Friday 24th of January 2025


the gonski school...

going back to school...

And suddenly we have everyone coming from everywhere thrashing the Gillard education policy by giving their two bobs worth of crap... For example Mungo MacCallum tells us at the monthly:

So Julia Gillard has unveiled yet another grand plan, and this time on her chosen ground of education. And obviously the vast increases in spending on schools and students, and particularly the most disadvantaged, should be a vote winner. But as usual, the communication has been flawed, and in the process she has picked two new fights: one with the premiers and one with the universities.

our abc ....

our abc ....

Below is an Open Letter sent to the taxpayer-funded, pro-Zionist ABC ( Australia 's equivalent of  the UK BBC) and protesting its censorship of anti-racist humanitarians demanding human rights for 12 million Palestinians.

Dear Sir/Madam,

prisoners of predictive judgements .....

prisoners of predictive judgements ....

from the Drum …..

While America's indefinite detention policy is kept at arm's reach from its citizens, the men, women and children that Australia keeps in legal limbo can be found in the perfectly ordinary suburb of Broadmeadows in Melbourne, writes Jeff Sparrow.

they still take us for fools...

a bunch of fools



Well, in regard to the sorry saga - the reasons put forward to go to war in Iraq - no worries, no contest...

We were bullshitted first class by government propaganda, media laziness and greed, and some of us not only knew that, but also had the information in hand... But, like on many occasion of dissent or whistle-blowing, who wants to listen in, against the tide of orchestrated hysteria....

the real class war .....

the real class war ....

from John Passant ….

The collapse in profit rates in much of the developed world in the late 1960s and early 1970s saw the ruling class abandon Keynesianism and embrace what we now call neoliberalism.

the thugs are here...


Pity western Sydney.

misogyny in conservative ranks...

bra-less freedom

The Liberal (conservative) Party should be called the The Misogynist Conservative Party... 

When Menzies, the father of the "Liberal" Party chose the name for a conglomeration of ultra-conservative parties, his choice was a deliberate misnomer that has conned people ever since.

nearly no tax in 96 paradise...

tax evasion

Map published in Le Monde — mischief by Gus leonisky...

the hair, the air & the glare .....

the hair, the air, the glare .....

Who is society? There is no such thing. There are individual men and women, and there are families.

Margaret Thatcher, 1987.

non-believers crucifying some atheists

crucifying atheists...

They are often described as “The Unholy Trinity” – a trio of ferociously bright and pugilistic academics who use science to decimate what they believe to be the world’s greatest folly: religion.

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