Monday 24th of February 2025

end of the line .....

end of the line .....

Remember that heading in the Herald a few weeks back, after one of the opinion polls bumped up the Government's lousy standing a point or two? "Lazarus stirs", it said optimistically of John Howard.  

Wrong. It was just the flies moving.  

Yesterday, in the nation's Parliament, with hardly a politician to be seen anywhere, we got some election realism. Three rows of recycling bins, whacking big green ones with yellow lids. More than 300 of them. 

Where? In the basement corridor of the ministerial wing.  

The bins seemed a more apt commentary than all the desperate, last-minute Coalition windbaggery going on around the nation on what is about to descend on the Prime Minister after 33 years in public life and almost 12 years remaking Australia in his own miserable, disfigured image. They arrived two days ago and whoever they're for, 48 hours before a single vote is cast today, you felt somebody, somewhere, finally got it right. 

The end of the line. 

Recycled, Rejected & Right Off The Rails

take another step...

I so hope so, (see comments above "end of the line" [for the John Howard's government]) but I am not so sure "we're there yet..". as I wrote in Stone upturned:


Now is the time more than ever for Labor to step in, and manage with greater people care and vision what Australian richness the Liberal Howard Government has squandered and blown into the private wind. It's not going to be easy, sure. Global growth will take a little plunge, next years? Most likely... And who would be better managers when the going gets tough? The Labor Party!... The Liberal Party is the party of fair-weather sailing and dirty tricks around the racing buoys... Big L Liberals tend to blame everyone else but themselves for a sinking ship. They're so good... especially in the clubhouse!...


No, thanks, Mr Stone... We can do better than that. For many, the nightmare of a "strong economy" while being kicked in the guts has to stop. As Ms Crabb says in the SMH, the wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead..."

Not quite yet... A miracle could still occur and save Howard's skin. Let's pray a miracle does not happen... Still, there are some cheeky people out there, already selling the bear skin (or its abode) while the bear has not been shot yet...

Get rid of Howard and his sad band of non-merry men...


Yes, a few things will be written here later on — things that may appear as "hindsight", but it won't be hindsight, it will be from past and present knowledge: I have followed the tactics and shifts of both tweddledumdees very closely... And have been advised (and participated in a minor role as an independent citizen) for a long time on some important issues... Hopefully the Rattus will bite the dust, hopefully his government will take a mighty blow...  And hopefully a victorious Rudd will bury the hatchet on some issues, especially those with Noel Pearson... His feud with Noel could cost Rudd dearly... But first things first:

Get rid of Howard and his sad band of non-merry men... full of warmongers, Vandals, slave drivers, extremist, pork-barrellist, liars, insensitive git, undertaker, scrooge and porkyist.

Then we can bring back some sanity and laughter into this country...

But the porkying Rattus/bear is not dead yet... He's still smart and cunning... Today we vote on his fate... And despite his fur being flee-ridden and old, as a nation of greedy wimps we might miss the shot and shoot the cub instead. We might wound the old bear only... Too bad.

Get rid of John Howard... 

No matter which way the election goes, I will have to take a sabbatical and reduce my participation here to one day a week or less (some people might sigh with relief)..., unless events, such as the bombing of Iran or other nasties, occur.

Who knows, both Rudd and Howard might loose (Howard looses his seat, his government returns)... We are left with the remnants of a Costello outfit, soon to be taken over by one of the wounded. In this bad case then, hopefully, by "Small L liberals" with a heart...  

I'm going nuts... 

Get rid of John Howard...

And good riddance to both of them - but what's to come

We did it - John is gone, and today that news that Peter Costello will not contest the leadership of the opposition.  I see blood on the floor for the Liberal party and hopefully a good shake out.

 The question now is whether we have the correct balance in the Senate to ensure that good governance we've all been looking for.

Roseanne Byrne