Sunday 19th of January 2025


self-destructo .....

self-destructo .....

from Crikey .....

Abbott's bad week has been months in the making

Crikey Canberra correspondent Bernard Keane writes:

rare leadership .....

rare leadership .....

NSW Senator Doug Cameron made a speech yesterday in the Australian Senate in support of the people of Palestine and particularly referred to the terrible situation of the people of the Gaza Strip.

a modern mata hari .....

a modern mata hari .....

On taking office in 2007, Labor had the political savvy to get controversial decisions made quickly, while its reputation was still unsullied and before resolve could crumble under Canberra's lobbying system. And at the UN, it seized an early opportunity to signal that foreign policy was under new management, supporting a resolution calling on Israel to stop establishing settlements in the Palestinian territories and a resolution calling for the Geneva Conventions to apply there.

aw shucks .....

aw shucks .....

Former US defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld admitted in an interview that the country "would've been better off" if he had quit after the 2004 Abu Ghraib scandal and spared no criticism of his colleagues in his new memoir published Tuesday.

In "Known and Unknown," Rumsfeld defends his handling of the war and recounts his government career serving Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush.

However the former Pentagon chief also admitted his biggest error during his tenure under Bush was his failure to convince the president to accept his resignation in the wake of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.

hearts of darkness .....

hearts of darkness .....

Since the turn of the twenty-first century, we have lived through a historical period in which the United States relinquished its tenuous claim to democracy.

The frames through which democracy apprehends others as human beings worthy of respect, dignity, and human rights were sacrificed to a mode of politics and culture that simply became an extension of war, both at home and abroad.

top bananas...

top bananas

It took just two days for the price of bananas to jump in supermarkets after Cyclone Yasi hit, but the early price rise is the result of a gesture from the major chains to help farmers recover.

Coles and Woolworths have back-paid farmers for bananas picked before the cyclone in anticipation of crop damage.

Banana Growers chief executive Jonathan Eccles says it is a positive move on behalf of the supermarket chains.

"What both supermarkets have done - the fruit that's already in their warehouses - they have backdated payments to the growers at well above what was the normal price they were paying," he said.

shit happens .....

shit happens .....

It was as unexpected as a red gum, impervious to all that could be thrown at it, suddenly toppling days after the storm.

Julia Gillard, scorned for weeks during the dreadful summer of natural disasters as lacking empathy, as wooden, as incapable of displaying emotion, finally could no longer withstand the strain.

Standing in the Parliament yesterday, she unfurled a muddied Australian flag recovered from the flooded Queensland town of Murphys Creek in the body-strewn Lockyer Valley & her voice began cracking.

oppose till it hurts...

a brat in opposition...

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has announced $2 billion of cuts that he says the Government should make instead of imposing a flood levy.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard proposes to raise money for flood reconstruction through a mix of the levy and spending cuts.

But Mr Abbott says there is enough room in the budget to find the money without the levy.

"I think Australians have suffered enough without having to suffer through a new tax," he said.

Mr Abbott says a Coalition government would save $600 million by deferring water buybacks in the Murray-Darling Basin.

retirement planning .....

family planning .....

There is a lot more behind Hosni Mubarak digging in his heels and setting his thugs on the peaceful protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square than pure politics. This is also about money. Mubarak and the clique surrounding him have long treated Egypt as their fiefdom and its resources as spoils to be divided among them.



NSW Labor will put the cost of living at the heart of its re-election campaign, promising to ease the impact of surging electricity prices with a $250 rebate on power bills and restrict increases in public transport fares and government charges.

The Premier, Kristina Keneally, has also promised to legislate to keep Sydney Water, Hunter Water and the desalination plant at Kurnell in public hands, prompting the Coalition to rule out privatising Sydney Water and Hunter Water if it wins on March 26.

crops of ill-grains...


Genetically modified crops will be allowed to enter the UK food chain without the need for regulatory clearance for the first time under controversial plans expected to be approved this week.

The Observer understands that the UK intends to back EU plans permitting the importing of animal feed containing traces of unauthorised GM crops in a move that has alarmed environmental groups.

Importing animal feed containing GM feed must at present be authorised by European regulators. But a vote on Tuesday in favour of the scheme put forward by the EU's standing committee on the food chain and animal health would overturn the EU's "zero tolerance" policy towards the import of unauthorised GM crops.

stuffing the turkeys...


Donald Rumsfeld, much loathed and despised as a perpetrator of war and torture, has a message for the world: Don't blame me. That turns out to be the theme of his upcoming memoir, Known and Unknown, extracts of which appeared yesterday in the American press ahead of the book's publication next Tuesday.

thieves & their enablers .....

thieves & their enablers .....

Shell stoked up the heated debate about the high cost of fuel on the forecourt today after reporting it made profits of nearly £1.6m an hour over the last three months.

A leading member of the road lobby said motorists would be "sick to the stomach" and declared that Shell - and a tax-taking Treasury - were "laughing all the way to the bank".


Talk of democracy from Obama and Clinton will not purge the record of US involvement

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