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BlogsHalliburton Australia-Moment Of Truth Has Arrived"Contractors with conflicts of interest would be prohibited from conducting oversight or writing contract requirements they could bid on, as Halliburton did for its $7 billion no-bid Iraqi oil contract awarded in 2003." Australian aside:..... and the warship environmental measures, and the nuclear dump safety consultancies, and South Australia's Major Works Development Adding to the statement in the introductory paragraph, US Democrats believe what is needed is “closing the revolving door between federal contract officials and private contractors.”
Council Took Halliburton Tender To Avoid LawsuitIf an Australian local council has "emotional problems" using Halliburton, it must accept them anyway. That's the message being sent to the world this week by the Shire Council of Byron Bay, on the Northern coast of New South Wales. The town, once the haven of surfers and hippies, now the "holiday home" of international stars such as Paul Hogan and Hugh Jackman, is now home to KBR employees as they upgrade the local sewerage plant. Councillor Tom Tabart made the situation plain when he recently told the Northern Star newspaper that " "Refusal on a political basis would have surely resulted in legal action against us,"
Halliburton.... Giving Troops The ^^^^US television and newspapers today are dumping the story into Middle America of how, at one particular army base, Halliburton have been dumping sewerage into a river and then using it to serve U.S. troops. While on-the-ground KBR employees emailed thunderous complaints, from deep in the bowels of Halliburton Headquarters the stamdard response was trotted out- Halliburton stood firmly behind the statement that there was no problem.
why iran is next .....‘The Iranian government has finally developed the ultimate "nuclear" weapon that can swiftly destroy the financial system underpinning the American Empire. That weapon is the Iranian Oil Bourse slated to open in March 2006. It will be based on a euro-oil-trading mechanism that naturally implies payment for oil in Euro.
In economic terms, this represents a much greater threat to the hegemony of the dollar than Saddam's, because it will allow anyone willing either to buy or to sell oil for Euro to transact on the exchange, thus circumventing the U.S. dollar altogether. If so, then it is likely that almost everyone will eagerly adopt this euro oil system:’
a pimp called security .....‘Britain has long been replaced by the United States as the world’s civilizing Santa. But aside from the Big Stick years of Presidents McKinley and the first Roosevelt, who left no natives unturned in the Philippines and South of the Border, it should be said that American imperialism had a decidedly Wilsonian bend for most of the 20 th century. It was too busy saving the world rather than conquering it (except, again, South of the Border, where American presidents have never been able to resist the impulse to act like Teddy Roosevelt gunslinging in his wildlife preserves). When the Soviet Union fell, it looked as if America ’s job as world’s sheriff was done. Finally, the West’s trillions could be invested in something more constructive than missiles and fearmongers’ dividends. Sure enough, Pentagon budgets quit sprawling under Bill Clinton.
Defence Minister ResignsThe Federal Defence Miinister, Senator for S.A Mr Robert Hill, is tipped to resign from Federal Politics today. Mr Hill, the architect of the conversion of S.A. into the Defence State of Australia, has been offered the position of Australian Ambassador to the United Nations. Senator Hill was Australia's longest serving Minister for the Environment where he was responsible for major programs in areas such as climate change and biodiversity. Senator Hill's major achievements in this portfolio were the passage of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, the biggest overhaul of environmental laws in Australia's history and the establishment of the $2.5 billion Natural Heritage Trust, the largest environmental rescue package ever undertaken by an Australian Government.
Who Is Mr Nothink?
Ausaid "Unaware" Of Need To Report Bribery AllegationsAustralia's provider of international aid funding, AusAid, has no protocol regarding the reporting of allegations of foreign bribery! AusAid is a major provider of Halliburton's international aid contracts from the Australian Government. In Australia the corporation has been masquerading as a "South Australian Based Company" The OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) has just announced that small bribes to foreign officials to encourage more beaureaucratic haste, known as "facilitation payments" are illegal under most Australian State laws
Defence Minister to Resign, Finance and Defence to AmalgamateIn today's Advertiser, Phillip Coorey tips Finance Minister Nick Minchin will take up the Defence portfolio, although Mr Minchin wishes to retain Finance. Mr HIll has been offerred the position of Australian Ambassador to the United Nations. If he takes the position the current Senator For South Australia will become housemate to former SA Premier John Olsen, who presided over Halliburton's takeover of the South Australian Water Supply. The two portfolios seem so inter-related these days that it would save much beaureaucratic shuffling if the two ministres were merged.
UN Memo Shows Australian Govt Knew Of Saddam Bribes: OppositionThe Australian Government has been aware of bribe payments for Iraq wheat sales for five years, it has been claimed today. The United Nations sent official warning to the Prime Minster and the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Trade in 2000, according to Opposition Foreign Affairs Spokesman Kevin Rudd. Mr Rudd asked today: What did [Trade Minister] Mark Vaile do in response to that cable?" "What did [Foreign Affairs] Alexander Downer do in response to that cable given that it went to his office as well? "What did John Howard do in response to that cable - it went to his office as well.?"
Stranger In A Strange (Halliburton) Land
Having had local councils on my mind since learning how the Byron Bay I was just smiling over my front gate to a council inspector while explaining my unregistered dog. As I don't drive, I have no licence. In order to prove who I was You can appreciate my level of annoyance, having flown to Queensland using an album cover and a 1971 (age six) passport, played at Edinburgh Air Force Base using a
Definition of "bribery"
Halliburton- Australian tax breaks for bribes ?In Australia, foreign bribes are tax-deductable The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has found Australia should increase fines for companies that bribe foreign officials It's also concerned that lining the pockets of foreign officials to "grease the wheels of progress" will get you a discount at the Australian Taxation Office. The ATO calls the bribes "facilitation payments" The Australian-based company that the world knows best for bribery is Halliburton. A subsidiary company, wholly owned by its U.S. parent, Halliburton organises construction projects worldwide from its offices in Adelaide, South Australia. With many projects in many countries, many wheels could need greasing.
Say Goodbye, Alexander, or Alex's Wheat DreamMr Downer, the beginning of the inquiry into possible corrupt practices by the Australian Wheat Board in Iraq will be notable in hindsight as the beginning of your demise as Australian Foreign Minister.. How easily the mighty can fall. One minute you're touted to head the International Atomic Energy Agency, the next you're about to become embroiled in an international bribery scandal !
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