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Blogswonder who owns this debacle .....Defence Chiefs yesterday admitted they had made a $1
danna's numbers .....With Howard, Abbott & their ilk convincingly defeated on the future regulation of RU486 today, it’s worth taking a minute to reflect on the disgusting racial & religious bigotry implicit in Danna Vale’s comments this week, particularly given that they are indicative of an increasingly common mindset in our country, consistently encouraged by the Howard government. In the typical alarmist & dishonest “dog-whistling” fashion that has become the hallmark of the government, Danna Vale claimed that Australia would become a Muslim nation within 50 years, if the current claimed annual abortion rate of 100,000 foetuses was not curtailed.
"International Aspects" Of Australian Bribery Inquiries
As discussed earliear, US Wheat Associates were pondering the I'll take my favourtie
kept in the dark .....
From the ABC PM denies knowledge of AWB kickbacks Prime Minister John Howard says comments he made in 2003 about the Iraqi oil-for-food program were not based on any knowledge of AWB's involvement in the payment of kickbacks.
a brigand writ large .....‘It all began, as usual, with the
Prime Minister Should Intervene On Halliburton Visas- UnionsReprint of Australian Council of Trade Unions Media Release, February 14 The ACTU calls on the Prime Minister to ACTU President Sharan Burrow said today: "There is mounting evidence that the Federal Government's migrant
real core values .....
sharing our values .....‘Tonight the SBS Dateline program plans to broadcast about Although a US judge last year
full spectrum dominance .....‘The Pentagon’s plans for engaging in “virtual warfare” The enemy, of course, is you,
a sick joke .....
the gang that couldn't shoot straight .....
Immigration Minister supports Halliburton "Australian Slave Trade" DenialSenator Vanstone will need to look after Halliburton. They're the quickest way to generate a globally-competitive population increase. I'm extrapolating from the story in tomorrow's Australian: [extract] IMMIGRATION Minister Amanda Vanstone has rejected claims construction company Halliburton Australia exploited Indonesian workers hired to work in the South Australian desert. The Adelaide Advertiser newspaper reported that the company, a subsidiary of US giant Halliburton, had paid the Indonesians as little as $40 a day.
The Emperor Rann's New Clothes With four weeks to the SA election, Rann will be busy convincing the Annoouncements like this, even three months late, would be fine if the SA Labor Government had any involvement with Tenix's securing of this Defence contract. However, the decision would probably have been made by former Defence Minister Reith, who retired from the Defence portfolio into a Tenix consultancy [from ABC News On Line]
Halliburton Australia Imports Slave Labor, Refers Inquires To HoustonHalliburton Australia. has a major part of South Australian business activities It's Adelaide office was fomerly the company's global headquarters for infrastruture. Under the trading name of KBR it is employed by the State government and local councils. It has been involved in construction of the Port River Expressway and has proposed a development project for Lake Alexandrina. Halliburton is also employed by the Department Of Foreign Affairs and Trade to carry out international aid contracts on Australia's behalf, and has many defence industry contracts. In South Australia's outback, Halliburton has been flouting Australia's Industrial Relations laws by employing foreigners at wage levels inappropriate to Australian ethics.
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