Friday 14th of March 2025

members of the UN are silent because they are "all dead"........

Born in the wake of the Second World War, the UN "mistaken" from its very first steps, endorsing or sponsoring a colonial-style dispossession that, more than seventy-five years later, seems almost irreparable. The original sin? It was making the legitimate owners of the land pay (Asshab al Ared), namely the populations present in Palestine since time immemorial, a crime in which they had nothing to do with it, the Holocaust "discovered" in the Nazi camps upon their liberation being the work of Europeans (the Germans, but also many other "collaborators").


by Michael Raimbaud

An original sin


We did not know, shamelessly assert those who knew but preferred to keep quiet... Hence their zeal in seeking inexpensive reparation for unscrupulous bad consciences: what could be simpler for the peace of mind of countless cowards than to send the survivors to a land of refuge where European tutelage had been imposed since the fall of the Ottomans, but a land with an evocative name for the Zionists: it is therefore, they believe, the moment or never to concretize the realization of projects such as the Balfour Declaration, the Jewish National Home, etc., so many "promises" that cost the Europeans nothing, since the Arabs must pay the price.

This is how the plan for the partition of Palestine, still under British mandate (moreover, since 1922 Transjordan had been amputated, thus exempted from the application of the Balfour Declaration) appeared on the agenda. Developed by the United Nations Special Committee established by the General Assembly (UNGA) and approved by it, the Plan was voted on 29 November 1947: Resolution 181 "recommended" the partition of Palestine into three separate entities: a Jewish State on 56% of the territory and an Arab State on 42%, with Jerusalem (the remaining 2%) to be given special status. The result would be the first "nakba" (catastrophe) which results in the brutal and irremediable expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes, their towns or villages and their lands. This exodus is already horrible in itself, but it will go almost unnoticed thanks to biased media coverage (Exodus) and the ignorance of public opinion, passing through the West like a letter through the post: it is this "nakba" which has been happening again in broad daylight since the fall of 2023, inspiring Reverend Dr. Munther Isaac, of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bethlehem, with this truth that deserves to be meditated on: "If you are not horrified by what is happening, if you are not shaken to your core, then your humanity is at fault.».

In 1948, it could already be said at the end of the first wave of ethnic cleansing that under the State of Israel, there would always be the land of Palestine everywhere. And in it were sown all the conflicts, dramas, rancors and hatreds that would from then on permanently set the Holy Land and the Greater Middle East ablaze. This typically colonial project would make it possible to realize the "buffer state" imagined by Lord Campbell-Bannerman, British Prime Minister, at the turn of the 1900s, in order to sow discord throughout the region by its very existence and to discourage the aspirations or ambitions of Arabs or Muslims for unity. The natives were not consulted, although they then represented 70% of the population. They were obviously hostile to the partition, which attributed more than half of their land to Jewish immigrants, by virtue of an unprecedented right of inheritance referring to ancestors supposed to have lived there 2000 years ago.

The UN plan will be accepted (half-heartedly) by the leaders of the Jewish community, but for leaders like Ben-Gurion it is only an appetizer, a prelude to the feast that will be the absorption of the whole of Palestine.

The end of the British Mandate was set for August 1, 1948, with partition to be effective on October 1 of the same year. But Her Majesty's Kingdom, weakened by its war effort, would shed its responsibilities ahead of time, on May 15, 1948. To impose its timetable from the outset, the State of Israel was proclaimed pronto May 14, the day before the mandates were evicted, in a context of confusion and attacks… The Arab neighbors launched hostilities that would last until January 1949, ending with separate armistices. There would be no Arab state and no status for Jerusalem, which would allow the Zionists to quietly gnaw away at what remained of Palestine.

If the legitimacy of partition is null, its legality itself is highly uncertain. Presented as a recommendation, the said Plan is firmly rejected by the majority of Arab leaders, including the High Committee supported by the Arab League, which says it is ready to take all measures to prevent the application of Resolution 181 which flouts the right to self-determination. It is declared null and void by the United Nations and abandoned purely and simply. As explained by Colonel Jacques Baud, who has dissected the episode and its legal foundations, the resolution, emanating from the General Assembly and not from the Security Council, has no binding force. It simply "recommends", that is to say that the UN immediately renounce imposing its authority. In these conditions, we will realize that the creation of Israel does not even result from a UN decision, but that it illustrates - already - the impotence of the new Organization. From its birth, the Zionist state appeared as a "free electron", free from the constraints of this lower world.

The darling child who tyrannizes the collective West

Enjoying the indulgence of the colonialist West and the favor of the USSR, which sees in the Kibbutz the embryo of a "socialist" enclave, Israel will behave without further delay as an out-of-scope State or as a capricious subject. It will take advantage of the legal vacuum to take liberties with international law, to the point of ignoring it completely. It will immediately discover its impunity, and the profit it can make from it. By the dozens and perhaps hundreds, UN resolutions, recommendations, from the Security Council or the General Assembly, will be ignored or violated by the Hebrew State. From 1947 to 2024, it would be difficult to cite a single one that was respected. Below are some examples of archived texts without follow-up:

Resolution 194 of 11/12/1948, which places Jerusalem under international mandate and guarantees the principle of existing rights (sic), is ignored. Security Council Resolution 242 of 22/11/67, which deals with the evacuation of the occupied territories, is also ignored, as are Resolutions 476 of 30/06/80, 478 of 20/08/80 and 672 of 12/12/90, which condemn the belligerent attitude of the Zionist State and its illegal laws.

In total, 226 Security Council resolutions were allegedly violated for the period 1948/2016. This is in addition to the 140 General Assembly resolutions ignored or violated since 2015… Etc. Which says a lot about the respect given by certain States to international law. In an exceptional move and referring to Article 99 Chapter XV of the Charter, Secretary-General Gutteres was led to call on the Council to act urgently to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, a threat to peace and security in the world… This is the subject of Resolution 2712 of 15 November 2023.

Why this provocative nonchalance? The answer is simple: the State of Israel is assured of the all-out support of the West, America and the Anglo-Saxon bloc in the first place. The Zionist impregnation, the solidarity of the "chosen peoples", "60 million evangelical Christians united for Israel", neoconservatism as cement, AIPAC as "morality police", so many incentives for unwavering solidarity, for an affinity that has not been discussed for ages, fueling the arrogance of the two partners: the heart of America beats for Israel and Israel is the beating heart of America...

In 1948, Truman was the first foreign head of state to recognize Israel, taking over from Britain, which had created the buffer state that sowed confusion and destruction throughout the greater Middle East. Thus, 55% of US vetoes in the Security Council are linked to the desire to protect Israel.

The surprise dissolution of the USSR, proclaimed on Christmas Eve 1991, shakes up the UN chessboard. Santa's gift to America is sumptuous: full powers over the planet. There is only one superpower left and it intends to lay down the law without concession. Everyone is asked to stand to attention before the indispensable power, the greatest Empire that the earth has ever borne. Israel is promoted de facto attorney for the Greater Middle East. The scene of a real earthquake, the UN must survive and accommodate itself to the unipolar moment, to the unchallenged American hegemony and assume all the consequences… We will therefore see the West gradually apply the principles of its “liberating” strategy tested since the end of the Second World War: we first bomb and raze for free, we then liberate, and on the basis of this destructive chaos, we impose our law to the greatest extent possible, preferably by proxies interposed. Then the color revolutions and the Arab Springs will flourish, and Israel plays a decisive role in them. The Program for a New American Century (PNAC), the most accomplished of hegemonic calendars, bears the trace of the above considerations.

We will therefore see the institutionalization in an extravagant way of the morbidly fusional relationship between America and Israel, between the leaders of Washington and those of Tel Aviv, which is more a matter of psychoanalysis than analysis, although it reverses the roles: the decision-maker is not the one we would expect... The logical result is that the Zionist state will quickly slide towards the behavior of a rogue state, characterized by the three criteria adopted by the Israeli Avi Shlaim: it does not respect international law, it possesses weapons of mass destruction, it practices terrorism through the use of violence against civilian populations for political ends.

Secretary-General of the United Nations during a good part of the Cold War (from April 1953 to September 1961), Dag Hammar Skjold, a man of great wisdom and exemplary lucidity, had this formula which remains relevant today: "The UN was not created to take us to heaven, but to save us from hell."From where he lies post mortem,How will he have received the current state of affairs, that is to say a death notice: the UN has died, taking with it the relics of international law. It has not brought us to paradise, but it cannot be said that it has saved us from hell, since it will have proven incapable of bringing to reason the State that owes its existence to it...

Love at first sight on October 7, 2023

On October 7, 2023, there bursts like a clap of thunder in the blue sky what the mainstream The West will, against all odds, call Israel-Hamas a war, presented as the aggression of a Palestinian terrorist group that came out of nowhere against peaceful young people, according to the "salami" technique dear to the do-gooders of political correctness.

We will not reproduce here the atrocious and overwhelming record of the reaction and repression of the Israeli state against the Gazans, especially the Palestinian civilians, locked up for life in an enclave that has become the largest concentration camp in the world, in the full sense of the term. Already a plunderer, usurper and segregationist, practicing apartheid like South Africa of yesteryear, the Zionist state has taken a new step in its contempt for laws, international law and humanitarian law: it is carrying out live, taking pleasure in publicizing it, a genocide, an ethnic cleansing, accompanied by war crimes, crimes against humanity and it is condemned without appeal by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) while the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued two arrest warrants against Prime Minister Netanyahu and Minister Yoad Gallant.

One can only be horrified by the madness of the Zionist leaders, who have broken all taboos and thrown international laws into oblivion. It is urgent to put an end to their impunity through blockades, isolation, and systematic boycotts. Their arrogance has become boundless, as evidenced by Netanyahu's stance, which opposed Algeria's participation in the Paris conference on Lebanon on October 16 (sic) and who insults the United Nations in their sanctuary, brandishing a map of the Middle East where Palestine is replaced by a Greater Israel without borders, and his ambassador tearing up the Charter.

This is the first live genocide, claimed as such by a state that openly presents itself as an outlaw state, sinking into monstrosity and savagery. Continuing the carnage in Gaza and Palestine without rest, while southern Lebanon and Beirut are systematically bombed under the pretext of eliminating Hezbollah leaders and destroying its economic and social infrastructure, Israel no longer spares anything or anyone. The cities classified as UNESCO World Heritage sites do not escape its destructive rage. At least a million people are looking for shelter, while the Beirut-Damascus road is systematically pounded to prevent the movement of refugees or their return to a Syria that is also regularly and severely targeted.

The collective West defends Israel in all its crimes and misdeeds, approves of its protégé when he openly attacks the institutions of the UN and its various emanations: the General Assembly, UNRWA, the Human Rights Commission, the various rapporteurs and mandataries, UNIFIL, allowing itself to declare persona non grataSecretary-General Antonio Guterres. The West unreservedly supports the Zionist state when it ostentatiously practices terrorism throughout the region, multiplying incursions and assaults against civilian installations and arbitrary assassinations, within the framework of targeted or blind terrorism.

Many voices are being raised to demand that the terrorist state that declared war on them be expelled from the United Nations, as well as the Secretary-General himself, who declared persona non grata in Israel. It would be the least it could do. The UN had taken such a measure against apartheid South Africa. By not doing so against such a criminal and dangerously provocative entity, it dishonors itself through its silence and admits its impotence, under pressure, it must be said, from the Anglo-Saxons and the collective West, increasingly collective in ignominy and hypocrisy, curled up on "values" and "norms" of its own invention, imposed in place of UN law.

As for the beeper affair, it is far from being primarily a technical feat. According to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türc, "The simultaneous targeting of thousands of people, civilians or members of armed groups, without knowing who was in possession of the targeted devices, where and in what environment they were, constitutes a violation (one more) of international law, a violation of human rights..."Notice to Western specialists who are swooning with admiration in front of such an operation by Tsahal...

Who will tell the horror of children killed with a bullet in the head, women systematically targeted, prisoners systematically raped, civilians dehumanized, on the pretext that they are "animals". We will never shout enough to remind the indifferent that entire families by the thousands, even tens of thousands, are exterminated and die under the rubble following the blind bombings of "the most moral army in the world". No country protests, demands accountability, which encourages the leaders of Tel Aviv to continue their plans for destruction and domination of the entire region... Francesca Albanese, rapporteur on the situation of HRDs in the occupied territories: a million Palestinians have experienced Israeli prisons since 1967. Gaza, the largest open-air concentration camp on the planet. Under international law, Palestinians have the right to resist the occupier by any means, whether legal or not: in such cases, the notion of terrorism does not exist, despite the West's determination to label Hamas a terrorist group.

Western leaders and their media or other auxiliaries who are advocating the genocide that is taking place before our eyes and supporting the state that boasts about the said genocide, should not have too many illusions. Sooner or later, they will be called to account and they will have to answer for their deliberately criminal attitude, while waiting for the tribunal of History, and before ending up in its dustbins.

The members of the UN are silent, and everything happens as if the UN itself had already died, of its beautiful or its ugly death or a shameful death… Who will bring it back to life, since the countries that claim the succession of the failed West are banking on a reinvigorated UN adapted to the new order that is emerging. Ours is a time of anger. The optimists cling to the ongoing mutation of the world order. The wind is rising in a storm and the world must try to live. The existing order is diabolical, let the new order come… urgently.




“It’s hard to do cartoons without bullets…”

         Gus Leonisky

the challenge before us....


At the altar of the rules-based order    By Cameron Leckie


It is time to abandon Australia’s fanatical commitment to the ‘rules-based order’ and embrace emerging realities for a prosperous and secure future.

Allan Patience’s excellent recent article identified that the focus on strategy at the expense of both policy and values has led to the hollowing out of Australian Governance. Underpinning this failure, particularly with regards to international relations, is a distinct aversion to accepting, and adapting to, emerging realities.

The recently released inquiry by the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee into Australian support for Ukraine is a case in point. Its framing of the war in Ukraine represents a self-serving caricature, an alternate reality.

The tone is set from paragraph 1.1:

On 24 February 2022, Russia embarked on an unprovoked and illegal full‐scale invasion of Ukraine, building on its seizure and annexation of territory in Crimea in 2014.”

The cavernous omissions of verifiable facts (such as the enormous surge in Ukrainian ceasefire violations immediately prior to the invasion as daily reported by the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe) and reasonable judgements (including that the Western powers torpedoed negotiations between Russia and Ukraine that could have seen an end to the fighting in mid-2022) required to make such an ahistorical assessment is truly astonishing at this point.

The level of self-deceit evident in that one sentence, upon which the response to the war is largely predicated, has not only set Australia up for another major foreign policy failure but also contributed to the ongoing and now rapidly accelerating destruction of Ukraine.

The Inquiry Terms of Reference studiously omitted the most important questions that should have been inquired into. Specifically, what is the likelihood of Ukraine being able to end the war ‘on its own terms’ and what are the broader ramifications for Australia being a party to this war.

Instead, we get narrow and banal terms such as whether Australian support was timely and coordinated, and efforts to hold Russia to account (including (with no sense of irony) by addressing Russian mis- and dis-information).

For at this stage, it should be abundantly clear to all that Ukraine has no chance of achieving a successful outcome. Despite this, Recommendation One argues for a consistent multi-year support package to Ukraine including to its defence.

The Report describes a strong moral argument for Australia to ‘stand up to aggression’  (ignoring of course all of the evidence indicating that the war in Ukraine was actively engineered by the United States and NATO). But what is the moral case for continuing to support Ukraine to fight on when it has no hope of victory and the longer it fights the more of its people will die, the more territory it will lose, the more damage that will be done to its infrastructure and the likelihood of the conflict spilling over to an open NATO – Russia war or even nuclear war increases?

What explains such an obsession with supporting the continuance of an unwinnable war?

Three words. The ‘rules‐based order.’

The Report describes support to the defence of Ukraine as being nothing less than ‘standing up for the rules-based order.’

Which is at least honest in its articulation, whilst being deceptive in its meaning. For as Professor Clinton Fernandes points out in Sub-Imperial Power, the ‘rules-based order’ is a euphemism for empire. Specifically, the imperial-system led by the United States as opposed to the international system centred on the United Nations and International Law.

The rules-based order has become a religious talisman for Australia’s political class. The central organising principle of Australian foreign policy. In recent years it has become crystal clear that our values, the national interest, international law and obligations have all been sacrificed at the altar of the rules-based order.

The political class and legacy media have built a fragile but watertight echo chamber to justify continued subordination of the national interest to the rules-based order. No matter how nonsensical, hypocritical, empirically false, or amoral the position, the echo chamber acts as an effective insulator for decision makers.

But, as is always the case with narratives built on ideas and beliefs misaligned with reality, the echo chamber’s fragility is growing by the day. It will sooner or later collapse under the weight of its own contradictions and faulty assumptions. That day is coming ever closer, as the collapse of the United States imperial system/the rules-based order accelerates, project Ukraine is on its last legs, and the West’s ongoing complicity in Israel’s genocide and murderous efforts across West Asia continue, whilst the multi-polar world slowly but surely continues its rise.

For Australia, we have now entered into the era of consequences for our fanatical commitment to the rules-based order. The record of failure from our previous misadventures (Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, the Red Sea) have been relatively painless at the level of the nation to this point.

That will not be the case for our likely future misadventures. Whether that is in the Middle East, or becoming involved in a war with China, the consequences will likely send Australia’s future trajectory onto an entirely different path, one that no thinking Australian would wish upon this country.

With four ASEAN nations recently becoming BRICS partner nations, including crucially Indonesia, Australia is well on the path to being an isolated pariah nation in the region. The tragedy is that it doesn’t have to be this way.

To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, we have given up our sovereignty and independence to the United States on the untested and likely false assumption that this will provide for our safety. Our inability to act as an independent nation, to engage with our region and the world as a normal, rather than a sub-imperial power, suggests that Australia at this point deserves neither sovereignty nor safety.

The path to a future Australia that is both prosperous and secure does not lie with the rules-based order, with AUKUS or with the alliance with the United States. It is time for Australians to demand an alternative path, a path that builds a positive peace, a path that embraces the growing benefits of multi-polarity, a path that reclaims our self-respect as a sovereign and independent nation. This is the challenge before us!






“It’s hard to do cartoons without challenges…”

         Gus Leonisky