Tuesday 17th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

clearing the air .....

clearing the air .....

Shell chairman Russell Caplan says businesses need political consensus over the scheme so they can make decisions to invest with certainty.

"We're taking into consideration what's been disclosed to us about the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in the investment proposals that we're considering, but I must say that the sooner we get to a position of certainty, the better we'll like it," he said.

"I think that the delay ought to help to get some of the details that need fixing better discussed and ought to contribute to a better outcome."

alice whilst the sky is burning .....

alice whilst the sky is burning .....

The Australian government says it will push back a planned carbon emissions trading scheme (ETS) by a year.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said the delay was necessary because of the poor economic climate.

But he also suggested that Australia could pursue tougher emissions reductions targets if an international deal was reached.

little things from big things grow .....

little things from big things grow .....

down to the bones .....

down to the bones .....

edelweiss .....

edelweiss .....

Switzerland's largest bank, UBS, has asked a US court not to go ahead with a tax case involving more than 50,000 US customers with Swiss accounts.

UBS told a federal court in Florida it would violate Swiss laws on banking secrecy if it provided the information on its clients.

The US suspects 52,000 Americans of using UBS accounts to hide almost $15bn of assets and unpaid taxes.

boom boom .....

boom boom .....

bitter fruit .....

bitter fruit .....

from the chosen people .....

from the chosen people .....

This has led to "systematic and severe constraints on Palestinian development of water resources", says the report.

But the Palestinian Authority (PA) too gets part of the blame. It is struggling to establish even a basic water infrastructure and management, concludes the report.

Water supplies continue to "operate in a very inefficient emergency mode, with far reaching economic, social and environmental consequences".

a sick joke .....

a sick joke .....

rattus briefs .....


frankly frank .....

frankly frank 2 .....

President Obama, facing criticism at home for appearing too cozy with President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, defended his overtures on Sunday, saying the handshakes and polite conversation the two leaders shared here were hardly “endangering the strategic interests of the United States.”

Mr. Obama, wrapping up a four-day swing through Latin America that included a summit meeting of Western Hemisphere leaders here, said he believed he had paved the way for “frank dialogue” with countries like Venezuela and Cuba, countries whose relations with the United States are, respectively, strained and practically nonexistent.

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