Tuesday 17th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

table for one .....

table for one .....

Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey says Labor's deception over Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's mid-air meltdown is worse than the actual incident itself.

Mr Rudd has publicly apologised for verbally abusing a flight attendant and reducing her to tears on a Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) flight in a row over food earlier this year.

However News Limited has reported that Mr Rudd's media adviser, Lachlan Harris, initially denied the incident happened when first asked about it.

the inside man .....

G20 ....

more chinese whispers .....

Former Australian of the Year Tim Flannery says if the G20 meeting of world leaders in London does not make a decision on further measures to combat climate change, there will be an even bigger economic crisis.

Mr Flannery is one of the key signatories to an open letter from the Copenhagen Climate Council to the G20, calling on the nations involved to invest in green growth or risk handing huge risks to future generations.

from potomac productions .....

from potomac productions .....

President Obama is facing challenges to American power on multiple fronts as he prepares for his first trip overseas since taking office, with the nation’s economic woes emboldening allies and adversaries alike.

chinese whispers .....

chinese whispers .....

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is standing by his Defence Minister, but says he is disappointed Joel Fitzgibbon failed to declare gifts he received from a Chinese-born businesswoman.

Mr Fitzgibbon last night admitted he failed to declare that Helen Liu paid for him to visit China in 2002 and 2005, and gave him a suit last year, which he later returned.

He previously said that he had only ever received small Christmas and birthday gifts from Ms Liu, who Mr Fitzgibbon says is a close family friend.

brownout .....

brownout .....

the trillion dollar dustman .....

the trillion dollar dustman .....

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who finished testimony before the Senate Budget committee moments ago, reaffirmed that the cost of cleaning up all the toxic assets clogging the balance sheets of sick financial institutions will be at least $1 trillion.

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