Friday 24th of January 2025

the old silly question...


In 18th century Europe, Enlightenment was a time when intelligent people recognized that god was just an idea. God was an idea designed to plug our grand ignorance of life in the universe. New scientific discovery were challenging the religious dogmatic view of the world. Philosophy bloomed, especially in Germany. Germany is still a vibrant hub for fierce philosophical discourse. 


Recently, an article of The American Conservative studied “The Vice president’s Intelligent Stand on Evolution” in order to tell us that “There need be no battle between faith and science.

This statement is appalling and dangerous

luck is never enough ...

luck is never enough ...

The countries that have mastered the development of their resources, most notably Norway, worked out long ago that to truly prosper in the long run, the citizens who own these assets are entitled to share in the super profits derived from extracting their finite resource wealth.  

just penalties ...

just penalties ...


Finally the penny's dropped, my quest in human nature's stopped 
In recognition that I've found the latest paradyme
No Shit Sherlock you might say, happens always, every day
Lately I've been seeing it like it's just leapt out of time

the little shit goes on the offensive after promising he wouldn't...


Yes, we have reached Abbott now, and that intervention.

The right in Australian politics is currently hell-bent on consuming itself.

Civil war keeps erupting before our very eyes.

the media, the trumpet and the war on truth with alternative facts...


Steve Bannon slammed the media on Thursday, and warned that coverage of President Trump is only going to get worse as the administration continues taking bold action to keep its promises.

the image you might not see in the australian liberal press...


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was met by pro-Palestinian protesters carrying a poster depicting him as Adolf Hitler during his official state visit to Australia. 

the president saves the world...

saving the planet...

President Donald Trump's administration has revoked a landmark guidance issued to public schools in defence of transgender student rights, reversing course on a signature initiative of former Democratic president Barack Obama.

at the press club, kambra

halo 2

Bob Inglis does Kanbra…

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