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siphoning the books...
driving the US economy: ridiculously lax underwriting standards to qualify unqualified buyers....
them or us ...
then there was Arfur ...from Independent Australia … It’s all very strange. Ironic, really.
from the expert who knows a lot about ripping people off...
tony is still fighting to preserve his embarrassing legacy as a devious murdoch-anointed prime minister of this country...
exclusive: Gus is so lazy, he borrows a cartoon from the terrorgraph, on easter sunday...Quite funny really... The Daily Telegraph, aka, the Sunday Telegraph, does its best to promote Tony Abbott today and every day... Everywhere it's the "Tony Abbott is Great" show. Everywhere it's Malcolm stinks and the Left is a bunch of bastards. Glory, glory to Abbott Tony... Pitiful attitude, but that's what the merde-och press is still pushing like a barrow of turd... as if Tony Abbott would pull off a miracle and lead this country again — into oblivion and more misery, but with greater arsitude, this time around...
portrait of a speaker...
Bronwyn Bishop's political career may be in its death throes but her steely gaze will live on forever in the halls of Parliament House. Taxpayers will be charged at least $30,000 to commission an artist to immortalise Mrs Bishop in an official portrait. Despite resigning from the Speaker's chair in disgrace for using $5227 of taxpayers' cash to charter a chopper to attend a party fundraiser, Mrs Bishop is still entitled to the senior office holder painting. She has now begun "preliminary conversations" with the Department of Parliamentary Services to decide on an artist.
sign of the times...
colonel schultz....
Always caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.
charitable developers...
The New South Wales division of the Liberal Party has been denied access to more than $4 million in public campaign funding by the state's electoral commission after its refusal to disclose the details of donors.
we must resist malcolm's bullshit...There is a comment by our wisdom-ish Prime Minister, Malcolm Becalmed, in the Sydney Morning Herald. Here we are feted to a flurry of headlines in order to capture maximum SMH readers unawares.
The first headline is in the print edition:
Terrorism is designed to make us turn on each other, but we must resist
keeping us safe from trade union crime & corruption ....
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