Friday 14th of March 2025

the pope does corsica.....

Pope Francis made history on Sunday with the first-ever papal visit to Corsica. He urged local priests to resist spiritual groups that fuel political divisions and championed a "dynamic" form of secularism, promoting the kind of popular piety that distinguishes the Mediterranean island from secular France as a bridge between religious and civic society.


Pope Francis calls for unity and 'dynamic' secularism in first visit to Corsica


Pope Francis celebrated mass Sunday before a congregation of thousands in Corsica, a stronghold of the Catholic faith, the first-ever trip by a pontiff to the French Mediterranean island.

The ceremony, attended by around 9,000 in person and watched by as many again on giant screens, according to local authorities, was the high point of a one-day trip that saw Francis intervene on issues from France's state secularism to calling for peace in the Middle East.

"Everything is mixed together, solemnity, sincerity, emotions," said Fabienne Mazza, one of 300 singers who took part in the mass. "His being here makes managing to control our emotions stressful."

Francis had arrived in the papal plane on Sunday morning before moving through the packed streets of Ajaccio in his popemobile, blessing children, a 108-year-old woman and even a pizza held out by an enterprising restaurant owner.

Cries of "evivva u papa" ("long live the pope" in Corsican) could be heard from the crowd.

With a bruise still visible on his face from a fall a few days ago, Francis nevertheless appeared in good spirits, with a ready smile throughout the day's events.

Local authorities said around 12,000 people had turned out to greet the pope on the streets.

"This is exceptional, I'm moved, it's a magical moment, a one-off chance," said Solene Pianacci, a 44-year-old school head, at one of Francis' earlier stops at the cathedral in Corsican capital Ajaccio.

The 87-year-old pontiff's first stop was making closing remarks at a congress on religion in the Mediterranean.

He called for "a concept of secularity that is not static and fixed, but evolving and dynamic".

READ MORE Pope Francis makes first papal visit to French island Corsica

The remarks touched on a sensitive topic for France. Strict state secularism was originally introduced to curb the influence of the Church on public life, but is now more commonly deployed against symbols of Islam such as the Muslim headscarf or hijab.

Francis later called for peace "throughout the Middle East" but also for "the Ukranian people and the Russian people", as well as offering prayers for cyclone-stricken French Indian Ocean territory Mayotte.

Macron meeting

Ajaccio was decked out in decorations in the papal colours, yellow and white, while cars had been banished from central streets with parking bans.

Around 2,000 police reinforcements were sent to Ajaccio to beef up security.

Francis's short trip comes just a week after he snubbed the re-opening of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris five years after a devastating fire – attended by world leaders including Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky.

But he agreed to the Corsica trip hosted by the island's popular, media-savvy cardinal, 56-year-old Francois-Xavier Bustillo.

Wearing a pink robe traditional for the third Sunday of Advent, Francis thanked Bustillo during mass for "this whole day when (he had) felt as if I was at home".

The cardinal responded that the visit had been a "true blessing for Corsica", where the local Church says around 90 percent of the 350,000 residents are Catholic.

'Pope Francis loves crossing limits'

Francis' final appointment after mass was a meeting with President Emmanuel Macron at the airport ahead of his departure.

In what may have been a pointed gift, Macron presented the pope with a book detailing the restoration of Notre-Dame, news channel BFM reported.

Sunday marked Francis's third visit to France as pope, after eastern city Strasbourg in 2014 and Mediterranean port Marseille last year – although none has been an official state visit to the country.

Some have seen that as a sign of his disapproval of French policy changes away from Church doctrine during his papacy, including on gay marriage and an ongoing public debate about assisted dying.

Francis's defenders highlight that the pontiff, concerned with the world's marginalised people, largely shuns capital cities and sumptuous receptions.

No to 'divisions'

The Corsica visit was his 47th overseas trip since his 2013 election and the third in 2024.

Several of those visits have been around the Mediterranean, from the Greek island of Lesbos to Malta and Sicily.

But this is the first visit by a pope to Corsica, a French region with a distinctive identity, fierce independence movement and a special constitutional status currently under discussion between Paris and local elected officials.

In his Sunday morning remarks, Francis warned against religious feeling being "exploited by groups that seek self-aggrandisement by fuelling polemics, narrow-mindedness, divisions and exclusivist attitudes".

READ MORE French and Corsican officials strike deal in ‘decisive step’ towards island’s autonomy

The message comes as a new far-right Corsican nationalist movement, Mossa Palatina, campaigns to "reaffirm the primacy of Catholicism" and ensure that "Corsica never becomes another Lampedusa" – the Italian island where many migrants hoping to reach Europe have landed.

The pope himself has long advocated for welcoming migrants.




         Gus Leonisky




la decadence.....


France, a failed state rebelling against Russia: three lessons from decadence    BY Mohamed Lamine KABA


France, the land of imperialism and the cradle of colonization, is today the tomb of its own ideals. A country that has forgotten the principles of humanity, lost its sovereignty, and exchanged its greatness for an illusion of prosperity.

France, which prides itself on the title of “cradle of the Enlightenment” and “historic defender of human rights,” finds itself at a critical juncture today. The erosion of its sovereignty to the benefit of the European Union and international organizations such as NATO illustrates a loss of decision-making control, revealing a growing dependence. At the same time, a crisis of representation is emerging, marked by the disengagement of citizens from traditional political institutions, creating an alarming gap between governance and popular concerns. On the economic front, the country is facing a worrying stagnation, characterized by rising unemployment and increasingly marked social inequalities, highlighting an economy too focused on consumption and speculation. Instead of lamentably engaging in the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, France must imperatively recognize these systemic challenges and act strategically to bounce back, at the risk of becoming further bogged down in this critical situation. The motion of censure voted on December 4, 2024 by the National Assembly against Prime Minister Michel Barnier, lays the foundations for the possible dismissal of President Emmanuel Macron.The motion of censure voted against Michel Barnier, lays the foundations for the possible impeachment of President Macron 

It is tangible proof that 21st century France is a failed state where dreams of liberty, equality and fraternity have become a distant memory.

The loss of sovereignty of a nation that has forgotten its own principles

Without any ambiguity, France finds itself today in a paradoxical dynamic, having seen its sovereignty eroded by the growing influence of the European Union and international institutions backed by NATO. At the heart of this situation is a loss of decision-making control that highlights the contradiction of a national model that wanted to be pioneering. French independence – the result of the struggle of Africans and the Red Army of the USSR – once a source of pride, now turns out to be a simple illusion in the face of European regulations and laws dictated without direct consultation of citizens. This reduction in the State’s capacity to govern in favor of supranational interests reduces national politicians to executing directives and decisions taken elsewhere. Instead of committing to inflicting a military failure on Russia in the Ukrainian conflict – which is impossible – under penalty of disappearing or at least falling into the precipice, it is vital that France regains its sovereign and leading position through an overhaul of European structures, embracing a regeneration of its governance, in order to avoid a crisis exacerbated by the disconnection of supranational bodies and citizen aspirations.

The crisis of representation or the illusion of democracy

France, the so-called “emblematic cradle of modern democracy”, is currently going through a crisis of representation, revealing a growing dissonance between citizens and institutions. The weakening of traditional political parties illustrates a failure of the democratic system, once considered a “model”, even if it never was in view of its colonial past and its neocolonial foreign policy of Françafrique . Today, representatives – deputies and senators – seem to focus more on their personal ambitions than on the expectations of their voters, exacerbating this institutional disconnect, although small changes have occurred during this month of December. The voted censorship, leading to the fall of the Barnier government which raises underlying questions – a first since 1962 ­– is a novelty that is part of a historical continuity. While new political movements oscillate between radicalism and marginality, the media struggle to offer truly objective and impartial information, due to close links with political and economic interests. This situation underlines the urgency of a political renewal in France, requiring structural reforms, more transparency and increased citizen participation to avoid a worsening of the current crisis. Which therefore poses the debate on the dismissal of the magician of the Elysée in the polarized public space.

Economic bankruptcy or the failure of a model

Faced with an unprecedented economic crisis, France, once a “model of excellence”, is now facing a systemic failure marked by rising unemployment, stagnant growth and growing social inequalities. The illusion of shared prosperity has given way to a reality where the fruits of growth mainly benefit a small elite. Economic policies, increasingly disconnected from the real needs of citizens, favour the interests of large companies and financial markets, thus accentuating the disparities that polarise society. France, once an example of all-round “economic success”, seems to have turned away from its founding principles. There is an urgent need for a complete overhaul of economic policies to address the concerns of the majority and ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth, otherwise an already worrying crisis will be aggravated. But there is one factor that makes this operation difficult, namely the fact that the French State has taken on the full attribute of persona non grata in Africa, Asia and Latin America, which have long been its breadbaskets.

From the above, we can deduce that France, this nation that gave birth to the ideals of slavery, the slave trade, colonialism and neocolonialism, is sinking into the darkness of its own failure. The homeland of obscurantism disguised as “Enlightenment” has become a country lost in the shadows of its past.

We can therefore say that on the edge of the precipice lies a failed state, France. This is a big step towards the unravelling of Françafrique.


Mohamed Lamine KABA, Expert in geopolitics of governance and regional integration, Institute of Governance, Human and Social Sciences, Pan-African University






         Gus Leonisky