Tuesday 28th of January 2025



D.E.M.O.C.R.A.$.Y .....

Selling Australian voters to the highest bidder.


boo, it's you ....

boo, it's you ....

It’s not SBY, or East Timor, or terrorist targets: it’s the warrantless snooping on ordinary Australians that can – and does – happen all the time, with very little oversight.

open for business …..

open for business …..

Tony Abbott's first 100 days in power have been marked by confusion and missteps that reveal a government on training wheels, writes Tony Wright.

stealing freedom .....

stealing freedom .....

Readers of this page are well aware of the revelations during the past six months of spying by the National Security Agency (NSA). Edward Snowden, a former employee of an NSA vendor, risked his life and liberty to inform us of a governmental conspiracy to violate our right to privacy, a right guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment.

the real culture of entitlement .....

the real culture of entitlement .....

Gaffe after scandal after lie - do the Coalition have a sense of decency at all? It's about time we gave up the fantasy that politicians can be 'shamed' into good behaviour, writes Sarah Burnside

joe's god did not tell the same thingy...

brewing for god

The Christian zealots, who gained control of many government seats with the Tea Party push back in 2010, are taking stands and actively impeding progress toward acceptance and tolerance across the U.S. and replacing it with biblical-based intolerance. 

my heart bleeds...

with care...

The Federal Government has approved the creation of one of the world's largest coal ports near the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, sparking outrage from conservationists and the Greens.

the usual suspects .....

the usual suspects .....

In the wake of Nelson Mandela’s death, hosannas continue to be sung to the former ANC leader and South African president from both the left, for his role in ending the institutional racism of apartheid, and from the right, for ostensibly the same reason. But the right’s embrace of Mandela as an anti-racist hero doesn’t ring true. Is there another reason establishment media and mainstream politicians are as Mandela-crazy as the left?

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