Sunday 23rd of February 2025

Real terrorists.

Surely it must be accepted by now that the biggest terrorist in the world is the United State of America?  Even before the horrendous G.W. Bush administration, their history has been one of chosen or opportunist wars from which they have always profited.

They have created in new Israel a mirror image of themselves by protecting that illegitimate Zionist state from all effective criticism and supplying them with the training and the latest and most deadly weapons of mass destruction that the US can devise.

They continue their terrorism with which they taunted the war weary British until the latter exhausted its mandate.  They then unilaterally declared their "state" without any agreement from the Arab owners of the land - therefore their claim was illegitimate from the start.

From then they have continuously militarily crushed any resistance to their occupation of various lands under the excuse that they have a right to defend themselves. It applies of course only to them.

The massacres in Gaza has, hopefully, awoken the world to the fact that the Zionists of the past and those contemporarily executing their terrorism with a so-called God-given right, will never be satisfied unless they have complete control.

I cannot imagine any other nation in the world (excluding the US) that could or would even dare, to behave so contemptuously to basic human rights.  Firstly, to the owners of the land they have stolen and then to brutally murder their citizens when they raise any method of objection.

They don't need or heed the United Nations because they have the United States.

At least our government and all others interested in human rights, should condemn the Gaza murders and demand punishment for the leaders of that "killing field".


The Truth and Reality.

The truth and reality. His Majesty King Abdullah stated in 1947:"I am especially delighted to address an American audience, for the tragic problem of Palestine will never be solved without American understanding, American sympathy, American support." That is the truth. Two days after the Zionists declared themselves to be the State of Israel - the Americans accepted them and from that time, have supplied them with the technology; training; weapons and even nuclear capability. To defend themselves? That is the reality. So, having already created two nuclear powered monsters in Afro-Asia namely Pakistan and India - whose religions caused their separation - the Americans now have placed a nuclear powered monster in the middle of the Middle East - new Israel!To try to understand the US foreign policies one would have to start with the fact that they depend on war - somewhere - anywhere but, it must supply the Military/Corporate.It is a statistical fact that they make a profit from them all - no matter who wins.Is it reasonable then to conclude that their most militarily superior partner in new Israel will continue to produce instability but with profit?History has told us that the Jewish race/religion is consumed with wealth and power - what better place than the greedy war-obligated military corporate of America?In his farewell speech in 1961 President Eisenhower said this in part:  "We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations."  "This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society."  "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military/industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."  "We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defence with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."  Amen. This post has been cross-posted to and NE OUBLIE.  


Real Terrorists.

Power corrupts and absolute power.....? I am thankful at the "wake up" call we are all having in the civilised world concerning the frightening power of the Zionist Lobby in the US - especially in foreign policies. At this site I found an entry that should have been one of the many warnings we have had with this subject. I quote just part of that article: "In the wake of Israel's massive assault on heavily populated civilian areas of the Gaza Strip earlier this year, Amnesty International called for the United States to suspend military aid to Israel on human rights grounds. Amnesty has also called for the United Nations to impose a mandatory arms embargo on both Hamas and the Israeli government. Unfortunately, it appears that President Barack Obama won't be heeding Amnesty's call." "During the fighting in January, Amnesty documented Israeli forces engaging in "direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects in Gaza, and attacks which were disproportionate or indiscriminate." The leader of Amnesty International's fact-finding mission to the Gaza Strip and southern Israel noted how "Israeli forces used white phosphorus and other weapons supplied by the USA to carry out serious violations of international humanitarian law, including war crimes." Amnesty also reported finding fragments of U.S.-made munitions "littering school playgrounds, in hospitals and in people's homes." I feel that I belong to a lost country when this sort of thing is happening in a world which should have learned some lessons from the many bloody wars that have been provoked; orchestrated or just plain decided upon – like Iraq! I believe that the American government, heavily manipulated by the Zionist Lobby, cares little about International Laws or Human Rights when ever they don’t suit them. Unfortunately, the views of the Zionists receive special treatment in Australia with a strange sort of inverted sense of “free speech” while at the same time, claiming to be part of the moral high ground. If anyone in this day and age, believes that we Australians are isolated from the horrific abuses of human rights by the new Israelis, they are only adopting the pacifist attitude which always precedes a major conflict.  

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Like it or lump it?

Like the Federal Opposition and the crazy Senate, the Zionist apologists in WD are merely trying to unload the blame. In my experience, the teaching of right and wrong was considered paramount  by our parents of any nationality or religion, even before the three R's.Before a matter is allowed to take up the time of the Court, there is a hearing sometimes called a mention.  America has a similar system .The right of the Zionists to do what they have done was wrong in legal and moral terms from the beginning, and that issue would not pass muster.If however, the Australian High Court dealt with the situation in Gaza they would be obliged to accept on the evidence that legally, the Palestinians are firing home-made rockets into their own land and "devil take the hindmost" but,  they are aware that they are endangering the invaders of the country.However, the Zionist invasion and occupation of Palestinian lands has no value in morality or international law - the latter of which is denied by one of webdiary’s Zionists and I wish the Australian Jews would explain it to him.I don't believe that Alan Curran is the vicious person his posts seem to portray but I am afraid that the goal of a new Israel has defied all elements of decency, beliefs in international law and the UN Charter of Human Rights.In essence, this Palestinian invasion is an attack on the very basis of civilisation.It is an interesting fact that only the powers that be support the Zionist's illegal invasion - as far as I can tell, the world experts in the fields of law and justice all condemn that action but then - they have no political or financial gain to be otherwise.NE OUBLIE.This has been cross-posted to and  


Remember the Rome Statute?

Paul Morella wrote in Webdiary:  "There isn't of course any universally accepted "international law". He should try Googling "States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court".One interesting section is:  Israel voted against the adoption of the Rome Statute but later signed it for a short period.In 2002, the United States and Israel, "unsigned" the Rome Statute, indicating that they no longer intend to become states parties and, as such, they have no legal obligations arising from their signature of the statute.In 2002 Israel submitted a letter to the United Nations declaring that it did not intend to ratify the treaty, using identical wording as the United States.[16]Israel states that it has "deep sympathy" with the goals of the court. However, it has concerns that political pressure on the court would lead it to reinterpret international law or to "invent new crimes". It cites the inclusion of "the transfer of parts of the civilian population of an occupying power into occupied territory" as a war crime as an example of this, whilst at the same time disagrees with the exclusion of terrorism and drug trafficking. Israel sees the powers given to the prosecutor as excessive and the geographical appointment of judges as disadvantaging Israel which is prevented from joining any of the UN Regional Groups.[17]So Israel can do as it likes? And so can the US? And so can all of the non-signatories and those who have not ratified?  Radical and rogue countries without any consideration for anyone else.Then reason and logic would dictate that anyone can attack Israel and the US without fear of the International Criminal Court?  No more active sympathy with 9/11’s or WW II?Does this also mean that the actions of the Nazis was NOT an infringement of international law IF as Morella states - there isn't any such law!And of course my old question remains unanswered - WHY should any of the ICC signatories even consider new Israel is a state of any kind?NE OUBLIE.

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Suicide of Israel?

The more I read about as much of information available about new Israel - its intentions to steal land - its beginnings - its methods of dealing with the owners of the land stolen and the land they intend to steal - I have to say that my US media influenced opinion has been completely shattered.IMHO this thread in Webdiary is forcing interested parties to take a good look at what is done - not what is said.  This was also true of the Australian Jews who wrote the Gaza Media Statement for us to understand the difference between the "wheat and the chaff".One such article is on I quote some interesting sections like:"The state of Israel proclaimed its independence at midnight on May 15, 1948.  The United Nations had voted to establish two states in what had been Palestine under British rule.  The city of Jerusalem was supposed to be an international Zone under U.N. jurisdiction.  The U.N. resolution had wide support, and specifically that of the United States and the Soviet Union.  The Arab states all voted against it"  COMMENT: Sort of a democratic majority vote ignored, considering the number of Arab states who voted against it?And: "In the sixty years of its existence, the state of Israel has depended for its survival and expansion on an overall strategy that combined three elements: macho militarism, geopolitical alliances, and public relations.  The macho militarism (what current Prime Minister Ehud Olmert calls the "iron fist") was made possible by the nationalist fervour of Jewish Israelis, and eventually (although not initially) by the very strong support of Jewish communities elsewhere in the world".COMMENT:  Interesting that the intention from the beginning was to use the "iron fist" - now that's mediation Nazi style?The author Immanuel Wallerstein, completed his commentary with:"The three-element strategy of Israel is decomposing.  The iron fist no longer succeeds, much as it didn't for George Bush in Iraq.  Will the United States link remain firm?  I doubt it.  And will world public opinion continue to look sympathetically on Israel? It seems not.  Can Israel now switch to an alternative strategy, of negotiating with the militant representatives of the Arab Palestinians, as an integral constituent of the Middle East, and not as an outpost of Europe?  It seems quite late for that, quite possibly too late.  Hence, the chronicle of suicide foretold." COMMENT:  Should any resolution to this land-grab be considered, it would be nice if the powers that be listened to the much aggrieved indigenous peoples.  Perhaps they don't want wannabe westerners to control their lives?NE OUBLIE. This post has been cross-posted with The more I read about as much of information available about new Israel - its intentions to steal land - its beginnings - its methods of dealing with the owners of the land stolen and the land they intend to steal - I have to say that my US media influenced opinion has been completely shattered.IMHO this thread in Webdiary is forcing interested parties to take a good look at what is done - not what is said.  This was also true of the Australian Jews who wrote the Gaza Media Statement for us to understand the difference between the "wheat and the chaff".One such article is on I quote some interesting sections like:"The state of Israel proclaimed its independence at midnight on May 15, 1948.  The United Nations had voted to establish two states in what had been Palestine under British rule.  The city of Jerusalem was supposed to be an international Zone under U.N. jurisdiction.  The U.N. resolution had wide support, and specifically that of the United States and the Soviet Union.  The Arab states all voted against it"  COMMENT: Sort of a democratic majority vote ignored considering the number of Arab states who voted?And: "In the sixty years of its existence, the state of Israel has depended for its survival and expansion on an overall strategy that combined three elements: macho militarism, geopolitical alliances, and public relations.  The macho militarism (what current Prime Minister Ehud Olmert calls the "iron fist") was made possible by the nationalist fervour of Jewish Israelis, and eventually (although not initially) by the very strong support of Jewish communities elsewhere in the world".COMMENT:  Interesting that the intention from the beginning was to use the "iron fist" - now that's mediation Nazi style?The author Immanuel Wallerstein, completed his commentary with:"The three-element strategy of Israel is decomposing.  The iron fist no longer succeeds, much as it didn't for George Bush in Iraq.  Will the United States link remain firm?  I doubt it.  And will world public opinion continue to look sympathetically on Israel? It seems not.  Can Israel now switch to an alternative strategy, of negotiating with the militant representatives of the Arab Palestinians, as an integral constituent of the Middle East, and not as an outpost of Europe?  It seems quite late for that, quite possibly too late.  Hence, the chronicle of suicide foretold." COMMENT:  Should any resolution to this land-grab be considered, it would be nice if the powers that be listened to the much aggrieved indigenous peoples.  Perhaps they don't want wannabe westerners to control their lives?NE OUBLIE.This post has been cross-posted with and




What price freedom?

G'day ID.

Sounds like good news mate on your e-mail - let's hope so.


My disgust in Webdiary has reached an all time low.

When I try to log on - it is refused.

When I try for a new account - it is refused.

When my Wife applies using our e-mail address - it is refused.


Nevertheless, I have a feeling of freedom in that I have an alternative where I can really exercise my right to free speech without being crucified by pompous arseholes.


Why, (my favourite word) didn’t these people have the intestinal fortitude to write openly in Webdiary that they have disenfranchised me - and my Wife - and provide some courtesy of an explanation? Why? Because in their book of absolute control - they don't have to.  Decency is for the lower classes.


Now there's a reason to explain the hidden and absolute power in webdiary which epitomizes the Zionist control mantra.


The only reason that I have fallen foul of the powers that be is that I believe - no - I KNOW that the Zionists of new Israel, and those who control so much of western civilisation (by being un-civilised) could even have their claws into the management of webdiary. Another point is inescapable - Margo must know and agree or at least permit it.  That’s sad.


Since the Australian Jews exposed this Gaza matter, at least to me, I have learned a lot regarding the reasons that ALL Jews can be hated and very unfairly, for the unmitigated arrogance of the Zionists and their absolute need for power and wealth.


Where is the separation? Why can't we talk about the holocaust?  Why is it a god-like subject? The Russians lost 20 million people in WW II - how many of them were Jews and, are they counted in the alleged 6 million?


If so, that is double counting in my book. And why do I think that is important?  Because I believe in truth and at the very least the fine tuning of propaganda.


It is scary to an old time believer in the western civilisation to find out that there is a monster, born in the deserts of Canaan and Jebus, that has developed so much power that people even forget that their ancestors were desert nomads, no better than the Arabs they hate.  They have now, in new Israel, obtained a secret and powerful nuclear launching pad for any type of conquest against defenceless peoples as they may choose. A frightening thought.


It is here! It is powerful in our internet and our T/V - it could even be part of the Howard sedition laws. And is subscribed to by people who are not even fair dinkum enough to declare their real names.


Don't these people realise that some of us, who they consider are not as well educated as monkeys, can think and reason that the principle of the holocaust is history?  And that that sort of behaviour should not be forgotten nor tolerated – even in Gaza?




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Is Iran the new objective?

I haven’t considered the religious problems which seem to exist in Iran – or for that matter – all over the world.


However, using a purely national basis, I believe that the free world owes the Iranians a debt, if only for their courage in standing up to the American global empire strategies.


Most of us are probably aware that the US used their influence over Saddam to create a war between Iraq and Iran while, at the same time, providing weapons to both opponents.  When their puppet dictator began to think independently, he signed his own death warrant.


Nuances are usually beyond me, but if we want to save democracy in its purest form we should support the right of all religions and nations to decide on the way they want to live, provided they have no aspirations of plunder and murder like the Zionists of new Israel.


I see Iran, even with the limited and biased information the powers that be allow us – as a country who wants to be what it is and deal with its own problems without outside interference.


Since WW II the Americans have used their military might and their profits from war to impose their will on nations throughout the world.  G.W. Bush said it all viz: “You are either with us or against us” – “so spake the Emperor of the fourth Reich?”


Governments rarely have the privilege these days to deal with their own problems in their own way – as demonstrated by the world financial crisis.


From the day the Americans took over the United Nations by “graciously” providing a very imposing building in which to be able to mollify the doubts of the unsuspecting – the dye was cast.


They are the new “Global Empire” by stealth and the aggressive introduction of de-stabilising interests, not the least of which is the pseudo-westerner Zionists in new Israel.


If we look at the map of the Middle East it would seem unbelievable that the Palestinian lands could become the new source of world turmoil.  This inexcusable aggression is only possible by the US supporting the Zionists in their demand for lands that do not belong to them.


The US Military/Corporate has increased its cancerous grip on the American economy – even as President Eisenhower warned in 1961 that it would.


But I digress – I am only these days able to look at the big picture and I don’ like what I see.





Just a thought.

  These two forums have been kind enough to put up with my questions and opinions and I really appreciate it. Anything worthwhile has behind it the ego of its author - and I am no different. For example, I have no time for people who play politics with such an important issue as the "Middle East Murders". With all of their nit-picking and diversions they demonstrate only the axiom of business people - that is deception.  All talk and no substance. I have found here and with some "accepted people" in WD, that the tragedy of another Poland is in the making in Palestine. Not only is the sacrifice of Palestinians a disgrace to the British and American allies with whom they fought and died in two world wars, but it is an indication that the horrors of those wars are still allowed without immediate appropriate response - and for the same reasons. No one who realises the suffering in those world wars should forget the crimes that were committed in the name of "political power" - or more to the point "loyalty and patriotism".  The last bastion of a coward. The tragedy of these acts being repeated must have at its core the greed for wealth and power. Only the purpetrators seem to change - as though some are saying "we will build our defences against being attacked and when we do - we will attack someone else".   Just think of an excuse; get the powers that be on side and there is established a springboard to more war without end. The peoples of the world are captives of the maniacal desire for conquest in the contest for world domination. For how many consecutive years in the 20th century was the United States of America at peace with ALL nations of the world? Do we, as Australians of all original nationalities, really want to impose our life-style on all other races; religions and cultures? Until the Howard "New Order" betrayed our nation in Iraq, we had never been involved in undeclared war - a system considered un-gentlemanly by our ancestors.  But what did they know. President Obama has said a lot with which most of the world has agreed but - do we really believe that he can undo even the recent acts of the Bush administration? Will he stop the military/corporate from making profit from their support of the Zionists?  I think not. Is his attitude to a peaceful co-existence with Iran fair dinkum? Or is it a ploy for the old adage of "lulling into a false sense of security" or perhaps "if you can't dominate them now - placate them and deal with them later"? Barak Obama has become a beacon of hope for so many nations of the world but - unless he stops the Zionist violation of Palestine, he will also be remembered as a hypocrite. NE OUBLIE. 

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The only thing necessary for evil to flourish.....

"The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing". I seem to remember that someone, somewhere prophesised that WW 3 would begin in the Middle East? I can well believe it.  I recently found a site  viz:  and I quote a section: "World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries: WOJACPresident, Heskel M. Haddad, M.D." "The World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries (WOJAC), founded in France in 1976, represents the rights of Jewish refugees from Arab countries." (Representing to whom and where - fair dinkum) "...WOJAC's mission, as dictated by the Israeli government's December, 2003 edict, is to document the assets Jewish refugees lost as they fled Arab countries following the establishment of the state of Israel."  And how will the Zionists of new Israel resolve that problem - if it exists? It would surely be hypocrisy and inverted justice if the "bastard state" of new Israel went to the United Nations,(especially when they have consistently ignored its Charter of Human Rights and everything else) and complained that "someone" has to give back to the Jewish people, properties and assets that belonged to them prior to their "escape" from Arab countries? Or else? What would be the alternative to the Zionist methods? Is this a promise to a race of people who are told that they have more rights than any other - or is it a threat of things to come? By what means would the biggest and most deadly military might in that area, bring about that promise? And what would their US creators do? Would the Zionists negotiate with the Arabs whose lands they have stolen and whose people they have so intentionally and brutally murdered? Well might the UN (US?) want a war against the poverty and massacres in the African nations where the people are fighting each other for control of land belonging to all of them - while paying only lip service to the Zionist foreigners who are fertilising an imperial state with the blood of the indigenous people? This disgrace of injustice is a repeat of lessons the US themselves have so dishonestly claimed were unfair and unjustified centuries ago. Now who are the Imperialists? NE OUBLIE. This will be cross-posted to  


The most active Terrorist is...?

  Iran intrigues me. When will people ever learn - America cannot be trusted. I recommend reading "From Wounded Knee to Iraq: A Century Of U.S. Military Interventions” by Zoltan Grossman viz: It will do your heart a lot of good. It appears that between the years 1890 and 2008 the US military have only been inactive for 11 years!  Those being 1897 - 1934-1941 [7 years post depression] - 1955 - 1957 and 1959 that is eleven years of inactivity out of 118! I once wrote in WD that I believed that while the U.S. claimed a foreign policy of warlike isolation but that only applied to their home security. And I added that IF the Indonesians invaded Australia and it was in the financial or otherwise interests of the US administration – I believe they would do an “Israel” for peace at any price. The real policy has been to cause military episodes [large and small] for "what suits us" - or "your are either with us [on our terms] or against us".  This while they use some 50% of the world's resources while being only 6% of the population. So, getting back on topic - if you were Iran - would you trust any pact with the United States of America? NE OUBLIE.  


Australia's shame.


The problems with the Durban Review seems to be that the Zionists do not like facts; truths or any indication of considering them “ordinary humans”.

There was a time, when writing that would bring down the wrath of God (we were taught) but the real Zionist Jews, while enjoying the genocide in the Middle East, especially the Gaza holocaust, are nevertheless destroying the very image they have tried to portray of themselves for 60 years.

And while the resentment from any thinking and civilised person is rising, the insidious power of these people still permeates every facet of our societies – no matter where.  Damian [in webdiary-crippled] is right to say that people around the world are waking up to the real picture of Zionism and they must have some vision of what that can mean if allowed to solidify and fester.

King Abdullah warned the world of the future of Zionist Israel in a 1946 address to the US viz: “I am especially delighted to address an American audience, for the tragic problem of Palestine will never be solved without American understanding, American sympathy, American support”.

And:  “Palestine is a small and very poor country, about the size of your state of Vermont.  Its Arab population is only about 1,200,000.  Already we have had forced on us, against our will, some 600,000 Zionist Jews.  We are threatened with many hundreds of thousands more.”

And for 60+ years the Americans have supported the Zionists in their genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

I cannot understand why we elect fascist people like Howard and then, after serious breaches of human rights, we try for a revival of Australian values by electing the oldest political party in Australia – only to find that even they too are victims of the US/Israel unholy alliance.

The US method of “liberation” is no different to that offered by the Nazis and any attempt at convincing the world otherwise has surely passed its use-by time.


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With all of the variations – Is Judaism racial or religious?


 After the disgraceful performance of the US puppets at the Racism Conference I am full of questions. 

Although the Jewish people are reported to be only .22% of the world’s population, they have an enormous amount of influence and control over at least 28 nations - of which Australia is one.


According to the Jewish historians, the holocaust was genocide, therefore they are a race?  Yet people like Sammy Davis Jr. can change to Judaism, so where does the separation begin and end?


Did the holocaust include all people of Judaism or only those of the race?  If it was only the race – how were they identified?  And were the non-racial religious Jews treated the same?  And if not, why not?


Since the new Israel Zionists are claiming that the original land of old Israel is actually Palestine on the basis of their original race, then they are demanding a return of the land that they took by military force from the Canaanites.  So when does the time-clock of their spurious claim actually begin?  Crazy - in my opinion.


The term Semite actually applies to all of the Arab peoples and, according to history (so far not completely changed by the Zionists) were separated initially by variations of language.  So anti-Semitism, which is claimed solely for “persecution” [read criticism] of the Jews, basically applies to all Semites - so what the Zionists are currently doing in Palestine is anti-Semitic.


With my limited ability and according to the research I have undertaken since the Gaza Holocaust, the superior arrogance and utter selfish attitude of the Jewish race seems to be the only reason why they have been hated, almost automatically, since their halcyon days of Judea and Israel.


The Zionist belief that their God has demanded that they forcefully apply their right to being the “chosen people” must have given headaches to all nations subjected to the Diaspora.


For years I have disparaged the Jury system in favour of each individual nation; state or group programming their specific laws into a computer for the sole purpose of deciding that, in every case, the accepted evidence finds the accused innocent or guilty.  That would be before any emotion could affect the true result.


IF ONLY that was the case in every single nation that refused to discuss the massacres by the Zionists – would that nation’s “democratic” computer find the new Israelis guilty?  Fair dinkum.




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What did he say?


 The hide of that Iranian President Ahmadinejad to openly inform the world of the facts concerning the Gaza holocaust and beyond.  Why wasn’t he muzzled?  

Similarity: The Sri-Lankan government advised the "rebels" that they should leave their "colony" or be subdued - and the media felt sorry for the oppressed.


The Zionist Jews used their Navy to blockade the Gaza sea escape routes to safety while their unopposed military surrounded the land mass - and then they killed (murdered) 1,200 + people, who they had made sure could not escape, in 22 days -  mostly women and children! With the unforgiveable loss of 10 Zionist-called  “soldiers” and 3 civilians.


And the Iranian President stated that they were "cruel" - how dare he?


Almost all of Palestine is now occupied by the Zionist Jews with their apartheid policies of discrimination.  Compare that attitude to their saviours - the Palestine government of pre-1946 who welcomed and sympathised with the so-called "victims of the holocaust", blissfully unaware that the Zionists had prepared well in advance to take over the land of these "untermenschen" farmers.


And the Iranian President stated that they were “racist” – how dare he?


So let’s be fair dinkum about the Iranian President.  He, and hopefully his people, are not going to be murdered without repercussions but can they convince the world that THEY are the victims?


Even the teaching of the cult of Mount Zion is murderous oagainst any non-Jew who even criticises their God’s command for them to take over the entire world.


We, in the webdiary-crippled and yourdemocracy forums are lucky to be able to speak out against the blatantly dishonest mis-information of the so-called Main Stream Media – primarily controlled by Zionist Jews.


The Iranian President is perhaps the only safety valve against domination of the Middle East resources and its people - and his refusal to allow his citizens to be enslaved by the threats of the Zionists is being portrayed - by their control of information - as a threat to peace!  Fair dinkum.


If many people have to suffer even more for the Zionist ambitions of world supremacy, then I want my country to stand up for the underdog as was, and still should be, our Australian values.


If, before it becomes ineffectual the world will hopefully treat the Gaza holocaust as an example of the Zionist hypocrisy. 




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Israel defends army's Gaza conduct

Googled from www.aljazeera.english 

An internal Israeli investigation has concluded that the country's military acted in accordance with international law during the recent war in Gaza.

Reporting its findings on Wednesday, the military rejected allegations of war crimes from human rights groups and some UN officials.
The groups had criticised the Israeli army's conduct during the three-week offensive. [Why wasn’t that simply dismissed as anti-Semite?]

The army "maintained a high professional and moral level while facing an enemy that aimed to terrorise Israeli civilians", the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), as the military in Israel is called, said in a statement.

It said it conducted five separate investigations into some of its actions during the war, including attacks on and near UN and international facilities and the use in densely populated areas of white phosphorous, a chemical agent that causes severe burns.

But human-rights groups renewed their calls for an independent inquiry.
Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland, reporting from Jerusalem, said both Israeli and international human rights groups have criticised the internal investigation.
"They said a couple of weeks ago that it was completely inappropriate that an army should be investigating itself," she said.
"The other question is how these findings will be received by the Israeli public ... and they as a whole have been lulled into this narrative according to which the Israeli army is the most moral army in the world.
"So in a way, this report will be falling on very willing ears - it will be telling the Israeli public a version of events that they want to hear."
Up to 1,300 Palestinians, mostly women and children, were killed during the 22-day assault on the Gaza Strip.
Thirteen Israelis, 10 of them soldiers, were killed during the same period.

COMMENT: As if one was necessary.  The lesson to be learned here is that the extreme Zionist  "government" led by Netanyahu has already stated that none of their forces would even be charged with crimes against humanity.

The never-ending Jewish stealing of Arab land plus their Apartheid policies, added to their system of killing to achieve their way, should have given the entire world another lesson in what happens when Zionists form a dictatorial group like their Communist leaders in the USSR.


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Well might we say - welcome to some truth.


On the ABC T/V Midday Report, we learn for the first time, of the Zionists' unholy attack on the Commonwealth War Graves in northern Gaza and the destruction of some 300 of the graves and their headstones. There are 263 Australians buried there along with British casualties from both world wars.

The reporter showed the significantly large cemetery and described it as a beautiful area while he interviewed the distraught Arab who has looked after it for many decades.

The Zionists, who directed the Gaza slaughter, kept lying that their "soldiers" who carried out the murders - were the most "moral army" in the world.

If their technological weapons from their sponsor the US, allowed them to accurately home in on specific targets how did they manage to destroy Gaza and kill 1300 people in 22 days?

How did they manage to desecrate our war graves if their US weapons were so selective? What moral is there for that behaviour?

One of my brothers served in the Middle East including Palestine in WW II - fortunately he returned but - if his grave had been so atheistically destroyed, our family would never forgive or forget the bandits that did it. 

But - it would be the bandits that did it – not the rest of the world!

The reporter said that the Gazans are trying to repair the Jewish destruction but because of the blockade, on land and sea, they cannot get the material.

What will the Australian Government do about that? Perhaps with enough ransom the Zionists may allow us to re-consecrate our dead?

Gaza is rated by the UN as the most densely populated land on earth - but the Zionists say that they still managed to slip in between them all - and desecrate the British/Australian war memorial. Fair dinkum.

Surely by now, even with the crimes of the Zionist Jews being severely censored, we still learn enough from the residue to convict them of war crimes over and over.

These crimes should not go unpunished while the US threatens Iran for being suspected by the Zionists of having nuclear power stations.

The future of both enlightened civilisation and the enforcement of International Law are directly under threat by the un-fettered aggression of the Zionists Jews. 

The self proclaimed “policemen” of the world, the United States of America, can only maintain that mantle if it applies equal values to ALL nations, not just those who have the money.


This will be cross-posted in  Demon Zionists. 

No laws against greed or US backed murder?



Will the Zionists become another French Foreign Legion of world criminals? And for what purpose?


I cannot believe that there are actually some supposedly "democratic" countries who have banned any spoken or written word considered as anti-Semitic!


Time for a quick look at the facts and the big picture.


According to Wikipedia, there are four branches acknowledged as being Semitic – they are North Arabic – Aramaic – Ethiopic and Canaanitic (Hebrew).  These were ancient tribes who were identified mainly by their language.


The “annexed” plea of “anti-Semitic” does not in reality only apply to the wandering tribe that conquered Canaan.   And after “mediating” with the Cult of Mount Zion, they wiped out all the people and animals of the various “untermenschen” tribes of that area - to eventually bring into being the states of Israel and Judah - separated by the various sub-tribes.


That’s my rough way of saying that the anti-Semitic criticism or respect for it, only applies to the Hebrew branch of Semites - is false and should be accepted as so.


However, the Zionists have for centuries attempted to “annex” some other land for that which they lost, probably to the Romans or the Ottomans.  The impartial Jury is out on the issue of Palestine being the original Israel because that is inconsistent with independent maps re the history of the biblical Middle East.


So, keeping on-topic, the very Jewish claim (and I mean Jewish, not necessarily Zionist) that they have been treated badly by the rest of humanity – for no justifiable reason - is a bit hard to swallow.  Fair dinkum.


It seems that, no matter which country they have chosen in the Diaspora, they have still finished up wealthy and with enormous media influence on the politics, even to a point where they can dictate WHO is Semite and the claim of mistreatment is theirs, and theirs alone.


Again as the wise King Abdullah said in 1946, there can be no settlement of the Palestine question without the good will and understanding of the US.  At the time of his speech, the incursion of the murderous Zionists was just a small percentage – and now the reverse is true – the Palestinians have very little of their country left to them and the Zionists are determined to take that too.


Well might Howard join with the Zionists in the US to sing  “God Save America”.




This will be cross-posted in  Demon Zionists.



Why does America cover up this?

Cover-Up Alleged in Probe of USS Liberty – (From Wikipedia)


A former Navy attorney who helped lead the military investigation of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed 34 American servicemen says former President Lyndon Johnson and his defense secretary, Robert McNamara, ordered that the inquiry conclude the incident was an accident.


In a signed affidavit released at a Capitol Hill news conference, retired Capt. Ward Boston said Johnson and McNamara told those heading the Navy's inquiry to "conclude that the attack was a case of 'mistaken identity' despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary."


It was "one of the classic all-American cover-ups," said retired Admiral Thomas Moorer, a former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman who spent a year investigating the attack as part of an independent panel he formed with other former military officials. The panel also included a former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, James Akins.         


Torpedo hole in USS Liberty   

"Why would our government put Israel's interests ahead of our own?" Moorer asked from his wheelchair at the news conference. He was chief of naval operations at the time of the attack.


Moorer, who has long held that the attack was a deliberate act, wants Congress to investigate. [Newsday]


And conversely - typical of US policy of hypocrisy – also from Wikipedia:   



Congress responded to LBJ's call to arms,
giving him a veritable blank check to make war.

The Bay of Tonkin incident where a North Vietnamese PT boat allegedly attacked a USA warship was the excuse the government of USA used to go full throttle into Vietnam. By that time JFK had conveniently met with an unfortunate death and so they could do whatever they wanted. It's what they'd wanted to do in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs.

When JFK was alive only 42 Americans had died in Vietnam and he was planning to bring all the troops home. But after his death his plans were reversed and nearly 60,000 troops died over there and thousands were captured and held prisoner. ~ Jackie Jura

Tonkin incident might not have occurred
by Bob Richter, San Antonia Express News, Aug 3, 2002

AUSTIN - Thirty-eight years ago Sunday, network television was interrupted at 11:36 p.m. EDT so President Lyndon B. Johnson could tell the nation that U.S. warships in a place called the Gulf of Tonkin had been attacked by North Vietnamese PT boats.

In response to what he described as "open aggression on the open seas," Johnson ordered U.S. airstrikes on North Vietnam. The airstrikes opened the door to a war that would kill 1 million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans and divide the nation along class and generational lines.

Over the years, debate has swirled around whether U.S. ships actually were attacked that night, or whether, as some sceptics suggest, the Johnson administration staged or provoked an event to get congressional authority to act against North Vietnam. Recently released tapes of White House phone conversations indicate the attack probably never happened. The tapes, released by the LBJ Library at the University of Texas at Austin, include 51 phone conversations from Aug. 4 and 5, 1964, when the Tonkin Gulf incident occurred.

COMMENT: Truth – Justice and – abhor the American way. (Of starting wars)




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Assessing the Grim Legacy of Soviet Communism by Mark Weber

 Selected excerpts about early Russian Communists. (Why the holocaust?) By Winston Churchill:There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate, Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek -- all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combatting Counter-Revolution [the Cheka] has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by JewessesAnd:  David R. Francis, United States ambassador in Russia, warned in a January 1918 dispatch to Washington: "The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution."And: The Netherlands' ambassador in Russia, Oudendyke, made much the same point a few months later: "Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.""The Bolshevik Revolution," declared a leading American Jewish community paper in 1920, "was largely the product of Jewish thinking, Jewish discontent, Jewish effort to reconstruct."

As an expression of its radically anti-nationalist character, the fledgling Soviet government issued a decree a few months after taking power that made anti-Semitism a crime in Russia. The new Communist regime thus became the first in the world to severely punish all expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment. Soviet officials apparently regarded such measures as indispensable. Based on careful observation during a lengthy stay in Russia, American-Jewish scholar Frank Golder reported in 1925 that "because so many of the Soviet leaders are Jews anti-Semitism is gaining [in Russia], particularly in the army [and] among the old and new intelligentsia who are being crowded for positions by the sons of Israel."

COMMENT:  Has anything changed in their murderous penchant for being in control of everything – Left or Right politics – Northern Hemisphere or Southern – anywhere!


This will be cross-posted in  Demon Zionists.



Sound the Freedom Alarms.

Zionist power corrupts - absolute Zionist power corrupts absolutely.

This morning I was about to write an article which had its origin in Jew watch com but I was distracted.  This afternoon I had time but the site had radically changed and the main section of Jew Watch disappeared!!!

I did however find this on

"A few weeks ago I got really, really steamed when I learned the powerful Jewish lobby, here and abroad, took extraordinary measures to block two websites critical of them.  One is Jew, the other is Wake up Amercia.  The "Wake up America" site is the grandaddy of all sites like thesel--a virtual library of facts and fugures you would never see in any university library, or in any newspaper, magazine, Hollywood film, TV station, blah, blah..."

"These sites are not hate sites.  Still, the Jewish lobby tried to shut them down.  They got into a big tussle with Google by swarming PageRank (a system for ranking web pages) with their counter measures, but in the end they failed.  I was told also (from a reliable source) they desperately tried to infect a few million PC end-users with malicious code to cause slow-downs and crashes, thus barring access, but they failed here too.  Imagine that!  They may control most newspapers in Noirth America but they don't control the internet.  Not yet, at least.  We can thank the folks at Google for not buckling under."

"It's time to even the score."

"Fair is fair.  The Jewish community wants you to forever remember, for example, the holocaust but no discussion is allowed as to WHY it happened.  Crying ANTI-SEMITISM just doesn't cut it any more. To repeat, these sites are not hate sites.  They are scholarly and objectively presented, factual and balanced, and worth bookmarking."  and

Remember, it has already happened in Germany and France - how can we possibly stop this cancerous growth without some knowledge of what they are doing to us - this time?


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The truths?


 Excellent articles - there seems to be no end to the absolute truths which totally contradict the Zionists claims to a new Israel. I say these truths because almost all of these contradictions are from people without any obvious financial or political motives. I admit that after my initiation to the reality of the Palestinian murders and the cancerous growth of Zionist power in that area, I realised that some good may yet come out of this. Firstly, it has raised the interest and subsequent ire of so many people world-wide but there is still the Zionist power which tries to blunt any truths of their aggression being exposed. I must explain - I have no idea how to "link" and the good intentions of some posters have not been able to teach me.  Therefore, I am mostly committed to quotations which some people may consider as plagiarism - but it is merely the repeating of facts available to the public. I have come to a modest opinion that there are two types of Jews contributing to the Murders in the Middle East - those that applaud to massacres for no logical or moral reason - and those who are being critical of the behaviour of the military might of the Zionists of new Israel. But so many of them are journalists and authors and professors who currently reside in new Israel itself! Pardon me for being suspicious but - is it believable that a "state" born from terrorism, lies and immoral acts against humanity for some 60 years - would allow these "traitors" to be internationally active? So, when we are able to access information which confidently declares, loud and clear, that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians but home-based academics in new Israel are allowed to criticise their military - provided it seems - that they do not violate the real cause of the problems - the Palestine lands being brutally stripped from their owners. I continue to learn but I cannot understand why a virtual religious and racial dictatorship like the Zionist junta in new Israel permits such "sedition". Why do Jewish (Zionist?) people from all over the world support the state of "Israel" being established and then criticise the methods used? Surely the methods they seem to dislike would stop with the killings of the real landowners and the re-establishment of the legitimate Arab government of Palestine? Does anyone feel that my scepticism is warranted or am I being overly influenced by the archaic pre-civilisation criminality of the Middle East murders? NE OUBLIE. 

This will be cross-posted to http://www.yourdemocracy.


What morality?

I think that the insulting claim that the Zionist' new Israel Army is the most "moral" in the world is merely the methods used by the arrogant and guilty in an effort to blur the issue.

The said mentioned "Army" would have made any proud military sick to their stomachs. The cowardice shown by these vicious invaders towards unarmed men women and children is only a replica of the Nazis and the Japanese in WW 2.

The two latter examples were punished by international Courts using international law (which WD's PM says doesn't exist)and God willing, so will the Zionist murderers.

It is the signature of terrorists like the US and the Zionists that they claim to be on the side of God.  God of course being their own politicians. 

Due to their superiority (in munitions only) they use their propaganda machines to try to convince us that they are indeed intended to be the master race. Sound familiar?

The Americans say remember "the Alamo" - "The USS Maine" - "the SS Lusitania" - "Pearl Harbour" - "Iraq" and of course 9/11. All of these were excuses for wars of profit and expansion.

The US sponsored murderer in the Middle East is the so-called new "Israel" who wants us to remember the "holocaust" as an excuse for their sixty years of terrorism; invasions; occupations and massacres.

The Zionist program is the same formula for domination as practiced by all dictators since the beginning of recorded time and because it was worse since it was against a people whose race is a mirror-image of their own.

Hitler's program was to treat all Gypsies; Russians, Arabs and their fellow Semites the Jews as "untermenschen".

The Zionist program seems to be to "hone" their murderous skills and to test the latest US weapons on the least able to defend themselves - their fellow tribal Semites. 

Unless the free world stands up to these criminals there will be many more thousands killed by them under the aegis of "we have a "Reich" to defend ourselves".

Did the Germans and Zionists learn from the Americans?

What style of "democracy" does the Zionists allow in their new Israel when there are 200,000 Jews and 250,000 Arabs in that section of stolen lands called "Israel"?


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Apologies your democracy.

My posted site left out an extra t in fpiftxt - the address then is as follows:


Ern G.

I totally agree Ernest ....

Well said.

Wake up Australia.

Power corrupts and absolute power.....?


I am thankful at the "wake up" call we are all having in the civilised world concerning the frightening power of the Zionist Lobby in the US - especially in foreign policies.


At this site I found an entry that should have been one of the many warnings we have had with this subject.


I quote just part of that article:


"In the wake of Israel's massive assault on heavily populated civilian areas of the Gaza Strip earlier this year, Amnesty International called for the United States to suspend military aid to Israel on human rights grounds. Amnesty has also called for the United Nations to impose a mandatory arms embargo on both Hamas and the Israeli government. Unfortunately, it appears that President Barack Obama won't be heeding Amnesty's call."


"During the fighting in January, Amnesty documented Israeli forces engaging in "direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects in Gaza, and attacks which were disproportionate or indiscriminate." The leader of Amnesty International's fact-finding mission to the Gaza Strip and southern Israel noted how "Israeli forces used white phosphorus and other weapons supplied by the USA to carry out serious violations of international humanitarian law, including war crimes." Amnesty also reported finding fragments of U.S.-made munitions "littering school playgrounds, in hospitals and in people's homes."


I feel that I belong to a lost country when this sort of thing is happening in a world which should have learned some lessons from the many bloody wars that have been provoked; orchestrated or just plain decided upon – like Iraq!


I believe that the American government, heavily manipulated by the Zionist Lobby, cares little about International Laws or Human Rights when ever they don’t suit them.


Unfortunately, the views of the Zionists receive special treatment in Australia with a strange sort of inverted sense of “free speech” while at the same time, claiming to be part of  the moral high ground.


If anyone in this day and age, believes that we Australians are isolated from the horrific abuses of human rights by the new Israelis, they are only adopting the pacifist attitude which always precedes a major conflict.


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