Friday 24th of January 2025

the weather according to the nukular fissionator...


William Happer is a physicist at Princeton University – one of those US academic institutions with brand recognition for academic excellence that travels the globe.

polishing a turdy diamond...


United States President Donald Trump has appointed Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond McMaster as his new national security adviser.

plain mad ...

plain mad ...

murder incorporated ...

murder incorporated ...

As Centrelink continues its campaign of flawed and inscrutable debt collection, a young man commits suicide.

you want bullshit with that ...

you want bullshit with that ...

The year 2016 is likely to be recognised as one of those great turning points of modern history, even more than 1979, 1989 and 2001. Democracy faces its greatest existential crisis since the 1930s. What is sometimes called “the Enlightenment project” has come under sustained attack in the United States, much of Europe, and to a lesser degree, so far, Australia.

too right wing for the right wing republicans...


President Trump’s choice for labor secretary withdrew his nomination Wednesday after it became clear he didn’t have the votes to win confirmation in the Senate.

home sweet home...

home sweet home...


of weather and changing climate...


As New South Wales became the hottest place on the planet,  Saturday/Sunday 11/12 February, 2017, a few questions arise from the ashes of the burnt land and houses:


Is god using natural disaster to punish sinners?

         YES, if you believe in god.

malcolm's blurred vision is due to coal dust...

blurred vision...

Energy Australia has joined the chorus of big business, unions, welfare and environmental groups calling for an end to Canberra's blame game over renewables.

running out of ammunitions...


According to some critics, the Saturday Night Live is running out of steam. Their spoof on Trump is losing traction. The show is not as funny nor as stupid as the real Donald. Meanwhile:

Actor Alec Baldwin's impression on Saturday Night Live of Donald Trump tricked a national newspaper into thinking he was the real thing. 

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