Monday 27th of January 2025


the murder-inc merde-och press..

murderous press

The merde-och press has an unfair advantage in the numbers of people it reaches. The merde-och press publishes murderous crap... the murderous crap in the article above...

It tells many people to believe in falsehood. I know religions have done it for centuries but now is not the time to stray off into crapland, away from proper science.

In this amazingly erroneous article, the Sunday Telegraph of the merde-och press is telling us :

"TORNADO FEARS JUST A LOT OF HOT AIR — Forget the Hollywood disaster movie chiches, new research shows these events are rare and running out of puff, writes Malcolm Holland..."

questions without answers ....

questions without answers ....

Only weeks after allegations emerged that asylum-seeker families are being separated by immigration officials, reports continue to arrive regarding the dubious treatment of children who arrive on boats.

Fairfax Media airs today fresh claims that some children held in immigration detention are receiving little to no appropriate education as a result of overflowing holding centres on Manus Island and Nauru.

advance australia fair...


The 2013 Boyer Lecture series have been presented by Her Excellency, The Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

typhoon tony confuses toilet day and philosophy day...

the non-philosopher...

World Philosophy Day, which the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) celebrates every year on the third Thursday of November, emphasises the enduring "value of philosophy for the development of human thought, for each culture and for each individual".

the abominable no man ,,,,,

the abominable no man .....

There were 14,722,754 voters enrolled to vote at the September 7 election. Just under 79 per cent of them cast their first vote for the Coalition parties or the Australian Labor Party, compared to more than 85 per cent in 2007 when government last changed hands.

bruiser typhoon tony on the ropes...

the diplomat

Tony Abbott's handling of the Indonesian spying scandal is facing increasingly strident criticism from within Indonesia, with a powerful opposition figure and the country's former intelligence chief weighing in on the issue.

the "no" show .....

the "no" show .....

Counter-terrorism and border security sources say the standoff over spying could have a serious impact on operations if the row isn't resolved and Indonesia stands firm on its threat to downgrade co-operation.

pyne confused by bipartisanship confusion...


The Coalition has accused Labor of sending mixed messages over its commitment to bipartisanship in repairing the frayed Australia-Indonesia relationship.

no apologies but tony blames the media...

bambang abbott

Prime Minister Tony Abbott is showing no sign he intends to apologise to Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono over the spying scandal.

the joker ....

the joker ....

on message .....

on message .....

from Crikey ….

Australia a 'wrecking ball' at UN climate summit

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