Saturday 27th of July 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

"aussie tony" & the value of expediency .....

"aussie tony" & the value of expediency .....

To some extent, I feel for our "Aussie Tony"...  

fantasyman .....

fantasyman .....

President George Bush cited the London July 7 bombings in an interview broadcast last night to justify his support for waterboarding, an interrogation technique widely regarded as torture. 

In an interview with the BBC he said information obtained from alleged terrorists helped save lives, and the families of the July 7 victims would understand that. Bush said waterboarding, which simulates drowning, was not torture and is threatening to veto a congressional bill that would ban it. 

the value of bushit .....

the value of bushit .....

President Bush says Africa has been one of his foreign policy priorities. 

US President George W Bush has defended his decision not to send troops to the Sudanese region of Darfur, despite what he calls a genocide taking place there. 

a different surge .....

a different surge .....

The Defence Minister, Joel Fitzgibbon, has denounced the handling of the war in Afghanistan and says the allies are disunited, lack a clear plan and have failed to deal with the drug trade. 

In a scathing assessment of the progress of the war, Mr Fitzgibbon yesterday laid out a string of failures and warned that a new strategy was required to ensure the Australian contribution was not 'for nil'. 

making sacrifices .....

making sacrifices .....

The Prime Minister's plan for a 12-month pay freeze for federal politicians has been labelled a stunt by some in the Coalition even though Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson supports it. 

Kevin Rudd announced today that MPs would refuse the next pay increase proposed by the remuneration tribunal, meaning they would not receive a pay rise until the middle of next year at least. 

horror movie .....

horror movie .....

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, who dropped out of the Republican presidential race last week, endorsed front-runner John McCain today despite their bitterly-fought race. 

He would 'give my full support to Senator McCain's candidacy,' Romney told a news conference with McCain at his side. 

the backward backbench .....

the backward backbench .....

A small group of Liberal MPs, led by backbencher Wilson Tuckey, boycotted yesterday’s apology to the Stolen Generations in the House of Representatives. 

Tuckey, the member for O'Connor in Western Australia, was in the chamber for the Lord's Prayer but left before Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered the apology to a packed House. 

another stolen generation .....

another stolen generation .....

The former journalist who ended John Howard's political career used her first speech to Federal Parliament to champion wage equality for women. 


McKew's Equal Pay Plea

banzai .....

banzai .....

Australia's government stepped up its campaign against Japanese whaling in Antarctic waters Thursday by releasing grisly surveillance pictures of the slain carcasses of a minke whale and a calf being hauled aboard a ship. 

The images were taken by an Australian customs ship that has tracked the Japanese fleet in the Antarctic Ocean for the past month gathering evidence for a diplomatic and legal battle against whaling. 

just gotta luve my stimulus .....

just gotta luve my stimulus .....

Moving with uncommon speed, Congress gave final approval on Thursday to a $168 billion economic rescue package, including rebates for taxpayers and tax breaks for businesses, that lawmakers and President Bush hope will set off a rush of springtime spending and spark the slowing economy. 

same old, same old .....

same old, same old .....

from Crikey …. 

Romney's out, unless of course Al-Qaeda step in... 

US correspondent Guy Rundle writes from Chicago: 

from fawlty towers .....

from fawlty towers .....

France unveils super-fast train …..

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has attended the launch of a new high-speed train made by engineering giant Alstom.The AGV (Automotrice Grande Vitesse) train will travel at up to 360km/h (224mph), powered by motors placed under each carriage, the company says.

at the precipice .....

at the precipice .....

Nine ways in which the Earth could be tipped into a potentially dangerous state that could last for many centuries have been identified by scientists investigating how quickly global warming could run out of control. 

the natural order .....

the natural order .....

The Federal Opposition says Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is creating problems for the economy by talking up the challenge of inflation. 

The official interest rate is expected to be lifted to its highest level in 12 years today and the Government warns it may be some time before homeowners get any relief. 

heads, tails: everyone loses .....

 everyone loses .....

The spending package for the fiscal year that begins October 1 included no big surprises, especially since its key elements had already been reported in detail in recent days.

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