Thursday 23rd of January 2025

diamond and gold, the boer war and previous methodic slaughter...

blackening souls...
In 1899, the Boer War was started. Though it was the second Boer War, it is still referred to as the Boer War. Aussie troops were invited to participate in the name of the glorious Empire. The British Empire. You can find sky-pointing war monuments in most Aussie "towns", even those bush-holes with less than half a pub and two horses, with inscriptions dedicated to the remembrance of the men who sacrificed their glorious life to this war. The Boer War.

Advance Australia Fair ...

Advance Australia Fair ...

Jose Belo (left) and Commander David Alex (right) (Photo: John Martinkus)

East Timor is mad as hell, and it's our fault

death after death...

ezekiel 37 -1-10 zombies

A funny image is doing the rounds of emails and Facebook. I remember my mum often telling me that rich and poor alike, we end up in the same hole when we die. Dead. I think she meant that rich or poor, we die "equal". 

The image is a neat summation of this.

the bullshit news from the murdoch press, back then on september 11, 2015...

bullshit news...

Allies look to end of Assad...

With this serious title and a serious editorial about our serious Prime Minster of the time, written by a serious Dennis Shanahan, the serious political editor at The serious Australian from the serious stable of a serious Mr Murdoch, one can only believe to be seriously misled. Without giving a proper rationale, we want "Assad to go". All we get in the Shanahan article, apart from Mr Abbott wanting to destroy Daesh, is a repeated quote from the great man Abbott: "baddies versus baddies" — and look, the Assad regime is a dreadful regime... Is it? Is it worse than the Saudis?

freedom-ish of speech... Redefreiheit-ish

no turkish delight...

Though prosecutors are considering charges that could potentially jail a comedian for three years for insulting Recep Tayyip Erdogan (pictured left), Merkel said Germany would continue to protect artistic freedom.

the religious follies of the empire...

ding dong

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire was written between 1776 and 1789 in several volumes by Edward Gibbon (1737-1794). It is very educational and controversial about the role of religion in the Roman downfall — still in our own century in which the American Empire is ruling over most of the planet. Considering that 85 per cent of US citizens believe in god, one should worry, but the theory is complex and contradictory. Gibbon studied this well.

the seal of doom...

seal of doom

Supporters of destabilizing regime change can't accept responsibility for the chaos they help create:

Rousseau's noble savage VS the rapists of the empire...

here to help...

Despite the popularity of The Fierce People, Chagnon’s findings have been severely criticized by others who have extensive experience of the Yanomami. Many anthropologists, doctors and missionaries that have worked over many decades with the Yanomami simply do not recognize Chagnon’s characterizations, and profoundly disagree with his depiction of the tribe.

with the adults in-charge …

with the adults in-charge …

In the response to the rampant fraud in the Australian financial services sector over decades, leading baby-faced Liberal head-kicker & knuckle-dragger Steve “slit your throat anytime” Ciobo, said this week:

of the people and not for the people...

of the people and not for the people...

It is becoming a game of cat and mouse between the builders of Australia's largest motorway project, WestConnex, and residents of Sydney's inner west.

And it is leaving residents opposed to the project quickly finding themselves on the wrong side of the fence in suburban streets.

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