Friday 7th of March 2025

from the naughty corner .....

from the naughty corner .....

In the face of widespread evidence of illegal foreclosure practices, federal regulators in 2011 told the big banks to investigate themselves.

through the old looking glass darkly ....

through the old looking glass darkly ....

In the last week, the American public has been reminded of the Central Intelligence Agency’s contradictory attitude toward secrecy.



Download this sticker and print it on adhesive paper... I recommend A4 sheets of white PPS paper.

Enlarge to about 28 centimetres wide and print 3 up. Cut up. Place it on as many (legal) places as you can...

You'll be doing the planet (and yourself) a service.

viva la revolucion!...


Hugo stripped the politics out of the 1832 uprising to tell a religious story. Then the musical adaptation stripped most of the religion away.

There's not much left, except a vague exhortation to violently, pointlessly die on behalf of the poor. The students are engaged in a vanity revolution. This is insurrection as a lifestyle choice.

weather records today...


King's Canyon — Picture By Gus leonisky

controllable .....

controllable .....


“Brilliant…Riveting…The amount of material the filmmaker covers and unifies is astounding…Human Resources diagnoses the 20th century.”




remember saddam .....

our new saddam .....

an open letter to foreign secretary william hague, mp ….


reinventing labor's image


In social constructs, the balance of individual freedom and social necessity has always been tricky.

the world of corporate welfare ....

the world of corporate welfare .....

If your boat is sinking, do you blame the bird sitting on the railing, or on the gallons of water spewing from a gaping hole in the floor?

she'll be right mate ....

she'll be right mate .....

The Australian Army Journal is no radical review.

dumb & getting dumber .....

dumb & getting dumber .....

The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has avoided directly answering whether she could live on $35 a day, stating only that it would be ''incredibly tough''.

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