Sunday 23rd of February 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog


EXAMPLE #349785


US solution

In one of my earlier posts on global warming I was referring to Antarctica and the Southern Ocean around it acting like a fridge. Now there is more evidence that it does... Global warming thus is baloney... what we should urgently recognise is Global Hotting... It is difficult to know anything apart from the “minute


Morality raises its ugly head again

On his website, Mr Peter Faris QC says "we are at war with terror and militant Islam in the Middle East. We are at war with Islamic terror in our homeland ... "
A bit Nazi would you say?
... to pull out a fingernail of a terrorist in order to save a couple of million lives was morally right...

democracy down the john

democracy down the john

Canberra going to the dogs

Since the states and the the territories are run by Labor governments and the Federal government is only the resulting amalgam of the state's union declared in 1901, I would propose here that the states in a joint agreement declare independence forthwith and form a new federal body...

another federal brew

another federal brew

The government robbing us?

The government robbing us?

Guide to the Galaxy

Guide to the Galaxy

Moronicus apologeticus

Academic promotes torture for 'extreme' circumstances

Two Victorian academics have sparked controversy by advocating the legalisation of torture as an interrogation method.

The head of the Deakin Law School, Mirko Bagaric, is the co-author of a paper on the moral justification for torture which is about to be published

No No... this is unacceptable. These two people should be submitted to the process themselves to see what it really means.

There can be NO MORAL justification for this kind of behaviour. Call it whatever you will but do not attach torture and morality in the same breath.

The sorry result of generational wars

This found in the Sydney Morning Herald letters to the editor this morning was enough to make me choke on my traditionally home-made rye bread.

full page porkie

full page porkie

psychopathic results

psychopathic results

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