Friday 24th of January 2025


the killing times ....

the killing times .....

from The Stringer …..

killing the messenger .....

killing the messenger ....

from The Stringer ….

shooters versus hunters and gatherers...


Maasai — Gus'  picture library (Gus does nor remember where — possibly Kenya — circa early 1960)

murdoch and his dummies...

murdoch's dummies

WHEN THE Gillard Government announced a set of mild reforms to media regulation recently — I had an epiphany.

radio raves ....

radio raves ....

Surely the FBI could have saved itself a lot of time and trouble if it had rung our very own Alan Jones, the visionary broadcaster, to find out who was behind the Boston bombing.

dark matters ....

dark matters .....

from Crikey ….

Hockey, finally, sees the light on the road to Treasury

the dark record of broken lives ....

broken lives ....

The role of record-keeping is close to the centre of what the royal commission into abuse is all about: the battle between the Closed and the Open Society.

press conference with zero credibility...


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has indicated a Coalition government could change its position on gay marriage, after state Liberal premiers came out in support of the idea.

psychopaths support group ....

psychopaths support group ....

from the shovel ….

They say a measure of a civilisation is how it treats its most vulnerable citizens.

not appealing characters...

no appeal


THE Australian Federal Police says it’s moving in the Ashbygate matter, but it apparently still cannot get its collective head around the difference between an appeal and seeking leave to appeal.



Why can't we quit fossil fuels?


queensland rubbish...

queensland rubbish

Queensland's Opposition says it is hard to stomach the State Government's reasons for giving $40,000 to fast food giant KFC.

and god invents fire...

jones ranting


CONTROVERSIAL broadcaster Alan Jones says he believes students were responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings, and Australia should rethink its intake of foreign students after yesterday's carnage.

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