Friday 20th of September 2024


saying 'no' to amerikan exceptionalism .....

‘The International Criminal Court divides the Americas. Mexico is the 100th country to sign the Treaty of Rome, which consecrates the International Criminal Court's creation: to Washington's great displeasure.


Mexico has once again proved wrong its reputation as a country in the shadow of the United States. By announcing last Friday that it was becoming the hundredth country to ratify the article of the statute of Rome consecrating the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Mexico has given itself a symbol. It has also reiterated its refusal to sign any kind of immunity agreement with the United States.  

Virgil's legacy


Masterminds and use of conflicts by insider traders

This is my opinion and I could be wrong...
The other day Phillip Adams’ column referred to Conspiracy Theorists (and aren’t we loopy beyond sanity)... So I wrote a short blog on that subject (Conspiracies greater than democracy?) that ended with a couple of words: “Annuit Coeptis... SEE THE REST AT VIRGIL'S LEGACY REINSTATED

nest feathering

‘Against all scientific prudence and normal public health procedure, the world population is being whipped up into a fear frenzy by irresponsible public health officials from the US Administration to WHO to the United States Centers for Disease Control. They all warn about the imminent danger that a malicious viral strain might spread from infected birds, primarily in Vietnam and other Asian centers, to contaminate the entire human species in pandemic proportions. Often the flu pandemic of 1918 which is said to have killed 18 million worldwide, is cited as an example of what ‘might’ lie in store for us.  

truth will out

When Veranda Sandstone & Darth Ruddock were almost wiped-out by the DIMIA tsunami, there would have been one member of little Johnnie Cromwell’s Ministry who probably sympathised with them more than anyone-else: the leader of the government in the Senate & Minister for Defence, the Hon Senator, Robert Hill. 

Unique amongst his colleagues, the good Senator presides over a portfolio that suffers little from public scrutiny.  

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