Monday 24th of February 2025

James Woodcock

I write this at a time when there is as yet no member contributions in the Industrial Relations forum. This is to note for newcomers that IR is a specialty area of resident blogger James Woodcock.

Industrial relations policy

I am running an industrial relations policy website, "industrial relations reconstruction: Labour market deregulation under the Howard government", which you might find interesting. It is a comprehensive and up-to-date compendium of reports and other resources from all perspectives. It is not a blog.

Hamish: Welcome to Your Democracy Jim. What's the link?

the link is made

I used the "insert web link" function on the page title, apparently without effect. The URL of the IR policy website is

Readers might also be interested in my editorial comments on IR & democracy at


your website

Yes Jim, if you can provide the link that would be great. I want to put together a list of IR links, particularly relating to the Government's proposed reforms

A query please?

Does Workers Compensation come within the realm of IR?


Hey Heather, Hamish is right. Is there anything you need help with on Workers Comp? It doesn't need to be public, we could meet in chat and exchange emails if you want. I had many years in Human Resources and am au fait with compo, particularly in recent years. I may be able to point you in the right direction etc if you are interested.


I'd say definitely.