Saturday 18th of January 2025

real obamacare .....

real obamacare .....

from bill Rowlings ….

Not even the US President has the right to order killings without due process under the rule of law. By claiming otherwise, Emperor Obama lives in a fairy tale world.

hot air ergas...


One has a bone to pick with Ergas pushing his opinion on various platforms from the Sydney Institute to the ultra right wing rag of the merde-och press, The UnAunstralian...

Today the brave Henry (who, by the way, is far far younger than old Gus-the-Shithead) argues about the waste of Labor's NBN and that of the Collins Class submarine... Well Mr Ergas, one can say that having any weapons or armies of any sort is a waste of money...

a realist's lament...


Tony Abbott and the Australian mainstream mass media raped your soul... If you have voted for him and have not realised this, you are fucking idiots...

Tony Abbott has a heart full of stones — his asylum policies are as un-Christian as they come — and he has a head full of straw — his understanding of the danger of global warming is nil, zero. nada, nothing — and if you have not realised this— especially if your house has burnt down — you are fucking idiots...

Tony Abbott has no respect for anyone else who is not as brash, crazy or crazy as he is — while being cocky about the colour of his own boots... if you have not realised this, you are fucking idiots...

real power .....

real power ....

Concentrated solar thermal is again making the news, with the world’s largest parabolic trough array with thermal storage – opening for business in Arizona.

sweet poison ....

sweet poison ....

Food manufacturers could be facing their tobacco moment as growing consumer awareness on well-being turns towards commodities such as sugar, a global report says.

of flags, bricks and mortar...

huffpost flags

According to this Huffington Post report, the Israel flag was banned in an international swimming competition in Qatar... Sure. Why not also ban the Saudi flag, the Iraqi flag or the Syrian flag...?... or the flag of all the countries like Australia that support Israel?

wake up call...

not listening...

An EU summit is due to begin in Brussels with fresh allegations of US spying threatening to overshadow talks.

a kiddy in charge of the lolly shop...

lolly shop

The Federal Government has announced a $200 billion increase to the Commonwealth debt ceiling and a six-month audit into government spending in the face of a "deteriorating" budget position.

more illegals ....

diplomacy coalition style .....

Aussie Palestinians resigned to a rocky period, given the Abbott government's pro-Israel stance and its intention to deny funding to those advocating boycott of Israel.

Illegals ....

Illegals ....

If refugees who arrive by boat are breaking the law, how come the minister for immigration is unable to tell us which one?

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