Sunday 8th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

at the potomac pool .....

at the potomac pool .....

Until 3 pm on Thursday, it seemed as if the stock market might escape another dark day.

Then the selling hit — and hit and hit again, mimicking trading on Tuesday and Wednesday. What had been a moderately down day ended in a rout, with the Dow Jones industrial average closing down 679 points, or 7.3percent, leaving it below 9,000 for the first time in five years.

back at the dyke .....

back at the dyke .....

Banks are supposed to lend money, but they aren’t doing very much of it these days. That is not the only cause of the global recession that is unfolding, but it is hard to see how economies can begin to recover without functioning financial systems. 

The American government has responded by taking over more and more of the lending itself, while using indirect means to shore up the banking system. It has not worked.

from the back office .....

from the back office .....

It's painful to be a cartoonist. It's feast or famine. And I do not mean moneybux as most of us would be on the bread-line every Thursday...  

We do it for the glory and the squishy tomatoes thrown at us... No, really... I mean feast of material to lampoon. Sometimes we could be scouring the web or the papers for inspiration, but blah... Nothing. Dubya is laying low...  

the perpetual fear meme .....

the perpetual fear meme .....

Every few years, the world seems to face a new testing time. After Sept. 11, leaders had to figure out how to respond to Islamic extremism. Now we face another test. Today, leaders around the world have to figure out how to stabilize economies amid volatile global capital flows. 

the value of innovation .....

the value of innovation .....

Iranian women can drive cars but are not allowed to ride motorbikes. 

Iran has announced plans for a new car designed specially for women. 

from the bottom of the quagmire .....

from the bottom of the quagmire .....

Biden on Cheney's worst thing: 

I think he's done more harm than any other single elected official in memory in terms of shredding the constitution. You know - condoning torture. Pushing torture as a policy. This idea of a unitary executive. Meaning the Congress and the people have no power in a time of war.  

dubyaduck .....

dubyaduck .....

When the White House brought out its $700 billion rescue plan two weeks ago, its sheer size was meant to soothe the global financial system, restoring trust and confidence.

chorus line .....

chorus line .....

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says the US package to bail out Wall Street is a step forward in easing the global financial crisis. 

The US House of Representatives passed the $US700 billion package overnight. 

oink, oink .....

oink, oink .....

It will be one of the world’s largest asset management firms with an impressive $700 billion war chest. Nothing short of the global economy depends on its success. 

And the Treasury Department has barely a month to get it up and running.

wall speak .....

wall speak .....

Myriad cultural historians have noted the American belief that success is a sign of God's favour.  

Over the past couple of decades, He has had a downright love-fest with the already-rich - so much so that the richest 400 Americans now have more money stashed away than the combined bottom 150 million Americans. Some $1.6 trillion. 

the gaffe team .....

the gaffe team .....

Concern about Palin's readiness to face Democrat Joe Biden has increased following a series of interviews in which the Alaska governor has been sometimes lost for words to answer a tough question. 

John McCain picked her as his running mate in August, energising conservative Republicans with her positions on abortion and gun rights and her background as a moose-hunting, deeply Christian mother of five from the northern frontier. 

the old bipartisonship trick .....

the old bipartisonship trick .....

"Working together, we are confident we will pass a responsible bill in the very near future," they said.

The House is not due to meet again until Thursday as many members have gone home for a Jewish holiday.

Bush Warning Over Bail-out Delay

economan .....

economan .....

European shares were mixed Tuesday, following a similar pattern in Asia, as investors refused to panic about the failure of American lawmakers to pass a financial bailout and were encouraged by gains in futures contracts on Wall Street indexes.

There was disappointment that lawmakers rejected the $700 billion emergency rescue plan Monday and more fears about European lenders after Dexia, a Brussels-based lender, was given a 6.4 billion euro, or $9.2 billion, government-backed rescue Tuesday.

pumping privilege .....

pumping privilege .....

The government’s planned financial bailout is a significant if costly step intended to avert economic calamity, but it may not be the last one, according to economists and finance experts. 

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