the war in 2014 and even more so in 2015, we started sending military supplies and equipment to the East for Ukraine and this has continued since then.

We now have Willy Wimmer before us. I co-wrote the book "The Return of the Players"(Wiederkehr der Hasardeure: Schattenstrategen, Kriegstreiber, stille Profiteure 1914 and heute, September 2014 – The return of the players, the shadow strategists, the silent profiteers from 1914 to today).

We wrote the preface in July 2014, well before the new US strategy came out. We wrote:The same circles that a hundred years ago used conflicts for their own interests are once again on the front line. Once again, they are building underground bunkers in the eyes of the world to protect themselves from the danger of a world war, understanding at the same time all the immeasurable horror that will result from it.».

Washington is pushing for world war, wrote former US Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts on April 15, 2014. This means that everything had been planned in advance.

In October 2014, we discovered by the Tradoc pamphlet 525/3/1 – The US Army Operating Concept, 2020-2040, October 7, 2014, The United States' Long-Term Strategy5A relatively young army general proudly shows the new document titled "Victory in a complex world, 2020-2040».

The document was published and distributed wherever possible.

And here is the name of my intervention today: "The precursors of future conflicts" taken from the 2014 document, part 2, point 4 (2.4). In this point, it is said that the main competing states of the United States are China and Russia. They were then at the same level of danger. But since October 28, 2023, China has overtaken Russia in dangerousness. The two countries are followed by Iran and North Korea. Then we find international criminal organizations and cybercrime.

You can see that nothing has changed. Everything has simply become ingrained in people's minds.

Since 2015, not only has military equipment been sent to the East, but also the entire Ukrainian infrastructure has been preparing for the events.6

In 2017, the permanent structure of the European Union PESCO (Permanent Structured Cooperation) dedicated to achieving military synergy in Europe7 see the day.

Thus, the entire military infrastructure of the European Union extends to the East towards the Baltic States and, of course, Ukraine.8

At the same time, a few minutes walk from the Ramstein base, construction of a new American hospital complex has just been completed. It is a huge Western-style clinic (Ramstein is ausgebaut – Saarbrücker Zeitung9).

You can see elegant architecture, views that can only amaze. It must symbolize the flag of the United States unfurled in the wind. Of course, trees continue to be cut down on the territory, but the presence of nature defenders and climate activists was not planned at the time when the forests were being mown.

How many buildings were built for this hospital?


Of course, we have to ask ourselves a question. If the United States is building a hospital here that we helped finance, the 4500 buildings are designed for how many wounded people? Obviously, they have planned for large numbers.10 (...)

All this is unimaginable!

At the same time, starting in 2013, the foundations were laid for a new military command center. The military command center in Wiesbaden. I will of course show you what it looks like.11

Today, everything is ready. Everything was prepared in time for this war. We see in the photo that there is a large underground space. This is the place where Ukrainian generals report on the work done on the front, here in Wiesbaden.

Sanctions against Russia.

Indeed, the terrible attack by the Russians on their neighbors was not provoked. We must constantly repeat this, of course.

No, all this was thought of much earlier.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz once said too much on a talk show. He said that all these sanctions had already been planned long before the Russian special military operation. You can read all the sanctions against Russia, Resolution 758 and then the sanctions that followed.

Resolution 758 seems purely harmless. What does it say?

We can think that this is a UN resolution that we are used to, that this resolution will not change much?

This resolution adopted on April 12, 2014 by the American Congress12 Two months after the release of Tradoc 525/3/1, Ron Paul, who worked in the United States Congress for 33 years and was twice a candidate for the White House, described it as a declaration of war on Russia.Congress declares war on Russia","It is one of the most serious resolutions of Congress in its history.».

This resolution is still in effect. It is nothing more and nothing less than a declaration of war on Russia.

According to Canadian economist Michel Chossudovsky, the House of Representatives actually gave the green light for NATO to go to war with Russia without seeking further approval from Congress. According to Chossudovsky, this was a historic vote that could potentially affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world.

This vote was completely ignored by the media, whether in North America, Canada or even Germany (and not only - Ed.13). This is indeed a very important law that orders the President of the United States to take all necessary measures to help Ukraine recover all of its territory, including by military force.

This law is effective.

As for the vote in Congress, 400 senators voted for the resolution, I think 11 or 12 voted against it, something like that. Laws always pass there with 90% of the vote.

Now let's look at the Combating Russian Influence Act of May 2017 ( S.1221 – Countering Russian influence in Europe and Eurasia Act of 2017).14

At this point, all possible sanctions are being applied and have been planned for the long term.15

We see the title "The most difficult military case"What is the most complicated thing for a soldier? Obviously, it is to find himself on the battlefield. That is where he is most needed.

This slide deals with strategic transport and logistics channels in Central Europe and, more specifically, in Germany (General Martin Schelleis, Inspector of the Armed Forces, 21/12/2020).

The illustration shows how security policy is organised in Germany today.

Let's look at the map.

The Federal Republic of Germany.

There are ports from where goods and military equipment are shipped.

There are airports.

Bundeswehr heads to the Baltic States.

In southern Germany we have the "Host Nation Support", which means that we welcome foreign military forces, house them and feed them and arrange for them to end up on the front line on the eastern flank.

This obviously results in responses from the East, there are obviously wounded people and refugees who end up in Germany. This was the situation at the end of December 2022.

By the way, when did the large flows of foreign refugees into Germany begin? This has to be taken seriously in terms of the meat reserves to be sent to the front against Russia. This is only the beginning.

Then we often read in our country that Germany has suffered the greatest losses in the European Union in this war. And there is no dispute. When we hear "Great damage for Germany", we should then remember May 1945 when entire cities and districts were decimated. Everything was destroyed.

Then it is easy to write that Germany is experiencing the biggest losses in the European Union.16 in the conflict in Ukraine. (…)

Subsequently, on January 20, 2021, Biden confirmed that he wanted to be tougher on Russia. He quickly sent a battalion of sappers to Norway as a sign of his resolve to Putin. (…)

On July 15, 2021, the President of the United States and the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany confirmed that they would be entering into bilateral agreements with a view to – and here, hold on tight – developing peace, security and prosperity in the world. (…) To do this, we must work to support the rule of law, promote transparency, good business management, and support civil society.

The most interesting thing is that all peoples throughout the world must have the opportunity to define their own political future without outside influence, obligation or domination by any foreign power!

Have you just seen the new hospital in Wiesbaden? Is there anything else to add? (…)

On July 21, 2021, Germany and the United States meet again. Mrs. Merkel seems a little lost while Baden looks like a pasha.

This is how a new German-American declaration, "Freedom and Democracy in Ukraine", was born.

«The United States and Germany stand firmly behind Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial entity (including Crimea, of course – Ed.), its independence, and its chosen path toward Europe. Today, we affirm our commitment to take action against Russian aggression (this is July 2021! – Ed.) and devastation in Ukraine and beyond. (…)

The United States assures its support for the efforts of Germany and France to restore peace in eastern Ukraine within the framework of the Normandy format».



You know, these Minsk agreements17 which have never been applied. Despite everything, "Germany is taking every care within the framework of the Normandy format to promote the implementation of the Minsk agreements».

And you also know what Mrs. Merkel said in an interview with the newspaper Time and patience December 7, 2022, a few months ago? That they never intended to respond to the Minsk agreements (which our joyful François Hollande proudly confirmed a little later when responding to Vovan and Lexus18 – NdT19).

How will it be possible to come to an agreement with Russia when the conflict is over? How do you want to conduct negotiations and find a peace agreement or stop a ceasefire with such guests?

It seems obvious that Russia will find an agreement with the United States. Ukraine is absolutely no longer a party to the negotiations. This is not a proxy war that we are currently experiencing, as we have seen, but a war of Russia against NATO with the help of mostly Ukrainian meat. How can we regain trust? This trust is lost for a long time to come, definitively and irrevocably.

After all these very reassuring signs, on July 21, 2021, the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung written under a picture in small "NATO prepares for conflict with Moscow" This is an article that should have taken up at least a full page but the title was simply dissolved among the other articles.

Just three weeks later, the Sun English displayed the following title: “Hyper Weapons: US Forces Are Reactivating A Nuke Base In Germany And Arming It With New “Dark Eagle” hypersonic missiles»20 (Hypersonic missiles: US military forces are restarting the operation of a nuclear base in Germany and arming it with new hypersonic missiles.dark eagle").

There is talk of the creation or restoration of the infrastructure of the 56th Artillery Command in Kassel (Mainz). In the late 1970s and early 1980s, this is where the Pershing 2 missiles were deployed when Reagan intended to strike Moscow irreparably.

They were then deactivated after the dissolution of the USSR and brought back to the United States. On November 8, 2021, the major general who was the strategic head of this division officially declared the resumption of operation of the bases in Wiesbaden and Kassel.

How many people did we see in the streets during the Pershing 2 episode? 40 years ago, there were millions protesting. Today, the same thing is announced and nothing, no one, nothingness (…)

Look, now a Lend-Lease law for the defense of democracy in Ukraine was passed on April 28, 2022, which is similar to the law that was passed in 1941 by the United States as a neutral party to lend the British 50 cruisers and destroyers.21. 417 senators voted for, 10 voted against. They believe that this act of lend-lease or lend-lease will change everything in the war. Thanks to this law, the situation will be reversed in Ukraine and all this happened, as we all know, after the unprovoked Russian attack and blah blah blah…

The text had been accepted by Congress well before the launch of the Russian special military operation, on January 15, 2022, five weeks before the operation.22

These laws are also read by the Kremlin and the Kremlin also understands American politics. But our media in the West have done everything possible to ensure that public opinion adheres to what must be conceived as indispensable.

Subsequently, the President of the United States, the most powerful person on the planet, indicated on March 11, 2022 that if he sent tanks to Ukraine, it would mark the beginning of World War III.

On January 25, 2023, 9 months later, he indicated that the United States was sending Abrams tanks to Ukraine. These are the light statements of politicians and those who rule the world.

How can the rest of the world accept these statements? How? No one can understand them.

The situation is horrible for the West, it is incomprehensible! I recall the situation of NATO in 1990 and in 2022.

As a reminder, the only thing that could push Russia to take radical military measures is the expansion of NATO on its borders.

The West knew this, but no matter what, they continue to want to move forward. They are heading straight for a major world conflict.

Now let us listen to Stoltenberg (NATO Secretary General, who will be replaced on 1 October 2024 by Mark Rutte, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands known for his intransigence and extremism. In all fairness, NATO can do worse than with Stoltenberg, who has already reached the peak of stupidity and belligerence – Ed.):We want to make NATO even stronger by 2030"And they will do it, it cannot be otherwise.

Alongside this, Lloyd James Austin III, US Secretary of Defense, indicates that "With the right weapons, Ukraine can win the war"Come on, buy, buy, buy again!

I would like to remind you how our allies are used to waging wars. They are the first to say that the Russians are waging wars like in World War I, wars of position and that they are not capable of waging war effectively.

I just want to remind you of this, knowing that on the Russian side, many generals are dying.

In the United States, no general dies because when they wage war against a country, they follow the strategy of the Air Force: shock and traumatize. That's how they bombed Baghdad, not even a mouse will have survived. After such bombings, American commanders make sure to stay in their tank turrets that will have nothing left to aim at.

It was just a reminder.

In this picture we see the chiefs of staff of Britain and Japan shaking hands. We must prepare for military conflicts in Europe. It is incredible, and now the Japanese are at it again!

The head of the German air force: "We must be prepared to use nuclear weapons if necessary.».

Günther Oettinger (German politician, former European Commissioner for Energy): "We must prepare for an economic war».

I don't owe anything, and neither do you!

But what is going on in these people's heads?


There is also an American document that will soon be a year old. It is obviously also known to the Kremlin. I am talking about the "decolonization of Russia." I will read you part of it.

"The barbaric war that Russia is waging against Ukraine, before it was Syria, Libya, Georgia and Chechnya, shows the whole world the horrible imperialist character of the Russian Federation."23

Considering Moscow's supremacy over many autonomous peoples of Russia and the Kremlin's terrible repression of their national feeling and desire for self-determination, the debate about the Russian empire has long since come to maturity.

Currently, there are serious contradictory discussions about Russian imperialism and the need to plan for the decolonization of Russia, so that it can be a viable player for security and stability in Europe.

Having been the successor state to the Soviet Union, Russia has not since been the subject of an adequate analysis of the consequences of its very strong imperialist tendencies" (cf. CSCE document / International Impact / "Decolonizing Russia", Thursday, June 23, 2022 / Washington DC United States)24. (…) If we do not achieve our goals now, we will have to provoke a new war in Europe. It will be the third world war.25 which some people in the world may be able to attend.

Any reactions? No, none.

I am approaching the end of my speech.

I will here quote a very respectable American, former United States Attorney General (1927-2021), Ramsey Clark, whom I admire greatly, who also spent a lot of time in the courts. In 1991, he said: "We are talking about big geopolitics again. The biggest criminal since World War II is none other than the United States and its foreign policy."That's what the prosecutor said!"I warn Europeans not to believe or follow the United States in the so-called "New World Order." They will cause problems for Europe. The United States will not be able to tolerate Europe increasing its military and economic power.».

Finally, I come to the quote from Thomas Mann that has always touched me, firstly because it is very significant, and secondly because I have not encountered any equivalent anywhere.

In 1953, a year after returning to Europe, he did not return to the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany – FRG) or the German Democratic Republic (East Germany – GDR), but to Switzerland. He had, in fact, anticipated war. "I am safer in Switzerland." He did not want to go to America either. He once addressed the Europeans and said:

«Treat Europe as an economic colony, a military base, a glacis in the coming nuclear crusade against Russia, as a piece of land interesting from an antiques point of view and worth visiting, but the devil will not care about its ruined entirety when it comes to the struggle for world domination.» (Thomas Mann, 1953), namely the unipolar world order.

In the United States, anti-war demonstrations are multiplying ("Rage Against The War Machine(Anger against the war machine). Yes, something is happening in the United States, but our media here in Europe are not talking about it.

There you see, it's in front of the Capitol, it was February 19, 2024, one day after the Munich summit.

«There you can see a remarkable woman addressing the audience, I admire her in every way. Just a few weeks ago, she was a member of the Democratic Party. She left. She said she could no longer be a member of a party that created wars. Tulsi Gabbard, this Hawaiian, a major in the United States Army. She fought in Iraq and Kuwait. She is categorically against war because she knows its effects very well. (…)

This can give us hope. Protests continue in the United States».





















dangerous scenario....

BY Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

As America’s strategic capabilities keep sinking (primarily due to its growing technological backwardness), the world’s most aggressive thalassocracy is determined to use its current imperial overstretch to jeopardize several adversaries simultaneously. Namely, the Pentagon is deploying previously banned medium and intermediate-range missiles in the vicinity of Russia, China and North Korea. The United States believes this could give it the best first-strike capabilities and possibly even put Moscow, Beijing and Pyongyang into a checkmate position. Warmongers and war criminals in Washington DC are surely aware that this approach is extremely risky, but they’re convinced that they could pull it off. This is precisely why they’re escalating their belligerence toward the two (Eur)Asian giants (as well as their North Korean allies). Namely, the US decided to install the previously banned missiles in Japan in a very clear message to China.

The system in question is the “Typhon”, a modular platform that can fire land-based SM-6 multipurpose and “Tomahawk” cruise missiles. The latter can hit targets at ranges of approximately 1,600 km. Their ability to carry the W80 thermonuclear warheads means that the old GLCM (Ground Launched Cruise Missile, officially designated as the BGM-109G “Gryphon”) is effectively resurrected, while the very usage of the name “Typhon” indicates that the system is a successor to the “Gryphon”. The multipurpose SM-6 missiles have a range of up to 500 km and effectively play the role of SRBMs (short-range ballistic missiles). On September 4, US Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth said that America informed Japan it will be deploying the “Typhon” missile systems there. According to her statement during a Defense News conference in Virginia, “[the US] made the interest in this clear with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces”.

Secretary Wormuth also said that the US wants to keep these missiles in Japan “for several months”, adding that the US Army’s goal is to “really try to have as much combat-credible capability forward in the Indo-Pacific west of the international dateline”. She insisted that the deployment “strengthens deterrence in the region” and that the “Typhon” missile system “has gotten the attention of China”. Wormuth also added that “there is a lot of potential for moving US troops and equipment around Japan’s southwestern islands”, which are close to Taiwan. These could certainly be used to jeopardize Chinese naval forces, particularly as the SM-6’s capabilities include the role of an anti-ship missile. And while Washington DC insists that these troops are there to supposedly “deter” Beijing, the truth is that these are highly offensive forces that China certainly sees as a direct threat to the full restoration of its territorial integrity.

Worse yet, foreign troops stationed so close to the Asian giant’s shores are jeopardizing both its sovereignty and basic national security interests. Despite US claims that it would like to “avoid war”, its actions suggest the complete opposite, as they’re actually increasing the likelihood of a conflict exponentially. It would seem that’s exactly the goal, as Washington DC is determined to deploy a “dragon trap” against Beijing, just like it did to Russia with a “bear trap” in Ukraine. This is designed to force a reaction, which the US could then present as “proof” of how supposedly “aggressive” the targeted country is. However, while this usually didn’t have consequences of global proportions when used against relatively small and helpless countries, it’s a whole different story when it comes to superpowers such as China and Russia. Poking the “Bear” and the “Dragon”, simultaneously, mind you (among others), is a really great way to start WW3.

Needless to say, given how heavily armed top military superpowers are, such a confrontation would surely turn into a global thermonuclear annihilation. Unfortunately, Washington DC doesn’t really care about that. Last year, Secretary Wormuth herself stated that “the US is preparing to fight and win a war with China”, adding that “[she] personally is not of the view that an amphibious invasion of Taiwan is imminent”, but that “[America] obviously has to [be] prepared”. This is certainly not the first time that top-ranking US officials are calling for war with China. In addition, late last year, Washington DC made a similar “Typhon” deployment to the Philippines, where the missile system likely remains to this day. The move was also conducted under the guise of “deterrence”. The latest announcement about the imminent deployment to Japan would mean that the US is capable of targeting mainland China from both the East and South China Sea.

In addition, the very usage of the name “Typhon” has more symbolism than just the similarity to the word “Gryphon”. Namely, the term could also be seen as a wordplay, as it’s quite close to “typhoon”, revealing that its primary purpose is to devastate targets along Beijing’s Asia-Pacific shoreline. To that end, the Pentagon has also been expanding its military presence in the Philippines, Guam and elsewhere in the region. This includes the deployment of similar “Tomahawk” launchers by the US Marine Corps (USMC), while the US Navy already has numerous sea-based “Tomahawk” launch platforms. As previously noted, all this clearly indicates a concerted effort to surround China with hostile military bases and infrastructure that would force it to respond accordingly. And while Beijing might prioritize peace talks and detente, it will not do so at all costs, particularly if it concludes that the US simply doesn’t respect civilized and diplomatic solutions.

Beijing certainly doesn’t desire war, but the barbarism of the Washington DC warmongers and war criminals is a harsh reality that the world needs to take into account. The Asia-Pacific is an increasingly contested region and its busy sea lanes are of vital importance to the Asian giant’s heavily export-oriented economy. Any sort of dangerous deployments that could jeopardize them will not be tolerated or left unanswered, particularly as Chinese hypersonic capabilities far eclipse that of the US. The same goes for Russia and its positions in Europe, where the political West is also conducting a crawling aggression, including with the deployment of the exact same weapons systems. This has already prompted Moscow to respond, resulting in the return to a dangerous ’80s-era standoff that could’ve easily ended in the destruction of Europe and the world. Unfortunately, the US-led political West is replicating the same scenario everywhere.

Source: InfoBrics






mandela's warning....


Nelson Mandela warned us that ‘the US has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world’     By John Menadue


That warning was 20 years ago, but in the years since, the US has continued in its violent and aggressive ways, cloaking its violence and aggression with bromides about a rules-based international order and defence of democratic values. If only that was true.

The US is a far greater threat to world peace than China. Renowned diplomat and scholar Kishore Mahbubani has pointed out that in the past 20 years, Western powers, mainly the US, have dropped 326,000 bombs in the greater Middle East/North Africa region. This total amounts to an average of 46 bombs dropped per day over the past 20 years. By contrast, the total number of bombs dropped in inter-state conflicts in East Asia in the past 20 years is: ZERO!

Yet our ministers and journalists continue peddling US propaganda about the China threat. In their Red Alert, the SMHand the Age in association with the US military-funded Australian Strategic Policy Institute warned us of war with China within three years. Margaret Simons in the Guardian described it as “one of the most alarming front-page stories in the nation’s history….Australia faces the threat of war with China within three years – and we’re not ready.”

So many of our politicians and journalists have been on the US propaganda drip feed for so long that they are blinded to Australia’s national interest.

China is not a threat to the word but the US is.

Just ask the Palestinians in Gaza about US atrocities. The Lancet estimates that the death toll could be nearer 150,000. Palestinians face massive US-supported violence and death

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese said on Friday that without a ceasefire, the Israel Defence Forces “could end up exterminating almost the entire population in Gaza over the next couple of years”.

“The range of presumably direct and indirect deaths could be between 15% and 20% of the population already by the end of this year,” she said.

If only the other Albanese had similar concerns.

These “unspeakable atrocities” are all backed diplomatically and militarily by the US, the most violent and aggressive country in all recorded history.

Let’s look at the post WW2 record of the US.

The US launched a brutal air campaign over North Korea in which 80% of North Korean cities were reduced to flame and rubble. North Korea has still not recovered.

In the Vietnam and Indochina Wars, 5.5 million died. The side-effects of Agent Orange continue.

The respected Brown University in the US with its “Costs of War” research tells us of the destructive ways of the US since 9/11 in 2004:

“The US post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Pakistan have taken a tremendous human toll on those countries.

Key findings

432,093 civilians have died violent deaths as a direct result of the U.S. post-9/11 wars.

  • An estimated 3.6-3.8 million people have died indirectly in post-9/11 war zones, bringing the total death toll to at least 4.5-4.7 million and counting.
  • More than 7.6 million children under five in post-9/11 war zones are suffering from acute malnutrition
  • War deaths from malnutrition and a damaged health system and environment likely far outnumber deaths from combat. (updated as of August 2023)

The US has never had a decade without war. Since its founding in 1776, the US has been at war 93% of the time. It has launched 201 out of 248 armed conflicts since the end of WWII. It maintains more than 700 military bases or sites around the world, including in Australia. In our own region, it has massive deployment of hardware and troops in Japan, the ROK and Guam.

The US would have a national convulsion if China had similar bases in Mexico or Cuba or if Chinese vessels regularly patrolled off California or the Florida Keys.

The US has been extensively meddling in other countries’ affairs and elections for a century. It tried to change other countries’ governments 72 times during the Cold War. Many foreign leaders were assassinated. In the piece reproduced in this blog (The fatal expense of US Imperialism), Professor Jeffrey Sachs said: “The US has been extensively meddling in other countries’ affairs and elections for a century .” Many foreign leaders were assassinated. He added that

“the scale of US military operations is remarkable. … The US has a long history of using covert and overt means to overthrow governments deemed to be unfriendly to the US. … Historian John Coatsworth counts 41 cases of successful US-led regime change for an average of one government overthrow by the US every 28 months for centuries”.

The overthrow or interference in foreign governments are diverse, including Honduras, Guatemala, Iran, Haiti, Congo, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, Chile, Iraq, Afghanistan and most recently, Syria .

And this interference continued with the undermining of the pro-Russian Government in the Ukraine by the US-backed Maidan coup in 2014. Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan agreed that, in allowing the reunification of Germany, NATO would not extend eastwards. But with US encouragement from Bill Clinton onwards, NATO has provocatively extended right up to the borders of Russia.

Not surprisingly, Russia is resisting.

And now Gaza, with death and destruction on a great scale. Gaza has become a Charnel House.

How can we deny that the US is the most aggressive and dangerous country on our planet?

Nelson Mandela warned us 20 years ago about unspeakable US atrocities. But we refuse to face the criminal behaviour of the US either directly or through proxies like Israel. We are also fast becoming a new US proxy with the military colonisation of Northern Australia.

Yet many of our journalists tug their forelocks in loyalty to the US empire. They make a hero of President Joe Biden’s Asia “tsar”, Kurt Campbell, who described the AUKUS agreement as “getting Australia off the fence. We have them locked in now for the next 40 years”. Our Prime Minister Anthony Albanese calls Campbell a “good mate”.

We are in a perilous state, tying ourselves to the most violent and aggressive country on our planet and probably in all history, all, of course, in defence of a rules-based international order, human rights and democracy.

What a disgrace.

The US atrocities continue.







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