Sunday 23rd of February 2025

Objectivity to Terrorism.

Ever since the Bush administration classified the tragedy of 9/11 as a terrorist attack on his country - it followed that the entire civilised world responded with sympathy.Bush's advisers found a new catch word to use as an opportunist tool to sell their breaches of human rights and international laws - War on Terrorism.Under this guise, they have taken the world's good faith as an opportunity to abuse Human Rights even better than Pearl Harbour because this was their mainland.The respect for the United Nations has been subject to the undermining performances of various US administrations to the extent that it has truly become a "paper tiger". It is evident then that the US is holding all the cards with no nation powerful enough to challenge their unbridled systems of absolute control.And their reason - "They hate us for our values". How simply that would convert into "We have a right to defend ourselves"?Even that small number of examples doesn't come anywhere near to explain how the US and its pupil new Israel are actually getting away with murder.Terrorism, no matter how you explain it; no matter how you demand that it be considered; it should apply to every nation who uses it irrespective of the excuse.  Because, there is always an alternative unless, what is demanded is acceptable to the educated nations of the world - and that is world wide anarchy.Quicker in destroying the planet than Climate change anyway.NE OUBLIE. 


To Ern

G'day Ern,

Very quiet here and somewhat unequal on another site - which you have noticed and I have raised with management. Perhaps, if you are unaware of the venue you might like to drop in here. We'd be glad to see you.


The Haves and the Have nots.

The haves and the have nots? Why does the world society still allow some nation to demand dictatorship and, with financial and military power, decide the fate of any weaker State/Nation by enforcing devastating sanctions? Centuries ago that would have been called empire building with derision - especially by the Americans. Even to the point of 500,000 Iraqi children dying because of those sanctions and Madaleine Albright - US Secretary of State - born Marie Jana Korbelova - decreed it was worth it! How could you expect a nation, who would support that statement, to criticise any criminal actions of any of its many servile dictatorships? We now know with some certainty, that the US has used sanctions on many occasions to force countries to bend to their will. And now? They use worn out cliché’s like - "the people need democracy"! Who gave them the right to decide that? Especially when they always support dictatorships who comply with their foreign policies. The gross mis-representation of even that one ideological statement is destroyed by their support for the establishment of a new Israel. Begun and prospered by terrorism with billions of dollars worth of US military technology to enforce an issue that has no basis in morality, justice or human rights. The Cult of Mount Zion have indeed taken us back to the glory days of Jewish aggression. The time is coming when the world will be obliged to demand Liberty, Equality and Fraternity from the insatiable US and their Zionist lobby. Perhaps, this is the time, due to the financial crisis created by the extreme capitalists of the US (read the Zionist lobby)and their manipulation of the market forces of Wall Street. Let's get fair dinkum about freedom - here in Australia we see the media supporting the fascist tactics of Howard's "New Order" - even in the once trusted ABC. I believe that the free world cannot allow new Israel to exist due to the archaic and unjust way in which it has been forced on innocent people.   It has no purpose other than to satisfy the lust for power of the Zionists who - were murderers in Canaan and still are. Think of the cult of Kali the Indian Goddess of killing. If the world waits, as it did in the 1930's, to allow any military power to take over a sovereign state or even parts of its land, like the Zionists have done - where does it end?  The next step to eliminate the unwanted? 

We are only a small and perhaps ignored group but if we sit by and do nothing, we don't deserve to claim the moral high ground in any issue.



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And now Iran?

And now Iran?

“Do as I say not what I do”

A credit to Marilyn Shepherd on WD to revive the most disgraceful acts of barbarism committed by the Zionist new Israel.

When I was young, my Father didn’t appreciate the vitriol between the Catholic Weekly and The Rock.  Propaganda by Catholicism and Protestantism respectively.  His idea was to hear both sides before you make a judgement.  The trouble with WD is that one side is cultivated on false rules of what free speech is and what is “allowable” to the editors.  The same principle as that which I believed Margo was originally trying to avoid.  The more things change the more they remain the same.

As usual the Zionists in WD answer their critics with the typical capitalist method of implying that the murders, massacres and use of horrendous weapons like cluster bombs, bunker busters and phosphorous weapons against the Palestinian people is “not as bad as say Zimbabwe”? – fair dinkum.  But then that was ER wasn’t it.

Another Zionist wrote something with which I entirely agree except – the description fits the Zionist military in new Israel perfectly:  I quote:
“They do not assume that everything published that is intensely hostile to a particular civilised society, or its military, is true. Especially when it has been proven over and over again that the source is unreliable and that terrorists especially ,coldly, deliberately and calculatingly  fight their wars in part with lying, slanderous, misleading, and racist propaganda. Buckets of it.”  How delightfully capturing the terrorist methods of the Zionist lobby in the US?

Of course new Israel does not comply with any rules, regulations, policies, charters, laws, morals or anything that may hinder their mad murderous efforts to take over the entire Middle East – and then?

Since 1948 there have been 101 UN Security Council resolutions against the uncontrolled and vicious attacks against Tunisia; Iraq; Syria; Jordan; Lebanon to mention a few plus – the British; the Red Cross; and the U.N.  Now that is the behaviour of a good world citizen and a carer of human rights and the demonstration of what the Zionists call “civilised”!

Next post I will list just some of the United Nations’ resolutions which new Israel has ignored – are they saying that non-one will tell them what they can do?
Didn’t Hitler have the same policy?

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The expansionist plans of the new Israel military.

And now Iran? While the Zionist apologists keep ranting that the new Israel military are only "defending themselves" the uncommitted world knows that they are lying and therefore is complicit in their activities against the Arab people.An article in The Jerusalem Post dated March 9 2006 - yes 2006, by Nathan Guttman says in part:"Former Chief of Staff, Moshe (Bogi) Ya'alon says that Israel has a military option against Iran's nuclear program and that it should not take it out of consideration.  In a speech at the Hudson Institute - a Washington think tank - this Tuesday, Ya'alon gave a rare detailed description of Israel's military possibilities regarding Iran.  He acknowledged the fact that Iran has its nuclear programs spread out in many sites and said that Israel can overcome the Iranian air defence system and carry out air strikes against several dozen sites which are used for the nuclear development project."COMMENT: This is the military objectives of a struggling new Israel who only wants peace? This is a plan to protect itself? When will they attack Pakistan and India who already have nuclear bombs?"The former Chief of Staff did acknowledge the fact that any Israeli strike against Iran would lead to a harsh retaliation against Israel.  He said that might try launching missiles from its own territory towards Israel or to use the Hisbullah in Lebanon and the Hamas in Gaza in order to fire rockets into Israel.  Yet Ya'alon added that Israel can withstand such an attack, thanks to its effective anti-missile systems."COMMENT:  A little common sense here – IF the Zionists can withstand the missiles from Iran and the rockets from the rubble they have made in Lebanon and Gaza – why are they invading and murdering in both of those countries?Don't tell me that the Palestinians who are living in rubble and refugee tents have almost got an atomic bomb?  How extraordinary is the Zionist ability to lie?NE OUBLIE.This will be cross-posted with  


The Middle East Murders.

At last, a person on Webdiary with the courage of his convictions.

Webdiary Management update 39.

“We didn’t publish 26 racist, abusive, content-free or incomprehensible comments in March:  once again, many of those were from Ernest William Graham, and he was banned from the site at the request of the editors.

In fairness to David – I would say that most of them were mine and he should also check the number that have been treated likewise in the many months before. With very minor exceptions they were all about condemning the Middle East Murders by the Zionist occupiers of Palestine.

I have never had any problem with David Roffey, he has never abused me about my opinions; spelling; grammar or even my belief in and insistence on - the truth. 

Having the Zionists outed now as to having me banned is a relief.  I commend David for his honesty at least. 

Conversely, and I mean no harm to Alan Curran for whom I had a strange affection, but his posts were brutal and quite disgusting but – they supported the Middle East Murderers and were printed without abuse.

I am diametrically opposed to the editorial bias of newspapers and the T/V – I am comfortable now in putting Webdiary and its current Zionistic editors in the same trash tray.

Posters should be careful what they write in the selective Webdiary because these editors have the un-challenged power to accuse, abuse and generally denigrate any contributor they wish. Sometimes with the cowardly insult of silent omission.  They do not abide by any measure of decency and logic – just bias and a policing for the protection of Zionist policies.

I notice that Scott Dunmore and Malcolm B. Duncan are back on Webdiary – both of whom have a strong sense of decency and a quick wit – perhaps they will get a fair go now - as long as they toe the line concerning the Zionist powers that be.

In the meantime, decent people in Webdiary can still read alternative opinions and facts in and


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The Middle East Murderers.

G'day Bob,


It is amazing when people genuinely think and reason to a point where lies that have been bludgeoned into their memories are proven false.


Your article is another example of the truth seeping out of the "locked down" and orchestrated information from the MEM's.


What an enormous advantage the Zionists have had over all these years?  As I have opined, the race seems to fervently believe that they are the chosen people.  That in itself is not a crime Bob, but when these previously separated Zionists concentrate into powerful situations, all hell can break loose.


There is nothing I know of that is barred in this forum so I like to think and reason even about issues that have been forbidden elsewhere.


For example - I believe that the killing of concentration camp persons, mainly by starvation, did in fact happen and it was given the title of the Holocaust.


If the Zionists of new Israel were fair dinkum they would acknowledge that those major killings were just as effective as their own blockade of Gaza could have been, if they had had their heroic slaughter continued.


However, due to the never-ending bleating of the Jewish race as to the horrible end meted out to their ancestors in WW II, I think it is not only misleading but a travesty of natural justice to claim that the victims were only Jews.


It is just not true. The Russians and Gypsies and political activists were also involved and should be at least mourned with all others. Who speaks for them?


I believe that the holocaust did happen but, it happened to all peoples considered by the Nazi hierarchy as a danger to the Third Reich. The very clearly demonstrated attitude of the MEM’s surely is entitled to consider that the Jewish people and their solid belief in their superiority could even be the Nazi excuse of “we are entitled to defend ourselves” - just as the MEM’s want to attack Iran “to protect themselves”.  What a lot of crap.


As ID says “its not what they say it is what they do”.  Amen.


It beggars the mind to imagine what the Nazis would have done given the same circumstances that exist now due to the MEM's.  Would they have said “we told you so” or would they have acted being “entitled to defend ourselves”?


I hope that honesty will shock some people into thinking and reasoning about the Middle East Murders and the end result if the Arabs learn and become capable of  defending themselves without suicide.


At this point in time, I can only feel sorry for the neighbours of the MEM's.


The racist campaign, sponsored by the US, is a disgrace to the civilised world.  The unity intention of the United Nations has been reduced to a "paper tiger" by the Bush capitalist administration. And who would be the most dedicated capitalists of all?


Who will speak up for the Arabs if not us?





The Middle East Murderers and the Holocaust.


 Quite rightly, many have called the Middle East Murders in Gaza the "Gaza holocaust" and that is as good a description about the actions of the Zionist MEM's as you can get. 

I have called the Jewish Holocaust a political weapon, a "good business devise" and generally an orchestrated campaign for sympathy for the victims and punishment for the perpetrators.


Over the 60+ years of Holocaust advertisement from Museums - millions of words and books - and so many claims and counter-claims about that one issue of War Crimes than any other.


There are many more "revisions" of the propaganda concerning the incident than there is the denial that it never happened.


IMHO I believe that the Holocaust did happen but, I also believe that the horror and sympathy that it has engendered in the world psyche has been completely highjacked by one victim alone - the Jewish victims, mostly long gone as are their tormentors.


They may have been in the majority but they were not alone nor were the camps, the gas chambers and the crematoriums for them alone.


Because I have never accepted that mass murder is understandable, I can say that the type of "killing" by the Concentration Camps of WW 2 were "murders" of the worst kind.


And I can also say that that same type of killing in Gaza by the military “Goliath” of new Israel was just as horrible and unforgiveable as the crimes that originated the title of "Holocaust".


And now that description of systematic murder  belongs to the world and all who suffer from massacres, slaughters and unbridled brutality, especially against civilians as was the case with the Jews, Gypsies and political prisoners of Europe and Russia.


So then there is the irony that the race who claimed sole right to the Holocaust is the first to perform the same style of civilian murder as was their charge against the Nazis.


People who live in glass houses....!


Now, we can and should consider that the victims of the Jewish style Middle East Murders in Gaza and elsewhere, have been exposed to a holocaust of their own and agree that it is even more horrendous when performed in peace-time than the original was during a world war.




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Birds of a feather.

Well may we ask "What sort of people would follow this type of person"?


Avigdor Lieberman is now foreign minister of new Israel.


Among his many reported attitudes there are the following:


1998 - Lieberman called for the flooding of Egypt by bombing the Aswan Dam which would kill approximately 80 million people.

COMMENT: And the Jews criticise the Nazis who could have done that but didn't even think about it. Only someone as inhuman as Lieberman would.


2001 - Lieberman proposed that the West Bank be divided into four cantons with no central Palestinian government and no possibility for Palestinians to travel between.

COMMENT: Again Nazi style oppression.


2002 - An Israeli daily quoted Lieberman putting to the Zionists that the Palestinians should be given the ultimatum that "At 8am we'll bomb all commercial centers…at noon we'll bomb their gas two we'll bomb their banks...

COMMENT: What a wonderful idea for an occupation force to consider as a peace objective?


2003 - Another Israel daily reported that Lieberman called for thousands of Palestinian prisoners held by the Jews be drowned in the Dead Sea and he even offered to provide the buses to take them there.

COMMENT: And 90% of the Jews in occupied Palestine favour the methods of his government.


2004 - Lieberman wanted to forcible transfer Palestinian citizens from their land, saying there was "nothing undemocratic about transfer".

COMMENT: Of course he wasn't aware that it is illegal in international law - but then the Jews in new Israel do not accept any international law or any consideration of human rights.


Also 2004 - he said that 90% of Israel's 1.2 million Palestinians will have to find a new entity beyond Israel borders "they have no place here, they can take their bundles and get lost".


These are in the link suggested by Bob Wall’s link on Juan Cole on April 3.


These murderous maniacs have the support of the United States of America and a reported 90% of the Jews in occupied Palestine.  “Nothing personal just business”.




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How appropriate for the Zionists.

Some Comments on Avigdor Lieberman the new Israeli Foreign Minister.


These are from Informed Comment:


"Lieberman's brutal racism is the reductio ad absurdum of more than 100 years of Zionism, an aggressive nationalism born out of the marriage of 19th Century European colonialism with orthodox Biblical claims to the land. The patina of idealism and morality that characterized Israel at its founding is stripped away.  We are brought low by an irresponsible, crude, reckless bully who given half the chance will wreak great damage wherever he is allowed to hold sway."


And: "This man makes Ahmadinejad look like Mother Theresa.  I don't like Ahmadinejad; but, to his credit, he has said Iran would NOT attack Israel, in contrast with constant Israeli threats against Iran."


And: "It's easy to draw an obvious (and ironic) connection to Nazism.  Absolutely disgusting. I'm so shocked at the kind of person Lieberman chooses to be.  I have no worlds for how appalled I am."


And: "What was once a lunatic state who bombed its two concentration camps with wild abandon and implemented policy after policy of collective punishment against the Palestinian people is now poised to mutate into a more gruesome form of its former self. I can hardly wait to see which international laws they will violate next!  Perhaps Israel could start a Human Despair Day in honor of its new far-right government."


And:  "The thought of Avigdor Lieberman as Israels foreign minister is truly horrible but Gideon Levy might be right when he wrote: 'Netanyahu's election will free Israel from the burden of deception. If he can establish a right-wing government, the veil will be lifted and the nation's true face revealed to its citizens and the rest of the world, including Arab countries. See  With Gaza massacres in recent memory and an extreme far right nationalist like Lieberman as the face of Israeli foreign policy, hopefully that veil of lies and propaganda will be lifted even faster."


And a final quote:  “Israeli politics has apparently devolved into the realm of the preposterous, projecting a menacing yet anxious masculinity – not unlike the decadent, decaying reign of Saddam Hussein and his phantom threats of “Weapons of Mass Destruction”. 

Under the reality of historical scrutiny we observe the Israelis sending their mighty forces northward to confront Hezbollah, only to see their tanks and APC turtles split open like tin cans by irregulars running around with newfangled yet potent hand-held RPG’s.  Then they bomb the bejesus out of Palestinian Ghettos (within their own borders!) and, while succeeding in rubble-izing the place and causing great misery – among peoples quite literally armed only with rifles, rocks and slings – in the end the Israelis failed to stop a fusillade of largely symbolic fireworks being launched at them by an “opposing Army” of angry teenagers.”

….angry blowhards such as Avigdor Lieberman put on a bravado face but the reality of the Israeli Defense Force’s recent actions reveals yet again that great soldiers are not merely executioners.  Knowing this, if you were living in ISRAEL today – you , too might succumb to rightwing fear-mongering:  Forget offense, “wiping Muslim countries off the map.” 

If Israelis were actually attacked, could they even defend themselves?


COMMENT:  The world may be awakening to the biggest threat to world peace.




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To all anti-Semites.

The Bush administration, to the best of my recollection, used hatred of the Russians - the Iraqis - the Iranians - the North Koreans - the extreme Islamists - the Al Qaeda - and generally those people in this ever diminishing world who "if you are not with us then you are against us"? The world has to decide whether or not the US can continue to have absolute control of who is to be hated - or supported - year by year. While the US/Zionist manipulators plan the future - the destabilising military support for the maniac Zionists of the Middle East contradicts their false principles. To believe that Barak Obama is going to deal with the many crimes that the US/Israeli military alliance has committed against the very basic principles of human rights and contrary to the  objectives of the United Nations - is a pipe dream. If the world understands that there is a cancer - why don't we do something about it. Are we, the Australian people, so brainwashed by the capitalist media that we are unable to see that we are as selfish as the powers that be want us to be? Does it really matter whether the Zionists run the US government or the reverse?  The effect on the stability of the world is the same. Who runs America? Who runs the radical rogue group called the Zionists of new Israel? 



I am learning.

 There is a pot boiling in the Middle East and the US must calm it down - temporarily. The more I research the history of the Jewish people and the Zionists among them, the more I begin to think and reason as to the hatred they have engendered over centuries - even by their own records. One such publication called "Jew Watch" is quite explicit in it's claims against vicious Jewish behaviour which, if true, could give as much credit to the Nazi so-called extermination plans as it would be expected to give to the current Jewish claims of "defence" in their new Israel. Whatever is the real tuth may never be known but, usually where there is smoke.... If I consider by reason and logic that there definitely is a powerful Jewish/Zionist lobby in America and that, prior to WW 2 there was also a large Nazi movement there, just what amount of influence was the Jewish question of world power on the Hitler regime? The Gaza Holocaust has raised questions among thinkers that, how innocent and peaceful are the Jewish people really - when given greater power they themselves commit genocide for the purpose of stealing the land of a race that they abhor? A race which, by the "grace of God" was in fact had an origin similar to their own. Did they adopt the attitude that they were entitled to something better and, the refusal of the society of that time to accept that principle, caused them to feel ostracised and hated? To claim "foul"? They certainly don't accept umpires or referees do they? It is a fact as far as I am concerned that the media elects governments - at least here and in the US. If I am right in that assumption, what better way to achieve world supremacy than by taking over the "information channels" of the biggest power in the world?  So I wonder - what power do the Zionists have in Japan/China and the far east? And there is no way they can hide their race when dealing with the nationals in the far east, is there? Just one more point - I tried to have a post printed in Webdiary some time ago which asked the question - are the Jews a race or a religion. The editors refused to print it.  Why? My point was simply this.  IF the Jews are a religion [which seemed to me to be valid by the fact that people can become part of the Jewish religion by conversion] then the holocaust was not genocide if based on religion.  Conversely, IF Jews are a race [superior] then the holocaust was genocide - just as bad and as unjustifiable as the many that have occurred over the centuries.  ID  in WD-crippled... is right.  Truth seekers we are. 



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So many are now wondering WHO rules the US.

  In: I quote: The average American, of whose daily life TV-watching takes such an unhealthy portion, distinguishes between these fictional situations and reality only with difficulty, if at all. He responds to the televised actions, statements, and attitudes of TV actors much as he does to his own peers in real life.  For all too many Americans the real world has been replaced by the false reality of the TV environment, and it is to this false reality that his urge to conform responds. Thus, when a TV scriptwriter expresses approval of some ideas and actions through the TV characters for whom he is writing, and disapproval of others, he exerts a powerful pressure on millions of viewers toward conformity with his own views. And as it is with TV entertainment, so it is also with the news, whether televised or printed.  The insidious thing about this form of thought control is that even when we realize that entertainment or news is biased, the media masters still are able to manipulate most of us.  This is because they not only slant what they present, but they establish tacit boundaries and ground rules for the permissible spectrum of opinion.  As an example, consider the media treatment of Middle East news. Some editors or commentators are slavishly pro-Israel in their every utterance, while others seem nearly neutral. No one, however, dares suggest that the U.S. government is backing the wrong side in the Arab-Jewish conflict and that it served Jewish interests rather than American interests to send U.S. forces to cripple Iraq, Israel's principal rival in the Middle East.  Thus, a spectrum of permissible opinion, from pro-Israel to nearly neutral, is established." End of quote.  When I was contributing “over there” I kept arguing that the media elects governments, whether they exist in a Dictatorship or in a Monarchy or in a Democracy.   At first strangely, the Jewish Zionists (as I read them now in that controlled forum) were the first, and in retrospect, possibly the only angry ones who denied that possibility. Research again seems to raise the voices of reason and logic that supports what we should define as obvious. NE OUBLIE. 

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Recent posts on webdiary-crippled.blogspot Middle East Murders.

  I just clicked on a link by Bob Wall re the Gaza War Crimes Investigation. One small example is:"The work of UN human rights investigator Richard Falk itself represents an inescapable indictment of the Israeli army. His statements and reports of recent months maintained that the Israeli blockade against Gaza is “an unconditional violation of international humanitarian law”, and that “massive assault on a densely populated urbanized setting, subjected the entire civilian population to “an inhumane form of warfare that kills, maims and inflicts mental harm”." So, while we in this forum concentrate on truth, "over there" still allows obvious lies and unsubstantiated claims without any remorse or feeling of guilt.  And, while they are controlled by the Zionist' powers that be, nothing they allow to be printed can be accepted as factual. I say this because when the Australian Jewish people themselves created an interest in the Middle East Murderers of Palestinians in Gaza, I was so uninformed that it was ridiculous. I freely admit that my initial reaction was an obvious one - not very unlike the "we are entitled to defend ourselves" Zionist policy. The suggestions of brutality being the right of one race that was subsequently being printed "over there" convinced me that some people were stretching the envelope of belief. I began to argue against blatant lies and the mis-representation of historic facts which seemed to be so one-sided that perhaps research could answer some of my questions which were not allowed to be posted. I think the only weakness we have in this forum is that we believe in the truth and the ability of humanity to think and reason. Gee, we can even read! Bearing in mind the probability of some bias in the minds of historians and ignoring unprovable claims of Devine intervention, the facts of the  brutal Zionist mentality and the relish with which the Jewish people in occupied Palestine voted for that Zionist government of Middle East murderers - certainly swings the Justice pendulum of accepted behaviour against them. One cannot research the now proven false claims of an ancient right to the Palestinian lands by the Zionists (and their false maps) without delving into factual records - even by the Jews themselves. What a Pandora’s Box? Or should I say "a can of worms"? Like the weapon less; disorganised and suppressed Palestinians, the Zionist control of the MSM is now an acknowledge fact - we are small voices in the wind but - it makes me feel better in myself to voice my opposition to the Gaza Holocaust. 



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The Power of the media has been "nationalised Jewish"?

Well might we understand why the Howard “New Order” opened up the cross-media ownership laws? And why the editors "over there" are so pro-Israeli?


"THERE IS NO GREATER POWER in the world today than that wielded by the manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of old, no conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even remotely approaching that of the few dozen men who control America's mass media of news and entertainment."

"Their power is not distant and impersonal; it reaches into every home in America, and it works its will during nearly every waking hour. It is the power that shapes and molds the mind of virtually every citizen, young or old, rich or poor, simple or sophisticated."

"The mass media form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image. Essentially everything we know—or think we know—about events outside our own neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our television."

"It is not just the heavy-handed suppression of certain news stories from our newspapers or the blatant propagandizing of history-distorting TV "docudramas" that characterizes the opinion-manipulating techniques of the media masters. They exercise both subtlety and thoroughness in their management of the news and the entertainment that they present to us."

"For example, the way in which the news is covered: which items are emphasized and which are played down; the reporter's choice of words, tone of voice, and facial expressions; the wording of headlines; the choice of illustrations—all of these things subliminally and yet profoundly affect the way in which we interpret what we see or hear."

"On top of this, of course, the columnists and editors remove any remaining doubt from our minds as to just what we are to think about it all. Employing carefully developed psychological techniques, they guide our thought and opinion so that we can be in tune with the "in" crowd, the "beautiful people," the "smart money." They let us know exactly what our attitudes should be toward various types of people and behavior by placing those people or that behavior in the context of a TV drama or situation comedy and having the other TV characters react in the Politically Correct way."

The seven major Jewish American players in this disgraceful situation includes Rupert Murdoch who is reportedly a strong pro-Zionist and supporter of Benjamin Netanyahu.


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How far can the Zionists go?


I have just finished a post which commends the ability of people like us who search for truth by having access to the information provided by modern technology.


I have also commented that the Zionists must control this technology to achieve their objective.


Now I have found this on the Google website of "Jew watch com/"



When performing a search for the word "Jew" on google.. the first result

is a site that has been notorious for being anti-semitic.. the site is

called .... Google is the # 1 search site and the fact that

The first search result would yield an anti-semetic site is all too

common in a growing era of increased Anti Semetism... In order for

google to remove this They would need a petition of over 50,000



End of quote.  The price of maximum control should be maximum exposure.


This means to me one new fact - the Zionists do not YET control Google?


The absolute arrogance of these people, who think that they are protected by a vicious and violent God, is unbelievable.

As their Zionist Murdoch newspapers so often exclaim, "If they have nothing to hide" why the complaint?


We can now be assured that the purpose of these Zionists is to destroy any semblance of opposition, where ever it may survive.


If I was an ordinary Jewish person by race or religion, would I really appreciate the almost "Phoenix" revival of the recorded reasons for the hatred of Jews?


But like the Zionists, we must take no prisoners if we are entitled to that opinion.


If the slow but insidious Zionist restrictions of the search engines continues, whether by direct purchase of decency or by threats of boycotts - what is left to the people of any democracy?


The Zionist controlled media has gone quiet on the Middle East Murders.


Why is that so?




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zionist body....

The body which oversees the BBC on behalf of its audiences has criticised an article by the BBC's Middle East Editor, Jeremy Bowen.

The BBC Trust said a piece in 2007 for the News website on the 1967 war broke the corporation's rules on accuracy.


The website article, headlined How 1967 defined the Middle East, was part of the coverage of the 40th anniversary of the Middle East war.

The Trust said the language used by Jeremy Bowen in the article had in three instances not been sufficiently clear and precise to meet the corporation's standards on accuracy.

It also partially upheld a complaint that the article breached guidelines on impartiality for failing to reflect that there were other interpretations of the causes and effects of the war.

The Trust's editorial standards committee upheld a complaint that the phrase "the Israeli generals... had been training to finish the unfinished business of Israel's independence war of 1948 for most of their careers" was inaccurate.

The committee said the phrase had not been specific enough and should have made reference to the capture of East Jerusalem.

The Trust also said a reference to Zionism's "innate instinct to push out the frontier" should have been qualified to make it precise and clear.

The article's suggestion that the settlement of land occupied by Israel in 1967 was in defiance of 'everyone's interpretation of international law except its own' was also criticised as for not being clear enough.

The committee noted that Jeremy Bowen had said that, in the context of the piece, "everyone" referred to states and international organisations, not to individual academics.


Gus: when will bodies that oversee any media organisation realises that truth in news or in history recording is NEVER impartial or of all things "balanced". 

Yes there are various interpretation of events and purposes, but often some of these "interpretations" are like I've said before, as efficient as a well crafted cell-phone made of plywood. Hello?... Yes, some of these interpretations are specifically designed to muddle the main game... They are designed to steer the debate away from what is really happening. As if politicians and newspapers always told the truth or as if the truth could be found by placing all the arguments and counter-arguments on the table, especially in these cases where vested interests are very strong AND  controlling. The process often dilutes the truth with confusion and doubts that make the porkies profit. The double-cross system is alive and well.

The evolution of Israel has shown that Jeremy Bowen was right. Zionist map of Israel incorporate the occupied territories as part of Israel. End of story.

zionist mouthpiece...

Robert Fisk: How can you trust the cowardly BBC?

The BBC Trust is now a mouthpiece for the Israeli lobby which abused Bowen

Thursday, 16 April 2009

The BBC Trust's report on Jeremy Bowen's dispatches from the Middle East is pusillanimous, cowardly, outrageous, factually wrong and ethically dishonest.

But I am mincing my words.

The trust – how I love that word which so dishonours everything about the BBC – has collapsed, in the most shameful way, against the usual Israeli lobbyists who have claimed – against all the facts – that Bowen was wrong to tell the truth.

Let's go step by step through this pitiful business. Zionism does indeed instinctively "push out" the frontier. The new Israeli wall – longer and taller than the Berlin Wall although the BBC management cowards still insist its reporters call it a "security barrier" (the translation of the East German phrase for the Berlin Wall) – has gobbled up another 10 per cent of the 22 per cent of "Palestine" that Arafat/Mahmoud Abbas were supposed to negotiate. Bowen's own brilliant book on the 1967 war, Six Days, makes this land-grab perfectly clear.

Anyone who has read the history of Zionism will be aware that its aim was to dispossess the Arabs and take over Palestine. Why else are Zionists continuing to steal Arab land for Jews, and Jews only, against all international law? Who for a moment can contradict that this defies everyone's interpretation of international law except its own?


read comment above this one...

Just thinking, reasoning and logic.

 Even though the methods of the Jewish Zionists have been creatively insidious - over the last century at least - their controlled propaganda about themselves is becoming painfully obvious. Especially in T/V entertainment. Mind you, to be fair - a thought that the Zionists would consider as weakness – I have only become interested in this subject since the cowardly blockade; invasion and slaughter by the “Middle East Murderers” in Gaza. As they say – one thing led to another - and the fact that the crimes of the Zionists have been so carefully hidden previously behind a dedicated form of suppression one has to take the time to research think and reason. The anger; outrage and false indignity of the Zionists when they are confronted with the same laws – both legal and humane as those applied (even by US force) to every other race or religion in the world – only whets my interest and confirms my belief in the dominant aspirations of the US/Israeli unholy alliance. I note in Aljazeera that Israel will not co-operate with the UN investigation on Gaza:  "An Israeli foreign ministry spokesperson has confirmed to Al Jazeera that it will not co-operate with a United Nations investigation into alleged war crimes during the 22-day assault on the Gaza Strip." "Up to 1,300 Palestinians, mostly women and children were killed before Israel ended the offensive in January." "Thirteen Israelis, 10 of them soldiers, were killed during the same period." "The UN Human Rights Council has appointed Richard Goldstone, a South African judge and former UN war crimes prosecutor, to examine claims of human rights violations by both Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters during the conflict."  [Read slaughter] This is - to what purpose - when the real criminals are untouchable?  Any semblance of criticism of the Zionists’ God-given right to kill the citizens of any nation (and their animals) that opposes the occupying forces in Palestine and their “rightful” ever-expanding seizure of land and water – will be ignored. So – these US supported and illegal Middle East Murderers do not recognise any law or authority except the Zionist law of “the perfect race” no matter what the latter does?  Could that mean that they consider themselves a potential haven for current and future Jewish international criminals?  And that would mean…..? If the “free world” continues to be pre-occupied in dealing with the financial ruin that the US Wall Street blunderers (or organisers) have caused, then the Jews occupying Palestine can continue the horrible cost to humanity in those immediate areas of their intended expansion. BTW - are those desperate defenders of Gaza still firing their pitiful tokens of resistance? 

NE OUBLIE.  This will be cross-posted in  Demon Zionists.


Just in case there is any doubt about the crimes of Israel

This excerpt from the Charter of Human Rights was signed by both Israel and the US.

Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

Article 1.
 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2.
 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.
 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 5.
 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Comment:  Is Israel entitled to these four Articles?  If not – anyone can attack them at any time? Is Palestine entitled to these four Articles? If not - why not?  Add the following:

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

The Contracting Parties,
Having considered the declaration made by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its resolution 96 (I) dated 11 December 1946 that
genocide is a crime under international law, contrary to the spirit and aims of the United Nations and condemned by the civilized world….

Article I: The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish. 

Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:
(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;

Add to that the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

WHY do we allow it?


This will be cross-posted in  Demon Zionists.


Australia's Shame.


 Pro-Zionist and anti-Arab human rights is here too. 

As a Labor voter, I would never have thought that the oldest political party in Australia would bow to the groundless bitches of the Zionists.  It makes me sick to my stomach.


Carefully think and reason at the jointly used reasons by the Zionists and their power lobbies in the US and Australia – for not attending the Conference.


To me, those pitiful excuses are just another demand for special rights due to the fact that the United Nations have issued at least 101 censures against the Middle East Murderers without any effect at all.  And the Zionists say – so what?  So why not say so again? Could it be that because THEY are racists they must try to avoid the implication that it is so – even as were the people who caused the holocaust against the Jews.


Surely, since they are all a part of the UN, then the indignity of not attending a UN conference because it may condemn the racism + guilt of the Zionists, is really a confession that the charge is correct?  Note who doesn’t condemn racism by implication and the Albatross that they must wear in the eyes of an ever suffering  world.


The tendency of the UN to try to be even-handed is continuously vetoed or ignored by the Zionists and their allies.


I can write here about the reasons why ALL countries should attend a Conference regarding racism, organised by the United Nations of the world, but that seems to me to be unnecessary and pointless.


Given the Bush/Obama/Netanyahu regimes and their one-eyed ignorance of simple human rights issues and natural justice - it is reasonable to believe that THEY should be the ones submitting to the entire world WHY their crimes of racism are acceptable and not others?


And what better venue than a Conference for that purpose?


My article entitled: "Just in case there is any doubt about the crimes of the Zionist Israel." of 19 April is surely sufficient to confirm that the Zionists of new Israel are guilty of crimes against humanity - crimes against children - and all that because an Arab race of people own the land they are stealing! And after that…..?


Howard always supported the Bush regime no matter what and I - with perhaps millions of other Australians - hoped for a new beginning with his dismissal to the US to sing with the Zionists, "Long Live America".  Fair dinkum.


I would wish and pray that all voters of whatever political persuasion would write to their representatives in the Commonwealth Parliament and protest the anti-Australian attitude of ignoring a concerted attempt to reduce or eliminate racism - not matter what happens to the guilty Zionists!


They do not subscribe to any civilised law anyway.


Wake up Australia - even we are not safe from the control of the Zionists now that our Government has shown that there is also foreign control of what should be independent  sovereign attitudes.



This will be cross-posted on  Real Terrorists.



So the US will boycott the Conference on Racism?

 Bush is gone but the unelected Zionists still run US foreign policy.  Where is the badly needed desire to take away the “crown of thorns” from that racist/terrorist regime based on the worst style of hypocrisy? 

Why do genuine civilised nations bother to invite the Zionist controlled US when the subject they seek to resolve is inconsistent with the expansionist plans of the Middle East Murderers?


Regardless of their rhetoric, the Obama administration is still subservient to the racist Israel Lobby.  Surely this must lead to yet another anti-racist conflict? The US is the only nation who has financially gained by war; terrorism and massive interference in the affairs of countries who would be more comfortable without their "patronage".


I quote part of the SMH report today:  “Possible participation by Washington remained on the table, pending the changes, even after it was learned Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would attend.” [He at least is anti-racist].


“Pro-Israel groups in the United States vehemently opposed US participation while human rights advocates and organisations like TransAfrica and members of the Congressional Black Caucus thought it was important to attend.”


“The American Israel Public Affairs Committee applauded Obama's decision to boycott, saying it "underscores America's unstinting commitment to combating intolerance and racism in all its forms and in all settings". [Struth]

Comment:  So the only fascist group in the world today, who are committing racist massacres on innocent Arabs for the purpose of stealing their land, tells the world’s biggest terrorist nation not to be involved in a conference whose outcome would not have been endorsed anyway – if it didn’t suit Israel!!!  Fair dinkum.


The absolute hypocrisy of the US is enough for me to argue that they should never be allowed to “lead the world” again - in any capacity.


It is so frustrating to understand what is going on in the world today and watch, read and listen to the Zionist propaganda, whether it is from the Jew Murdoch’s Australia-wide influence or the Jews who control the financial and foreign affairs of the US.


Again I think about my childhood propaganda which was pre-WWII based on information about the “Phoenix” revival of the German people subsequent to their unprecedented “crucifixion” by the powers that be. What if the holocaust had never happened – as continually claimed - would Hitler and his European fascists be entitled to the same consideration as Napoleon?


And Obama - the more things change the more they stay the same? The honeymoon with decent, fair and civilised nations is just about over.



This will be cross-posted in  Demon Zionists.



No decent feelings for the Israeli Middle East Murderers please.


 There is just no legal or logical reason for the US/Israel unholy alliance to continue to build fear and hatred about Iran – unless they are going to do an “Iraq” which was also supposed to benefit the Israeli murderers. Iran is a signatory to the Non-proliferation Treaty but three US supported nuclear states, Israel, India and Pakistan are not. If Iran’s signature means nothing, then neither does that of all other nations, including the US?  If the signature means something then the dangers to the world peace would be Israel, India and Pakistan? Commonsense would dictate that the three “rogue” states - by definition as far as the Treaty is concerned - can now expand their weapons program?  Isn’t that as good a reason to attack Israel, India and Pakistan as it was to invade Iraq?  Are the Zionist occupiers of Palestine a threat to peace in the Middle East since in every case they have been the aggressor? Now we have India and Pakistan on the brink of war and new Israel at war with the world – no matter who – no matter where. The fingers of the CIA/Mossad must be in each of those pies. It is fast becoming a situation where either the US/Israel criminals have to subdue, suppress and enslave the Arab states or the Arab and Afro-Asian states have to destroy the new Israel and push the US back to their own country for self protection if not for self esteem. It was reported in the Information Clearing House that the Iraqi war and occupation has cost the US $660,529,530,503 and caused the slaughter of 1,320,110 Iraqis. Now that the same people who control the US foreign policy are hand in glove with the guilty Wall Street financial blunderers – how long can the US continue their blood lust for world domination? We – the people – can only hope. NE OUBLIE. 

This will be cross-posted in  new approach to Iran.



Well said Gus.

If any source of public information wants to take the "moral highground" of banning or disparaging any freedom of expression, then they should add the "facts" of the "truth" they have found wanting.

Otherwise, their destructive criticism is only another opinion and should be preceded by - say - In My Honest Opinion?

And add the name of the person who makes the objection - a situation which is slowly disappearing in the MSM as their content becomes - just an opinion.


If the Polish people controlled the media.....?

The bigotry of webdiary "over there" really forced me to research into the history and character of the Zionist/Jewish race and the converts who chose to shelter under their power. It was almost a case of that considering Jewish faults were a crime – and my Taurean nature couldn’t cop that.

The Zionists have become – again at least in my mind - a separate, radical and extremely dangerous group of world dominants, far more cruel and fearsome because of their insidious methods than the Nazi regime ever could have been.

Under the guise of the democracy "marketing ploy" they have taken over the most effective methods of controlling the hearts and minds of the paranoiac war conditioned people of the United States of America.

Now I am more disposed to feel sorry for them at least for their false pride in their flag, their country and what it really stands for now. And for the apparent fact that their economy was and is, mainly controlled by Jews like Malcolm Turnbull’s Goldman Sachs.

An interesting aside is that when Malcolm was the Howard “New Order’s “Water Minister” he was negotiating with the Israelis over the water control including the Snowy River and signed an Instrument of Intent.

It is also interesting that his Labor opponent in the 2007 federal election in Wentworth was, I believe by memory, a Jewish man named Newhouse. The latter wrote that while Malcolm was not a Jew – he was a wannabe. How close were we to another America – and still could be.

According to the independent media – 78% of American Jews voted for Obama and whilst that figure could only have a minor effect on the ultimate result, it nevertheless is an indication of in what direction the Zionist controlled media were encouraging the voters. G.W. Bush was their choice also but he had passed his use-by date.

I also wondered how history would treat Adolf Hitler IF there had not been a Holocaust? Let’s face it; the people who control the media must also suppress any disagreement with their propaganda by severely censoring programs.

I would like to be able to study the situation in the Kaiser’s Germany during and after WW I and, is it racist to say that Negroes are black?

History has a habit of repeating and repeating because it seems no lessons are learned.


This will be cross-posted in

To put it in the vernacular "cop this"!

 "The United Nations has appointed a former war crimes prosecutor to investigate offences allegedly committed by Israeli and Palestinian fighters during Israel's war on Gaza."

"Richard Goldstone, a Jewish judge from South Africa, will lead a fact-finding team on the mission, ordered by the Human Rights Council in January."

COMMENT:  Why not an Arab Palestinian?

Now that's fair isn't it?  The Zionists who refuse to abide by any international rules of Justice, who have not ratified the International Criminal Court, who flagrantly abuse any form of the United Nations Charter of Human Rights - will have one of their own, from the land of Apartheid, appointed to judge whether the Zionists have committed any "crime" in GAZA.  Fair dinkum?

The spectre of the US/Israeli alliance raises its ugly head yet again.

As ID quoted in WD-crippled "justice must not only be done but be seen to be done"!

Now the very people who have ridiculed the United Nations; their rules and resolutions, will judge themselves!

So, to harp on it, those of us who have tried to speak up against the maniac murderers of the Middle East can rest assured that a Jew from the land of Apartheid, will criticise the "heroic Israeli forces" for taking the "hard decision" of blockading the Gazans so they can't escape: starving; denying water or UNITED NATIONS aid; invading; bombing; shelling; using cluster bombs; phosphorus bombs and you name it - will be forced to stand before one of their own to be "Judged".  Struth! I wonder what the Zionist God will command him through the prophets.

Will the Middle East Murderers comply? If so it would have to be on their terms and theirs alone.

Whatever these people decide will not be accepted by either the truth seekers or the liars themselves.  So what does it achieve - a cover-up of course? Like one of Howard’s notorious “Royal Commissions”?

Now we know why the powers that be have stopped the media from even mentioning the Gaza situation.

But we can bet quids that the Gaza people are still suffering and dying - courtesy of the holocaust hypocrites.

Its time to put the latter in its true perspective.


This will be cross-posted in


Beware of Geeks bearing gifts.


 I have noted about certain Jewish people of note who quietly tsk tsk about the behaviour of the Zionists and their Jewish supporters in new Israel, who are guilty of the Gaza Holocaust. 

However, I cannot remember one that has said the Jews should return to their countries of birth and those remaining in Palestine should become citizens of that State under government by the rightful owners - the Palestinians.


As a boy, I remember that my family hated the passive attitude of European nations to the Nazi military demands - and the more they were given, the more they took.


The well-meant but overly-exploited sympathy to the Jewish people for being hated because they were perceived as being disloyal, arrogant and financially power mad in almost every nation they lived in - was proven foolish by events pre/during and post WW 2.


Palestinians are not just Arabs, not just Muslims or extreme Islamists or whatever, they ARE Palestinian citizens in whose State the original European Jews were welcomed and lived together peacefully albeit with the festering of Zionist terrorism.


My understanding is that, at the finish of WW 2 all Gypsy; Russian; Jewish victims et al still alive in Concentration camps, were generally re-habilitated and given the opportunity to return to their nation of birth. Many did and settled comfortably in the post Nazi era.


Certainly the British too (foolishly in perfect hindsight) welcomed them to Palestine, not for a future Statehood, but to live in peace while the war progressed.


There can be no peace until that original situation is re-established and what is right is demanded by every free nation of the world.


There should be a massive T/V media exhibition of what the Zionists have done to the Palestinians, Syrians, Tunisians, Egyptians, Jordanians, Iraqis, Lebanese and what they want to do to any other Arab citizens of the Middle East.


Where is the Museum (paid for by the stolen wealth of Arab oil) that shows the holocaust of Gaza; West Bank; Armenia; Bosnia Herzegovina; Rwanda; Cambodia; the Balkans; the rape of Nanking and China; the mass murder of Christians in Russia between 1920-40 by - Zionist Commissars led by Trotsky!


Hopefully, the uncontrollable new Israel will be treated exactly the same as every other radical group in the world today – and this can only happen if the US/Zionist control of world finances is forever removed by the incompetence of Wall Street.


The current avoidable world financial disaster  is a perfect example of the effects of unbridled capitalism – surely one of the Zionist Commandments?


The only thing needed for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing?




This will be cross-posted in



The Powers That be? THE

The Powers That be? THE HIDDEN TYRANNY by Benjamin Freedman - Jewish Conspirator Emeritus. "It is today a well recognized fact of life in political circles in the United States that the censorship exercised today by Zionists over the media for mass information constitutes a virtual monopoly. It is likewise today a well recognized fact of life in political circles in the United States since President Wilson won his first election in 1912 as president of the United States, that elections in the United States are seldom won or lost today based upon the candidates' qualification for office. Elections in the United States since 1912 are won or lost on the battlefields of the media for mass information by character assassination. Zionist ownership of media for mass information, or by Zionist control exercised by some devious corporate device in effect and in fact censors the news and editorial policies of as the leading daily and Sunday newspapers, all the weekly and monthly news magazines, all leading radio and television stations and networks, the entire motion picture industry, the entire entertainment world and the entire book publishing industry, in effect and in fact the entire complex of media for mass information in the United States, truly a brainwashing monopoly".  [Sounds like Webdiary doesn’t it?] COMMENT:  This is confirmed by those of us who watch the US T/V series. There is no doubt that Jewish actors must get first preference since the controllers are all Jewish. To believe that the brilliant Jewish musicians and other professionals, indicates in any way, that the Zionists have more natural artists than any other religion is as false as the claim that their God demanded that they control the world by brutal genocide and speaks to their Prophets. 

Once the Zionists obtain control of anything, they maintain that situation by ensuring that no one of any other race interferes with that system, hence the rise of mainly Jewish people in positions of power and propaganda.



 This will be cross-posted in in Demon Zionists.     


The Honeymoon with Obama is not universal.

When the President of a nation that has cultivated dictators; rogue states; exercised terrorism; made profit from war and generally encouraged instability in key areas of the world - one has to be sceptical.

With the information the media fed us about the first "election" of the ex-druggy; ex-alcoholic and completely failed businessman George W. Bush, as President of the most powerful single nation in world history - we were given a frightening example of the phrase "Any American can become President". All that needs is the media millions.

At first blush, people can be hopeful that the scourge of the Bush administration is over but, without any power on earth that can keep the United States of America accountable and responsible, then we badly need at least a counter-balance somewhere.

When the US blesses a dictatorship or terrorist regime, the world seems to accept it without voicing a major objection but, with technology and the courage of sites like webdiary-crippled and yourdemocracy – hopefully elsewhere in the world - there is always a hope.

The days of great statesmen in the U.S. has been overtaken by the concentration of wealth and influence and President Obama would only be another casualty IF he really made a difference.

While I imagine that most of the world agreed with his "insistence" that rules must be obeyed; breaches must be punished and words should mean something - it is just talk unless the worst offender of human rights leads the way and establishes either total support for the United Nations and those principles or his credibility will be tarnished.

Like many others I guess, I was relieved that Bush was at least finished and Cheney has been sidelined - however for example, Obama seems to have tried to mollify the most inflectional financial giants by taking some of them into his administration.

I don’t envy this man who takes on a world financial recession and a nation whose trust and reliability is almost negative.

The world hierarchy, like the Middle East, cannot function democratically without equal rights and respect for others.

Otherwise even the thought of liberty – equality – and fraternity is as far away as it was when first mentioned.


This will be cross-posted in

The birth, life and ultimate death of Empires.

 It  is unbelievable, or is it, that the Zionist occupiers of Palestine would even now, further raise their finger to any semblance of decency by putting the maniac "bouncer" Lieberman as their supposed "foreign minister". It probably serves no useful purpose to give the history of the multi-national Jews who, with Zionist principles, have abused all attempts by the world fraternity to have them limit their brutal behaviour to human beings in several different countries. With every crime against humanity and contempt for the basic rules of international law, the UN condemns the Jewish actions and the US abstains. With every effort by the UN to "punish" these criminals who act against any semblance of accepted universal behaviour, the US vetoes the motion. So the organisation seems to be that the Jewish "Hit Men" are the soldiers protected by  the American international mafia. Extreme? I think not. Can the world introduce some "radiation" to reduce the uncontrolled aggression of the Jewish invaders of the Middle East? Because, without another World War, the Americans still have the advantage of concentration of power. Is there any world military organisation that doesn't have US influence and control? So, irrespective of the civilised objectives of a better relationship between nations and the worthy effort to help the less fortunate - there is a cancer in world affairs which is only immune to itself.  There is no truth but the powers that be. NE OUBLIE.     


The honeymoon with Obama is not universal.


When the President of a nation that has cultivated dictators; rogue states; exercised terrorism; made profit from war and generally encouraged instability in key areas of the world - one has to be sceptical. With the information the media fed us about the first "election" of the ex-druggy; ex-alcoholic and completely failed businessman George W. Bush, as President of the most powerful single nation in world history - we were given a frightening example of the phrase "Any American can become President". All that needs is the media millions. At first blush, people can be hopeful that the scourge of the Bush administration is over but, without any power on earth that can keep the United States of America accountable and responsible, then we badly need at least a counter-balance somewhere. When the US blesses a dictatorship or terrorist regime, the world seems to accept it without voicing a major objection but, with technology and the courage of sites like webdiary-crippled and yourdemocracy – hopefully elsewhere in the world - there is always a hope. The days of great statesmen in the U.S. has been overtaken by the concentration of wealth and influence and President Obama would only be another casualty IF he really made a difference. While I imagine that most of the world agreed with his "insistence" that rules must be obeyed; breaches must be punished and words should mean something - it is just talk unless the worst offender of human rights leads the way and establishes either total support for the United Nations and those principles or his credibility will be tarnished. 

Like many others I guess, I was relieved that Bush was at least finished and Cheney has been sidelined - however for example, Obama seems to have tried to mollify the most inflectional financial giants by taking some of them into his administration.


I don’t envy this man who takes on a world financial recession and a nation whose trust and reliability is almost negative.


The world hierarchy, like the Middle East, cannot function democratically without equal rights and respect for others.


Otherwise even the thought of liberty – equality – and fraternity is as far away as it was when first mentioned.




This will be cross-posted with



The Zionist terrorists' unnecessary Middle East Murders.

The bombing of the King David Hotel - "A day of infamy and a prediction of a terrorist future".


The King David Hotel was bombed by Jewish terrorists on 22 July 1946 with the murders of 93 people.


The Jewish propaganda machine was well oiled with American money and weapons - just as the IRA were equally supported in their terrorism.


The Zionists claimed all sorts of unsubstantiated "efforts" in trying to avoid civilian deaths and giving sufficient warning for an evacuation to take place. [Fair dinkum.]


According to Wikipedia Chief Secretary for the Government of Palestine, Sir John Shaw, declared:


"As head of the Secretariat, the majority of the dead and wounded were my own staff, many of whom I have known personally for eleven years. They are more than official colleagues. British, Arabs, Jews, Greeks, Armenians; senior officers, police, my orderly, my chauffeur, messengers, guards, men and women - young and old - they were my friends."


Subsequently the terrorist leader Begin accused the Chief Secretary of failing to order an evacuation and later, of cowardly looking after himself only. These were made by American authors in the Jewish media on information from the terrorists and were proven false and the Zionists "apologised".


Nevertheless: "Two months after the bombing, Shaw was appointed High Commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago. The Irgun immediately sent a letter bomb to him there, but it was intercepted and successfully disarmed".  [We have learned to take note of what they do, not what they say. You do not negotiate with these people].


Again According to Wikipedia:


"On July 1, 1946 Moshe Sneh, chief of the Haganah General Headquarters, sent a letter to the then leader of the Irgun,  Menachem Begin, which instructed him to "carry out the operation at the "chick" (code for the King David Hotel)."Despite an initial approval for the project, repeated delays in executing the operation were requested by the Haganah, in response to changes unfolding in the political situation."[The British Mandate was all but ended]


A war weary British Prime Minister, Clement Attlee, commented in the House of Commons:


"Hon. Members will have learned with horror of the brutal and murderous crime committed yesterday in Jerusalem. Of all the outrages which have occurred in Palestine, and they have been many and horrible in the last few months, this is the worst. By this insane act of terrorism 93 innocent people have been killed or are missing in the ruins. The latest figures of casualties are 41 dead, 52 missing and 53 injured."


The facts of history confirmed that the attack took place and killed 93 people; that any warning was denied; that the Jewish murderers were dressed as Arabs and Sudanese waiters; that the organised Jewish terrorist regime was mainly controlled by European Jews without any possible legal rights to the Arab lands.


The major terrorist leaders:  Menacham Begin (Irgun) was Russian - Itshak Sadeh (Terrorist commander) was Russian and Moshe Sneh (Haganah)was Polish.


The British; Russians; French; Germans; Polish; etc., were at their lowest level due to the heavy costs in lives and infra-structure while the Americans had made a profit and had prospered during WW 2 notwithstanding their massive losses in the Military personnel as well.


“Those who live by the sword………”.






I would like to know why the western and eastern civilised world accepts the uncontrolled and vicious behaviour of the Zionists of new Israel?


Their behaviour has been supported by the US and effectively ignored by the rest of civilisation in Europe, Russia, and the Far East.


The Zionist lobby in the US has made the UN, the Red Cross and all civilised human rights agencies impotent with respect to the total abuse of all issues that the world has learned by history to deplore.


Taking one thing at a time –claims by the descendants of Jewish people who were interned with the Gypsies – the Russians – the political opponents and all others considered by the Nazis as “untermenschen” is that them, and they alone, suffered the gas chambers and the cremation of their bodies, sometimes from abuse and starving.


All big business is based on deception and I feel that the holocaust story is certainly big business.


Since the continuing murdering performance of the Zionists in trying to steal Semite land for the establishment of a new Israel is an insult and contradiction to all we should have learned from both World Wars I can reasonably and proudly be called an anti-Semite. So what?


I don’t intend to excuse that tag because it could be, in time, a badge of honour.  Certainly there is no honour in what the Zionists are doing.


So, without the false claims of an ancient right, and the knowledge that the greedy Zionists have abused the world sympathy for the plight of their ancestors and many, many others, it is appropriate that we look at the Palestine situation objectively.


The land in question has been owned (at least by nine points of the law) by the Arabs who have lived, loved and died there for centuries.  They did not raise armies, they did not attack others nor did they try to improve their life-style by aggression.


And their tormentors are a “people” whose excuse for their murderous attack on innocents is that “they” want their land to protect their race/religion from the inconveniences of abiding by some laws foreign to their God –given right.


Now that the Zionists have abused their authority and set themselves on a murderous rampage – for revenge?  Its about time that the fallacy of the claim of a new Israel is becoming obvious to the least interested – let’s turn back the clock.  “If only”.


When the Jewish people, for some unknown reason refused to leave when told to do so, finally had to escape from Europe, they were reasonably welcomed by the Arabs of Palestine.  Bless their souls - the Arabs that is.


The reason for their forced evacuation is and wasn’t the fault of the Palestine people.





Why is it so?

Why is it so? (Prof.Sumner Miller?) 

If for at least a little while, we try to forget the world financial crisis caused by the greed of US capitalists - why is there so much turmoil in two of the most corrupt would be “westerner” nations of Pakistan and India? 


Did the US support their entry into the “nuclear weapon” world? Yes but why?


For “ever” the lies of the”wannabe westerners” the Zionist occupiers of Palestine lands have finally been outed that they too, were “honoured” with the ultimate weapon by the US.  Why?


It seems to me that the overall foreign policy of the Americans is becoming undone by their own sowing of seeds of unrest in otherwise countries of “leave us alone” mentality.  Why?


When I try to look at the big picture – and it grows smaller every year – I believe that besides being the biggest most powerful terrorist in the world, the US may have finally overstretched its military influence to a point where “every force develops an equal and opposite force”?


The policy of de-stabilisation may yet create a situation where the “untouchable” US may make her allies pay dearly for their “we have a right to defend ourselves” policy so gravely used in their satellite new Israel.


In the latter they have unleashed a people who have no conception of the human rights of others and who have taken their belief of superiority over mundane mortals to a point where all Australians should be taking stock of what is happening in the Middle East murders.


I can only excuse my hitherto modest attitude to the new Israel situation on my lack of information from the media and their powers that be. As sometimes happens, the bad news of the Middle East murders sells newspapers – and this was the acorn from which large oaks grow.


The attitude of the human mind is more manipulated than I ever imagined.


Why is it so?


You will find that forums like ours are typical of the history of civilisation where the people print the truth in cellars and behind bolted doors.  We try to swim against the tide and, as fate would have it, eventually the persistence pays off.


Even Sisyphus may still feel that he is achieving something.




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Why do Jews say they're hated?

Why do Jews say they’re hated?


Centuries before the holocaust, the Jewish people claimed that they were unwanted citizens throughout the world and history seems to confirm that.  But I ask why?


It would surely be beyond belief that there could be any sort of civilised world conspiracy that could plan and organise a global "don't trust the Jews" policy - however, it doesn’t take much imagination to realise that the shoe is on the other foot.  There are so many Jewish organisations throughout the world and that is where the consistency of an organised “we are hated because we are Jews” could come from?  Haven’t we been conditioned to feel sorry for the Jews, while at the same time allowing them to accuse us of treating them badly - and feeling guilty?


Wasn’t this attitude of gentile guilt pursued aggressively on WD? When I tried to ask why - my post was disallowed without explanation.


When I have stated that I like and respect the new attitude of our children in asking why – I mean it.  We should give them a reason for the beliefs we expect them to conform to.


Therefore, it is reasonable to consider that it is the Jews themselves, their attitudes and their behaviour which must make them the target of so much distrust and even hatred.  It is an undeniable fact that they really do see themselves better and smarter than the rest of humanity and while that is not confined to the Jewish race alone - they are the experts.


The general opinion seems to be that the Jews are mean and the ultimate merchants - that they would sell anything for a profit – they do not work for anyone but themselves - they resist serving in the armed forces of their country of choice - they accumulate wealth to the disadvantage of the rest of the particular host nation's population - and that their quest for complete power is concentrated on the financial and therefore the political aspects of any country in which they prosper.


The behaviour of the Zionists in "new" Israel is a sure indication of what they are capable of, if given an inch of leeway and because more than 80% of the world's Jews live in America or new Israel, there must be a reason for that sort of concentration - it is surely no accident.


If all or any of the above assumptions are excused by say - the holocaust - then why were those opinions so prevalent for centuries past?


It is almost as though through the centuries, various nations have come to the conclusion that the Jews are “taking over our country”.


One could reasonably consider that the holocaust was created by the Nazis of Germany and other European nations as a way of shedding the all powerful financial influence of the Jewish race by, at first demanding that they leave, as the English did so many centuries before – or being put in concentration camps with the Gypsies; the disabled; the political radicals and other undesirables.


I constantly asked – are the Jewish people a race or a religion or both? Wasn’t printed in WD.


So, when I write jew my computer tells me that it is entitled to a capital first letter – just like German, Russian, Chinese etc.  Doesn’t that mean that at least the computer thinks that they are a race?



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“It’s not what they say that counts its what they do.”

 Let’s take a fair dinkum look at anti-Semite.


There are certain “wisdoms” of which we in the western world shall not speak since it may offend some Zionist or Jewish or Hebrew or whatever.  Why is that so?


If condemning the killings and murders of any people by an aggressor is being anti-Semite, then I am anti-Semite about Palestine; Poland: Russia; France and Belgium et al.,  and all other nations who have been brutalised by a military power.


Because then anti-Semite would only have a justifiable standard IF it applied to everyone?  So I am anti-Semite and will continue to criticise any race that abuses and slaughters other members of the world community.


The Zionists of WD claim that there is no such thing as international law to excuse the cowardly behaviour of their military in their “handling of the Palestinian Solution” just as the Nazis handled the “Jewish solution”? 


As an anti-Semite (which as yet is not a crime in itself but give it time) I see no difference in what the Zionist Palestine invaders have done, to that which the Nazis did and which the Jews condemn. Because in the latter it was their God’s people only?


For all intents and purposes, Gaza IS a concentration camp of the worst kind, just as the Zionists also did in Lebanon when they boxed in the Muslims and held them there while non-Muslim Lebanese massacred them. 


When Germany invaded Poland (where there was an extremely large Jewish community) because they said the Poles had killed the Germans in a communication outpost – I guess that they too felt they were entitled because they too had a “Reich” to defend themselves?  And look where that finished up.


The actions of the Zionists of new Israel are no different to the Nazis in; use of disproportionate military power; the excuse for the initial political invasion and the following massive terrorism to subdue the citizens (Palestinians) – therefore by any measure, aren’t the Zionists war criminals, just as much as the Nazis?


I find it hard to come to terms with the constant and hypocritical excuses which have encouraged the Zionists to exercise the “killings” which - by omission are allowed - by their God in their 10 commandments.


Currently there is a Jewish push to bring to trial an Australian citizen?  The 87 year old ex-Hungarian soldier is accused of beating to death a Jewish boy during WW II.


I would like to hear what “laws” the Jewish Lobby will use to demand his extradition?

And unless those same laws apply to the Zionist criminals of new Israel, I would refuse the application on the grounds that the applicant uses laws under which they themselves have no obligation and therefore do not warrant a remedy.


As you said ID – its not what they say its what they do!  Fair dinkum.




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As I promised.

I wanted our readers to fully understand the situation in which the world is being made a fool of for the sake of satisfying the unreasonable demands of the Zionists of new Israel.Even if I could link I was so taken aback by the absolute arrogance of the Zionists and their total disregard for any international control, that I would still have wanted it to be printed - in gold if I could.The article that has been considered as spam is a truthful repeat of the UN Security Council's resolutions regarding Zionist aggression from 1948 until now.They have been able to control so much of the "free" world that one could become paranoiac.  Even Alexander Downer was specially treated by the US Zionists lobby - where do we stand in Australia?There is no truth only the powers that be.NE OUBLIE.


Zionist Israel is not a democracy.

I still can't link - but I can think - and reason.

I note with some cynical understanding that the two threads in WD concerning the most serious abuses of human rights by the new Israel Zionists, have faded away - irrespective of their obvious interest even by people allowed to criticise.

But, we should keep on keeping on.

From "On Left anti-Semitism and the special status of Israel". By Professor Joel Kovel I quote a section from an interesting article.

"What, then, is the real character of the Israeli state and the Zionism of which it is the fruit? What are we to call a project which, though it boasts of being a “democracy,” reserves 92% of its land for Jewish people? Where one who converts to Judaism or has a Jewish great-grandmother is automatically given full rights to the land while those others whose families merely happened to have lived there for centuries are at best second-class and landless? Where Jews have full legal rights and Palestinian rights have been “temporarily” suspended -- since 1948? Where people have to carry identity cards, specifying ethnicity (a category which may not include the identity of “Israeli”), and that determine how one is treated by the state? Where the territories are laced with “Jews-only” roads? Where political parties that question the fundamentally Jewish nature of the “democracy” are outlawed? And that is afraid to draft a Constitution because it knows it would have to declare itself defunct once it did.

Is there any word for this except racism, institutionalized at the most fundamental level of the state? Is not this the guiding logic of Israel’s militarization, and its mechanism of ruthless expansion and repression--and yes, the prospect of expulsion? Does it not devolve onto society and through the Diaspora, corrupting the emancipatory legacy of Judaism and sowing chauvinism and blind prejudice?

The racist character of the Zionist state is the truth so hard to bear by those who believe in Israel’s fundamental legitimacy. But it also disintegrates this belief, because racism at this level, where a whole people is destroyed so that another people might thrive, epitomizes the meaning of a crime against humanity. All claims of being “the only democracy in the Middle East,” or of saving Jews from anti-Semitic oppression, or having fine symphony orchestras and universities, fade in its glare." End of quote.

The similarities between the unforgiveable actions of the Zionists and the worst of the Nazis is amazing.

Now, with increasing disgust with even the existence of this genocidal new "Israel", the powers that be want to look only at the Phosphorous bombs as a "possible crime"!!! Fair dinkum.

Has the United Nations forgotten already that the Zionists have "stated" that "none of their military will be charged with crimes against humanity"?  So that's that right? Struth.


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